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Trump changes the game forever

I don’t think you understand. Iran knows the movements of every high ranking US general in the region.

If a US General is arriving in Iraq and moving into the Green Zone he is not expecting to be attacked by Iran.

There was no effort to hide Solemani contrary to what is said. When he is on the battlefield that is different because terrorist groups do not care about “red lines”.

So Solemani knew If one day the US decided to pick him off in Iraq there is not much he can do outside of staying in Iran sitting behind a desk for the rest of his life. Every Quds force operative takes that risk when he leaves the Iranian border.

There was no betrayal here. US decided to violate all red lines for a “trophy kill”. Trump is so stupid he views everything like a child. How many “trophy kills” did he get vs Obama vs Bush. That’s all he cares about.

US just joined Israel as the only other country to engage in cowardly military killings on neutral territory with a country they are not formally at war with.

It would be like if a Pakistani general landed in Turkey only to get assassinated by an Indian Drone that was there to fight Kurdish rebels. Surely nobody would be saying that India was “brave”.

US just cemented it’s image as a cowardly bitch military.

Personal opinion, looks like Trump has been schooled. Trump wasn't in favour of foreign wars. His voter base was also against foreign wars. Looks like that deep state bypassed him and went ahead. Because if he was in favour of the killing he would be jumping over and over on twitter claiming it.
Personal opinion, looks like Trump has been schooled. Trump wasn't in favour of foreign wars. His voter base was also against foreign wars. Looks like that deep state bypassed him and went ahead. Because if he was in favour of the killing he would be jumping over and over on twitter claiming it.

No my friend this is exactly how it went.

Trump: “who did the embassy attack, I see his name painted on our embassy”

His officials: “we think Solemani was behind it,”

Trump: “whose that”

officials: “A very bad guy that has hurt us sir”

Trump: “why don’t we kill him”

officials: “No other president has done that sir”

Trump: “So I will be the first and coolest president to do that?”

Officials: “yes sir”

Trump: “I order you to do it”
No my friend this is exactly how it went.

Trump: “who did the embassy attack, I see his name painted on our embassy”

His officials: “we think Solemani was behind it,”

Trump: “whose that”

officials: “A very bad guy that has hurt us sir”

Trump: “why don’t we kill him”

officials: “No other president has done that sir”

Trump: “So I will be the first and coolest president to do that?”

Officials: “yes sir”

Trump: “I order you to do it”
I presented mine view that Trump is anti-war.

Please shut up you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

Solemani has been in and out of Iraq visiting members of parliament to break the deadlock over a new PM.

You cant just “illegally” enter Iraq via the airport and go into the green zone.

Dumbest thing I have ever read.
so says an "iranian editor". I'm sure he's speaking of his free will. :rolleyes:

No my friend this is exactly how it went.

Trump: “who did the embassy attack, I see his name painted on our embassy”

His officials: “we think Solemani was behind it,”

Trump: “whose that”

officials: “A very bad guy that has hurt us sir”

Trump: “why don’t we kill him”

officials: “No other president has done that sir”

Trump: “So I will be the first and coolest president to do that?”

Officials: “yes sir”

Trump: “I order you to do it”
to add to it:

Officials: "mission completed sir"

Trump: "great. so I am no longer impeached, right"

Officials: "uhm, I'm afraid you still are impeached sir"

Trump: :(
correct. as a General, he wasn't invited by the Iraqi government to do anything on their soil, there is no "official" campaign that Iran and Iraq are conducting against isis nor anything else that would mandate such a high ranking official who is well known on the electronic media to be on the Iraqi soil. Iran shot itself in the foot...AGAIN! unless someone can prove that he was there officially, on state business then I'm stickin' with my argument that he was there illegally.
It might be a ploy!!! Now, both President Trump and Mollas are winners as far as the domestic audiences are concerned....

By the by, they might have used a "look alike" of SQ to get the job done...

According to the Last Shah, he was undone in a "two weeks notice" by the combo ops of CIA+Islamists+Communists!!! FYI, Iran has the highest %of communists/atheists in the Muslim world...

Let's look at the LOSERs: MBS/MBZ etc.!!! They have to accommodate the USA even more at an exponential rate....

The Ultimate WINNER: the US capital market (it's not for the common US citizens to make money there)....
It might be a ploy!!! Now, both President Trump and Mollas are winners as far as the domestic audiences are concerned....

By the by, they might have used a "look alike" of SQ to get the job done...

According to the Last Shah, he was undone in a "two weeks notice" by the combo ops of CIA+Islamists+Communists!!! FYI, Iran has the highest %of communists/atheists in the Muslim world...

Let's look at the LOSERs: MBS/MBZ etc.!!! They have to accommodate the USA even more at an exponential rate....

The Ultimate WINNER: the US capital market (it's not for the common US citizens to make money there)....
Agreed. The ultimate winner in parallel are both Russia and China. Cuz now, the ayatollah will pander and cader to both Beijing and Moscow like crazy to ensure there support.
I belive irànian proxies will attack Americans everywhere.. US had made big mistake...
This is a very old tactic to kill the personality before killing the person. Same way Julius Caeser was killed and it went unpunished.
Wonder which one of killers of Julius Caesar went unpunished ?
Wonder which one of killers of Julius Caesar went unpunished ?
All of them including the official killer Brutus who gave a famous speech following the assassination. Killers were awarded indemnity so that they could not be punished.
All of them including the official killer Brutus who gave a famous speech following the assassination. Killers were awarded indemnity so that they could not be punished.
The outcry in Rome made the assassins to fled rome and go into the exile and then in 43 BC octavian passed a law and labeled all the killers As murderer and then Liberators' civil war happened and all the assasines were killed or committed suicide. And it just happened two year after the assassination of Caesar.
The outcry in Rome made the assassins to fled rome and go into the exile and then in 43 BC octavian passed a law and labeled all the killers As murderer and then Liberators' civil war happened and all the assasines were killed or committed suicide. And it just happened two year after the assassination of Caesar.
They were killed for different reasons. There was no trial under the Roman legal system for the killing of Caeser. That is the point. Roman used to have a solid legal system.
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Agreed. The ultimate winner in parallel are both Russia and China. Cuz now, the ayatollah will pander and cader to both Beijing and Moscow like crazy to ensure there support.

Tay pehlon kehra oh aanday dayn daya si, pehlon vi oh china tay russia day khudday che para mal kay baitha si.
Pakistan will be viewed as an enemy no matter what decision we take. Iranian stance lately has been very harsh towards Pakistan and they coordinate pressure with India.

Better for Pakistan to stay out of this situation. If terrorism increases from Chahbahar, we will have no choice but to react in Iranian Balochistan.

Afghan Taliban will take advantage of the situation to get revenge on Iranians, just like Iran did to them when US invaded Afghanistan.

I think the US has successfully set the trap for Iran and called their bluff. Iran won't have many options after this. The intelligent thing is to swallow their pride and move on.

We can see Iran's proxies starting to switch sides and sue for peace, and a more defensive Iran from this point onwards.
We as muslims and as a military minded people have very short memory...this guy deserves respect...both in military and religious sense...

This is a clear case of "betrayal/treachery"... it is a biggest loss we as Muslims and military people. he was the only Military Gen. that had successfully organized and defeated ISIS in Syria and Iraq...and commandant of a force that has a goal set to free Quds...

Differences aside he was the most feared military personality of Iran..nothing comes close...

1st thing Iranians will do is take there time and find how far the betrayal goes...only after that..they would do something...may the informant was killed in strike as well.
Now a days it is very possible to tracking any one . Betryal is also may be done by Iraqi officials or source also . But why did he need to physically present at Iraq to give US an easy target .
They were killed for different reasons. There was no trial under the Roman legal system for the killing of Caeser. That is the point. Roman used to have a solid legal system.
senate passed a law and named them murderer and the official reason for the war that later resulted in their death was that Octavian wanted to punish the murderer of Caesar and Mark Anthony waged a defamatory war against them that drive them out of Rome.
and by the way Second triumvirate unlike First triumvirate that was a personal agreement was completely legal .
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