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Trump Prevents Zarif from Addressing UN Security Council

EU is just satellite states of USA .. they don't matter ... and almost all of them supported USA in this issue and threaten us in behalf of USA ... so , don't fool yourself with this kind of things ...

Don't think like that. You know, if EU sided with Trump it would devastate us? They didn't do it partially because they didn't want to look like losers after negotiating JCPOA, but mostly it is because Zarif and his excellent skills in diplomacy. Trump quit the deal, and the EU lacks backbone to stand against USA, but they don't stand with him. Thats the entire point.

Scandinavian countries are mostly good willed.
Sweden is liberal, but Norwegians are extremists.
Don't think like that. You know, if EU sided with Trump it would devastate us? They didn't do it partially because they didn't want to look like losers after negotiating JCPOA, but mostly it is because Zarif and his excellent skills in diplomacy. Trump quit the deal, and the EU lacks backbone to stand against USA, but they don't stand with him. Thats the entire point.

Sweden is liberal, but Norwegians are extremists.

well , they comply with all USA sanction and even refuse to sell medicine to us ... so what more you excepted from them !?
well , they comply with all USA sanction and even refuse to sell medicine to us ... so what more you excepted from them !?

Thats because they are afraid of US. They havent publicly gone out and condemned us, said they stand behindUS and would support any US attack. Instead they say they DONT support US decisions, Congress dont support it, the democrats dont support it. They all want good relations with Iran. And it is only because of Zarif, it is not Zarifs fault Trump would prove to be such an unreliable actor. It's unfair for you to blame Zarif. Zarif negotiated 200 billion dollars of our assets released. JCPOA gave us a 12-13% increase in GDP in 1 year. We were finally after 40+ years getting new top modern air planes. All while having good relations with both USA and EU. It's not Zarifs fault.
Thats because they are afraid of US. They havent publicly gone out and condemned us, said they stand behindUS and would support any US attack. Instead they say they DONT support US decisions, Congress dont support it, the democrats dont support it. They all want good relations with Iran. And it is only because of Zarif, it is not Zarifs fault Trump would prove to be such an unreliable actor. It's unfair for you to blame Zarif. Zarif negotiated 200 billion dollars of our assets released. JCPOA gave us a 12-13% increase in GDP in 1 year. We were finally after 40+ years getting new top modern air planes. All while having good relations with both USA and EU. It's not Zarifs fault.

so , the result is same for us ...

Zarif as a diplomat should consider this things and the weakness of EU against USA ...

and didn't fool Iranians citizens with lies about diplomacy ...

so ultimately Zarif didn't do his job well and we are cornered because some naive idiot ( or traitor ) signed some treaties and disarmed us before hand ....

One of Zarif traitorous act was this sentenced he spoke before signing JCPOA to dis heart Iranian :" USA can destroy our army with one missile ... "
One of Zarif traitorous act was this sentenced he spoke before signing JCPOA to dis heart Iranian :" USA can destroy our army with one missiles ... "

Zarif does not understand that Washington has been more evil than the devil.
He is also very skilled in diplomacy. Ahmadinejad demonized Iran in the eyes of the west. Zarif fixed our image. Almost every EU and UN representative likes him. He is the only reason they are not siding with Trump.
Pretty much. Diplomacy is just as important as defense. In fact, a good diplomat can be far more dangerous than a weapon.
EU is just satellite states of USA .. they don't matter ... and almost all of them supported USA in this issue and threaten us in behalf of USA ... so , don't fool yourself with this kind of things ...
Actually, they didn't. In fact, a lot of them are pretty frustrated at the US, and have not shown public support for pres trump.
Actually, they didn't. In fact, a lot of them are pretty frustrated at the US, and have not shown public support for pres trump.

their military wing show full support of USA ... NATO state they support USA ...
Look at how Obama got away with Libya and Syria
I'd say those are bad examples, and in fact, I'd consider them him biggest blunders. Syria is basically in the control of Russia and Iran, due to Obama refusing to take early preventative action. While Libya ended up in a civil war, where US interests fell apart.

A good example would be the Iran nuke deal, which won him a lot of good will.
I'd say those are bad examples, and in fact, I'd consider them him biggest blunders. Syria is basically in the control of Russia and Iran, due to Obama refusing to take early preventative action. While Libya ended up in a civil war, where US interests fell apart.

A good example would be the Iran nuke deal, which won him a lot of good will.
My point is he bombed Libya, bombed Syria, funded ISIS, but still, everyone look at him as if he was Gandhi. Thats because he knew how to play the diplomacy game
their military wing show full support of USA ... NATO state they support USA ...
NATO is not the EU, nor is it the military wing of the eu. And NATO did not side with the US.

My point is he bombed Libya, bombed Syria, funded ISIS, but still, everyone look at him as if he was Gandhi. Thats because he knew how to play the diplomacy game
I'd dispute the "funded isis" part, as isis needed zero funding.

You're right about his reputation though.

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