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Trump changes the game forever

If Iran attempts to harm any US officials or those of their allies, the Iranian theocracy as we know it is over. Both sides know this.
We do not know until it takes place. However, no one is safe unless it has the capability of reaching the US mainland just like Russia, China and DPRK.
Hey buddy, do you think, this situation is a blessing in disguise?
Do you see iran more oriented towards Pakistan, China and Russia after this ?
Could they realize that they have been wrongly betraying us from some time ?

@PakSword @Mangus Ortus Novem @blain2
You guys are thinktank (if not officially on this forum), let me know your views as i find you people quite reasonable.
Only IF Pakistan did something positive for Iran, otherwise not.
And from the looks of it, nothing like that is happening.
As far as China Russia goes, too early to say anything.
Not to mention foolish Gaddafi and Saddam who gave up their only deterrence.

Those two were foolish so as the Ukrainians for returning the nukes to Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Iranians were crazy enough to backstab Pakistan by handing-over Pakistani uranium centrifuge designs to the US in the hope the Americans will bomb Pakistan and instead spare the Iranians. But unfortunately for them, they are still paying the price for their backstabbing.
Not gonna be a conspiracy theorist but part of me also thinks that this whole issue with Iran is to start the next war in middle-east by the US.

They want to test their new weapons and tech and need a new ground/war to do that. They seem to be itching to pick a fight with Iran...it's just a thought.
True, war is good business for US weapons industry. And this will allow them to sell weapons to US, Saudis and Israelis.
That's why you gotta hit infrastructure I keep saying, targeted cyberattacks or sabotage through sleeper cells, gotta make the war dogs bleed where they sleep.
Out of control capitalism becomes such a monster that it never becomes satisfied. It becomes a mortal enemy of mankind.
That's why you gotta hit infrastructure I keep saying, targeted cyberattacks or sabotage through sleeper cells, gotta make the war dogs bleed where they sleep.
You think the guys who invented these games won't be able to play it? Cold war had some really really hair raising stories of sabotage by both sides. Compared to ruthlessness of Soviet intelligence anyone else is simply an armature at best.
We as muslims and as a military minded people have very short memory...this guy deserves respect...both in military and religious sense...

This is a clear case of "betrayal/treachery"... it is a biggest loss we as Muslims and military people. he was the only Military Gen. that had successfully organized and defeated ISIS in Syria and Iraq...and commandant of a force that has a goal set to free Quds...

Differences aside he was the most feared military personality of Iran..nothing comes close...

1st thing Iranians will do is take there time and find how far the betrayal goes...only after that..they would do something...may the informant was killed in strike as well.
You think the guys who invented these games won't be able to play it? Cold war had some really really hair raising stories of sabotage by both sides. Compared to ruthlessness of Soviet intelligence anyone else is simply an armature at best.
Yes. Russians are at a very different height of the spy games. Never mess with mother Russia and mother in law.
Relax Guys. No such thing is going to happen. Iran doesnt have capabilities tondo anything. It only talks thats it

i have never heard or seen Mr. khamanie (supreme leader) used harsh language...words like "we will avenge" ...i dont think this is turning into worst case scenario...yet everything thing is rosy on Mediterranean beach! (israel)

they dont need to attack USA when they can attack israel..
correct. as a General, he wasn't invited by the Iraqi government to do anything on their soil, there is no "official" campaign that Iran and Iraq are conducting against isis nor anything else that would mandate such a high ranking official who is well known on the electronic media to be on the Iraqi soil. Iran shot itself in the foot...AGAIN! unless someone can prove that he was there officially, on state business then I'm stickin' with my argument that he was there illegally.

Please shut up you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

Solemani has been in and out of Iraq visiting members of parliament to break the deadlock over a new PM.

You cant just “illegally” enter Iraq via the airport and go into the green zone.

Dumbest thing I have ever read.
i have never heard or seen Mr. khamanie (supreme leader) used harsh language...words like "we will avenge" ...i dont think this is turning into worst case scenario...yet everything thing is rosy on Mediterranean beach! (israel)

they dont need to attack USA when they can attack israel..
Either he will or Iran will become a doormat for powers to walk over. Anyways, interesting times ahead.

Please shut up you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

Solemani has been in and out of Iraq visiting members of parliament to break the deadlock over a new PM.

You cant just “illegally” enter Iraq via the airport and go into the green zone.

Dumbest thing I have ever read.

just as i said case of betrayal/treachery!
just as i said case of betrayal/treachery!

I don’t think you understand. Iran knows the movements of every high ranking US general in the region.

If a US General is arriving in Iraq and moving into the Green Zone he is not expecting to be attacked by Iran.

There was no effort to hide Solemani contrary to what is said. When he is on the battlefield that is different because terrorist groups do not care about “red lines”.

So Solemani knew If one day the US decided to pick him off in Iraq there is not much he can do outside of staying in Iran sitting behind a desk for the rest of his life. Every Quds force operative takes that risk when he leaves the Iranian border.

There was no betrayal here. US decided to violate all red lines for a “trophy kill”. Trump is so stupid he views everything like a child. How many “trophy kills” did he get vs Obama vs Bush. That’s all he cares about.

US just joined Israel as the only other country to engage in cowardly military killings on neutral territory with a country they are not formally at war with.

It would be like if a Pakistani general landed in Turkey only to get assassinated by an Indian Drone that was there to fight Kurdish rebels. Surely nobody would be saying that India was “brave”.

US just cemented it’s image as a cowardly bitch military.
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