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True Soldiers losing Pride over Indian Army By Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Last night while scrutinizing my received emails, two mails of Indian soldiers made me force to write on a continuously deteriorating standard of my neighboring‘s army. The emails addressed to me were of a non commissioned officer (NCO) and young disappointed captain of fighting echelon of Indian Army. The soldiers’ identities are not being disclosed in this article because of the promise of anonymity. Out of these brave soldiers NCO has been court marshaled once he protested Indian Army selection criteria for deputation abroad. In fact the NCO pointed out in an inquiry that officers’ cadre of his army is involved in financial corruption and takes money for selecting and sending soldiers on foreign assignments. In this regard, some incompetent soldier was preferred over him in the selection of foreign assignment. The NCO was thrown away from the army but still and till now failed to get justice despite knocking the door of Indian Supreme Court.

The young Sikh captain (other sender of email) has remained posted in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) and saw occupied forces brutality and their criminal actions against armless innocent Kashmiries. He listed number of cases of raping girls, woman and murdering young Kashmiries in email. He himself witnessed the incident of night of third and fourth December 2008 at around 12:00 A.M. when six Indian troops of 36 RR and 146 Battalion CRPF barged in the house of Mohammad Abdullah Khatana in south Kashmir village at Dandipora, Kokernag locked Abdullah in a room after thrashing him. Then, afterwards four troop’s gang raped the 17-year girl for an hour, while other two were guarding them. The captain further narrated that number of incidents of raping, murdering and beating of women, young and old individuals either are not being reported or covered by twisting on the name of militancy in Kashmir. He further added that confrontation of right and wrong in my mind is on peak which really made me half mad and losing pride of my commission in the army.

The worries of young Indian captain are very genuine and can only be felt by true soldiers those join the fighting forces with pride, dignity, and faith. He stressed that he is depressed because of behaviour, corruption and immoral and unethical acts of his seniors and comrades. He said that he is feeling dispirited since two years or so and seriously thinking of quitting the army. At the end that spirited soldier asked me to help him in taking the decision.

It is mentionable here that Indian armed forces are terribly losing their credibility because of increasing cases of mis-conduct, immorality, corruption, misappropriation and unethical activities. Brief accounts of appended cases in this article are sufficient enough to reveal the bleak and pathetic picture of Indian Army:

Troops committed in IHK are involved in extrajudicial killings, disappearances, torture and rapes. More than one lac innocent Kashmires have been killed in Kashmir Nexilles and Maoist. During ongoing Kashmir Independence movement more than 300 Kashmiries have been been killed since September 11, 2010. Government of India made very very little progress on during over Indian Army mascara against Sikhs from 1984-94.

Former Indian Army Chief; Gen Deepak Kapoor tried to over look misappropriation committed by the then Military Sectary (MS). The former chief had to change decision on Ministry of Defence intervention. Four Gen officers (MS, Lt Gen Avadesh Prakash, Lt Gen Ramesh Halgali, Lt Gen PK Rath and Maj Gen P Sen) involved in land scandal in West Bengal Sukhna Cantt.

Israeli Aero Msls Scam. 64 Crore paid to middlemen, UPA govt
earned 600 Crore "business charges", 6 % of contract amount. The Gorshkov Scam. Commodore Sukhjinder Singh, and officials in Indian Govt were bribed heavily by Russians for the deal.

1st Battalion of Indian Army recruited *** workers, with the help of RAW, posted as border guards in IHK, to provide "fun". The soldiers are constantly committing suicide, suffering serious med problems due to unsafe ***. According to Indian media reports females along either side of Indo-Myanmar, Indo- Bangladesh and Indo- Nepal borders are also victims of forced rapes by frustrating Indian soldiers. It is also reported that Indian Govt procuring 1,000 units of condom vending machines to promote safe *** practice. It is high time that over 20 senior officers (Brig or above) faced charges of corruption, moral turpitude in past 3 yrs.

Maj Gen AK Lal, dismissed after proven guilty of sexually assault a junior woman officer. In 2007 two Lt Gen SK Oahiya, Sahni, two Maj Gen and more than 50 junior officers were charged for irregularities. CBI sorted out Maj Gen Anand Kapoor for possessing disproportionate assets amounting five crore.

Maj Gen Gur Iqbal Singh Multani, found guilty in smuggling of large qty of liquor to his hometown. In Jul 09 Capt Poonam, ASC, has alleged 3 officers for mental sexual harassment. But unfortunately the same lady has been thrown out of army. In Dec 09 Brig Guredeep of 16 Corps earned millions in the name of forest fire. Now again 03 Jun 10, Engr-in-Chief Lt Gen Nanda, was asked by Indian Army chief to quit on molesting the wife of his Tech Sectary but Gen has been made clear through local type inquiry .

Incidentally ,bulk of the corruption in armed forces is because of involvement of Indian intelligence agencies RAW and CBI Both agencies extensively found engaged in blackmailing, bribing, liquor sup, drug trafficking and offering girls to
attract senior officers. RAW and CBI have become the symbol of terror amongst
the troops.

Indian young lots also seem to be worried about continue declining of the reputation of Indian armed forces since number of senior officers have been refused visa .in the recent past Canada refused visa to Lt Gen Amrik Bahia (retired) ex DGMO on ground that he had served in Kashmir, where Human violations were committed by Indian Army. Fateh Singh was denied visa by Canadian government for his association with a "notoriously violent" force (BSF). Two brigs were denied visas in 08 and another in 09. Retired
Lt Gen Bhatia was also refused visa in 08 on similar ground. Sidhu, a retired IB officer, was denied visa in Mar 10, as he belonged to the "inadmissible" cat of persons. Similarly, number of seniors’ military leadership has cheated the nation and government over Kargil Conflict. The Armed Forces Tribunal has indicted a former Lt Gen (Kishan Pal) for showing bias against a Brig in a
falsifying accts of battles. In this regard AF Tribunal has ordered Army to delete a distorted report during the 1999 Kargil war.

In short Indian Army Chief VP Singh rather feeling proud on their self generated wonders should analyze the factors and causes which are taking their soldiers away from humanity and profession. The Indian Forces including Para Military Forces and police are playing in the hands of politicians. These opportunists are using them for crushing Sikhs, Muslims and Christian. Thus, instead playing in the hands of extremists Hindus, General Singh should forces his political leadership to resolve the conflicts with the neighbouring countries. Gen must take stern actions against those violators of human rights.
How shame full.... This is why Kashmiri need freedom and this is why it is better to stay away from indians.

I hate this lesbo banki moron who provide cover to all indian crimes just out of his hate for China and its friends.
Good going Indian army;).....we are proud of you....lage raho !!


Last night while scrutinizing my received emails, two mails of Indian soldiers made me force to write on a continuously deteriorating standard of my neighboring‘s army.

why the hell would they write to a pakistani??

wat a shoddy piece of propoganda....No wonder pakistan cannot even free their kashmiri brethen from india`s clutches ...
Maha Fail, since 1947

arey yaar why would these ''soldiers'' write to u when the easier choice would have been arundhati roy or medha patkar!!!
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These opportunists are using them for crushing Sikhs, Muslims and Christian. Thus, instead playing in the hands of extremists Hindus, General Singh should forces his political leadership to resolve the conflicts with the neighbouring countries. Gen must take stern actions against those violators of human rights.

wow crushing of sikhs when the prime minister is sikh and crushing christians when the defence minister is christian!!! and abt muslims what can i say....u guys consider indian muslim leaders as puppets!
I don't care about corruption or any other thing in indian army, indian soldiers suicides etc some time you listen it on news but it does not concern us.

The only thing which made me sad is all that massacre and violence in Kashmire done by indian army, i strongly condemn killing of innocent Kashmires and nobody can contradict with this.:angry:
I don't care about corruption or any other thing in indian army, indian soldiers suicides etc some time you listen it on news but it does not concern us.

The only thing which made me sad is all that massacre and violence in Kashmire done by indian army, i strongly condemn killing of innocent Kashmires and nobody can contradict with this.:angry:

oh yes just before ur post evry indian was about to contradict this post. but now we shall not . thank you.

hey heres a pointer from me too...u know there is a police force in jammu and kashmir?? That is not the indian army. yeah thats one secret u know now.:azn:
Good going Indian army;).....we are proud of you....lage raho !!



Could u say the same thing for 1984?
When indian army was saying Lagey raho!

Down with indian savages rampaging indian OCCUPIED KASHMIR... looting,killing and raping.
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