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Trump changes the game forever

Iran failed to learn from comrade Kim of DPRK.

Yup. Iran's single biggest blunder so far.

It's only North Korea's nukes that forced the US to sit down with them after seven decades and start talking.

The Iranians have forgotten how proud and suicidal the powerful Japanese Empire was but it only took two nukes to put sense into them.
Yup. Iran's single biggest blunder so far.

It's only North Korea's nukes that forced the US to sit down with them after seven decades and start talking.

The Iranians have forgotten how proud and suicidal the powerful Japanese Empire was but it only took two nukes to put sense into them.
Blessing for us tho. We don’t want one more enemy having nukes just on our border. What is more bad is that their BMs actually work
..and what if Iran hits back with nuclear weapons? Is US ready for it? What if this war take a "little longer than expected?" and what if they give massive damage to US during the battle?
What will happen when dead bodies of Irani and American soldiers be received by their respective families?
..and how it is going to effect on other nations as well as how it is going to impact the so called climate change (which was quite a hot topic in past few days).
This is really painful for me to imagine.
US public is usually ignorant of the adventures of their establishment/deep state. They need another vietnam to wake up. As long as the cost for US is only financial they will continue but once body bags starts to appear at doorsteps then public might do something.
Yup. Iran's single biggest blunder so far.

It's only North Korea's nukes that forced the US to sit down with them after seven decades and start talking.

The Iranians have forgotten how proud and suicidal the powerful Japanese Empire was but it only took two nukes to put sense into them.
Not to mention foolish Gaddafi and Saddam who gave up their only deterrence.
Hey buddy, do you think, this situation is a blessing in disguise?
Do you see iran more oriented towards Pakistan, China and Russia after this ?
Could they realize that they have been wrongly betraying us from some time ?

@PakSword @Mangus Ortus Novem @blain2
You guys are thinktank (if not officially on this forum), let me know your views as i find you people quite reasonable.
I don't think so, it is not a blessing in disguise. I am also afraid that Pakistan shares her border with Iran and if war starts then one way or another a pressure might be developed in Pakistan-Iran border. In addition to that, Pakistan will face immense pressure from Iran's ME rivals and from the house Al-Saud of Arabia and not to forget that US may start to put pressure upon Pakistan to either choose sides. Pakistan should stay neutral in this regard.
Taliban may take benifit of situation and start pressuring. Also, even if war halts then might be jihadi groups will erupt and start causing problems for Pakistan.
Hence, Iran's hostility towards Pak may increase due to Pak's nutrality or no matter what decision Pak takes it will be very risky.
I hope that Bajwa sahib will make strong eye contact and clearly deny any kind of involvement US will ask for.
Has United States of America completed her targets in Afghanistan and Iraq? What their troops are still doing in Afghanistan and why they want to have peace dialogues? What about Iraq? In addition to that US already has a challenge in the form of China. Why American government is making same mistake over and over.
Trump has created problem not only for himself but also for poor American people.If he was really able to solve it and had his "superior hand" over Iran then this wouldn't have come to this level. This shows that Trump's foreign policy in the case of Iran has not functioned and he has failed to build pressure in early stages or else Iran would have withdrawn.
It's not about chest thumping or bragging about military power.It is about political and strategical blunder.

Its going to have the same impact on the US that it had during World War II.

Surely, you're not suggesting that if Iran fires a few nukes which can't even reach the US, the US is only going to retaliate with equal proportion?

Just look at how the US air and naval power totally dominated air and naval powers of all it's adversaries to date when Pentagon gets the green light.

Also, the wars that US "loses", I don't what exactly they lose other than some dollar, pride and some soldiers. But they do make sure the countries they fight with are totally decimated, turned into rubble and unable to challenge the US.
If anyone thinks that imperialist hegemony will rest after hitting Iran, they are fool ! They also once threatened Pakistan with bombing back to stone age during general Musharraf time. It is Iran today and tomorrow it may be you !
I don't think so, it is not a blessing in disguise. I am also afraid that Pakistan shares her border with Iran and if war starts then one way or another a pressure might be developed in Pakistan-Iran border. In addition to that, Pakistan will face immense pressure from Iran's ME rivals and from the house Al-Saud of Arabia and not to forget that US may start to put pressure upon Pakistan to either choose sides. Pakistan should stay neutral in this regard.
Taliban may take benifit of situation and start pressuring. Also, even if war halts then might be jihadi groups will erupt and start causing problems for Pakistan.
Hence, Iran's hostility towards Pak may increase due to Pak's nutrality or no matter what decision Pak takes it will be very risky.
I hope that Bajwa sahib will make strong eye contact and clearly deny any kind of involvement US will ask for.
And if US officially starts in iran, they wouldn’t just use the iraqi front rather they will use their troops stationed in Afghan as well.

Is such a thing happen, then Afg Tal will definitely interfere vs US inside Afg right ?
US, Israelis and Russians all killed government officials of an enemy state in the past but they were refrained from publicly acknowledging those assassinations. There were 'plausible deniabilities' in order to prevent tit for tat reactions. These all came to an end after Trump not only had officially acknowledged the overt killing but also bragged about it. The taboo no longer exists. Does Iran have both financial and military capabilities of assassinating a high government figure anywhere in the world in some overt and spectacular styles ? Of course , they do. Trump has now raised the stakes of the game. Iran has to do it all itself now without any proxy if it wants to match Trump.
100% disagree. iranians were being sloppy, you don't send high ranking officials, military or otherwise, on foreign soil unless it's official business and mandated by the foreign soil's government. You sure as HELL don't send em on clandestine operations. This was just friggin stupid on the part of the Iranians, basically gave the americans the perfect opportunity poom a silver platter. If your a well known official on foreign soil, you had BETTER be there on official business or expect just this. It's like, if the indian army chief was sneaking around in Afghanistan without being on an official visit on Pakistan's border, OF COURSE Pakistan would blow him to bits...we almost DID blow him to bits in Kashmir and that's occupied territory!
Blessing for us tho. We don’t want one more enemy having nukes just on our border. What is more bad is that their BMs actually work

Even Afghanistan had 2,000 SCUD-B ballistic missiles and they fired 17 of them on Pakistan between 1989-1990. But look at Afghanistan and Pakistan today.
Not gonna be a conspiracy theorist but part of me also thinks that this whole issue with Iran is to start the next war in middle-east by the US.

They want to test their new weapons and tech and need a new ground/war to do that. They seem to be itching to pick a fight with Iran...it's just a thought.
100% disagree. iranians were being sloppy, you don't send high ranking officials, military or otherwise, on foreign soil unless it's official business and mandated by the foreign soil's government. You sure as HELL don't send em on clandestine operations. This was just friggin stupid on the part of the Iranians, basically gave the americans the perfect opportunity poom a silver platter. If your a well known official on foreign soil, you had BETTER be there on official business or expect just this. It's like, if the indian army chief was sneaking around in Afghanistan without being on an official visit on Pakistan's border, OF COURSE Pakistan would blow him to bits...we almost DID blow him to bits in Kashmir and that's occupied territory!

Are you sure about the official status of his tour to Iraq ? Are you claiming that general Solaimani illigally entered Iraq ?
Are you sure about the official status of his tour to Iraq ? Are you claiming that general Solaimani illigally entered Iraq ?
correct. as a General, he wasn't invited by the Iraqi government to do anything on their soil, there is no "official" campaign that Iran and Iraq are conducting against isis nor anything else that would mandate such a high ranking official who is well known on the electronic media to be on the Iraqi soil. Iran shot itself in the foot...AGAIN! unless someone can prove that he was there officially, on state business then I'm stickin' with my argument that he was there illegally.
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