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Troll Fest:Bharatis are Sad that Netanyahu Didn't Include Indian Flag in his Tweet

70% are real, rest 30% are memes that exaggerate real Indian behavior.
The handles are of some Indian/Pakistani/bangladeshi muslims who created fake IDs in the name of Israelities to belittle those Hindus supporting Israel
Almost every Indian in the comments section is supporting Israel, why do you think Twitter handles are fake...they are the same except for some memes.
I meant the Israeli handles abusing Indians are fake
verry verry bad people thee pakishtanis are lol 😝 ...time for shar gi cal shtrikes
ISI's 5th generation warfare which DGSPI was speaking about refers to this
"Fuming".. No, not really.

" Laughing out loud, over bunch Pakistanis circle jerking each over twitter and PDF".. definitely.

Trust me! We know when a bharati troll fumes.

Infact we have been lighting Indian Lungi on Fire all the time on PDF.

So far Indian Trolls are working 24/7 on Damage Control for Modi's Image being tarnished because of Indians gasping for oxygen.

We understand the embarrassing situation you Indian trolls have landed in.

Netenyahu has given a middle finger to your country and we have lit your bharati lungi on fire.

If anyone who is Laughing out loud right now is the world Instead of you bharati Trolls complaining about it on PDF.
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The handles are of some Indian/Pakistani/bangladeshi muslims who created fake IDs in the name of Israelities to belittle those Hindus supporting Israel

I meant the Israeli handles abusing Indians are fake

ISI's 5th generation warfare which DGSPI was speaking about refers to this

Evidence that they are fake?......... :azn:
Indians have an admiration of how strong Israel is. Israel is geographically tiny 30km x 120km, small population, no natural resources, surrounded by enemies on all sides. Its only resource is the talents, hard work and dedication of its people. Yet it flourishes while the nations around it decline.

People will hate Israel for its success. The best way to deal with Israel is to emulate it in a Muslim way.
... Israel... Its only resource is the talents, hard work and dedication of its people.

Where do you think the F-15s and the F-35 come from? Talent, hard work and dedication of its people? Not very bright are you..

Imagine arming Bangladesh with 300 of most advanced US fighters, among other weapons, and I swear we could lay entire Indian Cow Belt into uninhabitable wasteland.
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Where do you think the F-15s and the F-35 come from? Talent, hard work and dedication of its people? Not very bright are you..

Imagine arming Bangladesh with 300 of most advanced US fighters, among other weapons, and I swear we could lay entire Indian Cow Belt into uninhabitable wasteland.

Israel is a hightec arms hub. Bangledesh makes jeans for Old Navy.

Israel with its 9 million people has more talented people than Bangladesh with its 163 million people.
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Israel is a hightec arms hub. Bangledesh makes jeans for Old Navy.

Israel receives the biggest Economic AND Military support, PER CAPITA, from 'certain countries', that is unparalleled in the history of nations states. So you can't compare us to Israel, it's not a level playing field.

India receives a lot of aid, not the level of support Israel gets, but still more than BD and yet we have surpassed your GDP per capita.

So look at your slum kingdom before taking a piss at any other developing country. It's funny though while cheerleading for Israel you suckdeeps totally forget you live in a shithole.
Chalo Indian posters have dismissed genuine Israeli handles as fakes. Yes there's a few, many are not.

This must be fake Pakistani ISI agents as well;

"Dirty, filthy, Don't want to visit"

"Don't want to visit, Don't relate"

"Incredible place, would go back, peaceful"

"Not interested, don't want to go, China looks interesting " :lol:

"India is terrific, spent time in Goa"

"India, beautiful place"

"Interesting, lots of potential, but many more interesting place to visit"

"Beautiful place, like to go"

"Went, nice, but many things wrong, I didn't trust the people scammers"

Four negative reviews.
Four positive.
1 neutral.

Based on that you would get at least half of the Twitter handles making negative remarks.
It's not set in stone but gives you some idea.
Israel receives the biggest Economic AND Military support, PER CAPITA, from 'certain countries', that is unparalleled in the history of nations states. So you can't compare us to Israel, it's not a level playing field.

India receives a lot of aid, not the level of support Israel gets, but still more than BD and yet we have surpassed your GDP per capita.
View attachment 745059

So look at your slum kingdom before taking a piss at any other developing country. It's funny though while cheerleading for Israel you pajeets totally forget you live in a shithole.

Why does it matter where I live? I admire people for their success and look to see if I should or can emulate it. What do you do... Hate other for there success and then bury your head in the sand.
You think you can emulate it? lmao

Education, democracy, capitalism with an underlying religious nationality.... maybe a little.

There are some things that we cannot emulate. Jews are a people with a unique history. A history unlike any other people on Earth.
Education, democracy, capitalism with an underlying religious nationality.... maybe a little.

If you could, you would have by now. Israel came into existence around same time as India.

btw. You ever see how many Indian ceos there are now?

Yes, I have noticed a couple of Brahmin CEOs. Smart no doubt, also best co(k$uckers.

Btw, have you noticed 80% of H1b goes to Indians? Partly explains this anomaly.
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