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Training Afghan Forces - Hilarious!

^Afghanis are not all the same.

It's a mixture of ethnic groups.

I doubt any serious Pashtun would join th ANA, when it's (leadership) so obviously pro-Tajikified and Uzbekified.
The first three videos are not ANA, the first one is i guess private security guards.The second and third are definitely men of some warlord being trained to work as border police, after the fall of Taliban the Americans used mercenaries from local warlords, which would even introduce young boys to get more cash.

Now back at ANA, i think we have come a LONG way but indeed they need more time and training but they are doing just great.

Regarding Pashtuns not joining the ANA, i think it just shows the ignorance of people who don't know the ground reality there.The Afghan defense minister is himself a pashtun and so are most of the prominent generals.The ANA is seen in Afghanistan as the way forward among ordinary Afghans, the way these brave men fight for only ONE thing and that is Afghanistan NOT any single ethnic group.

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Come on stop criticizing the Afghan's, Dont you guys have any shame?? How can you expect them to be equivalent to Other countries when they are amidst a great crisis????

Honor them that they have the Fire burning in them to protect there land and the world by destroying the terrorists....I salute The ANA, keep up the good work, Show the world what you guys can do...
On the other hand.... the enemies are training also...

Well, atleast Afghanistan military is trying. Good luck guys.
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On the other hand.... the enemies are training also...

YouTube - mujahideen training so sweet

Well, atleast Afghanistan military is trying. Good luck guys.

Its not the insurgents in Afghanistan, these are men of Jund Ansar Allah a Palestinian salafist group...

There is no question that the insurgents are lethal and cunning esp the Al-Qaeda, but so far our security forces have bravely and effectively fought them.

I believe being trained in such a harsh environment, having to face experienced and very determined enemy, the ANA is inshallah one day gonna be one of the toughest armies in the world...
mwahahaha .. we performed better in our ncc's
laughing at the Afghans... huh!
History proves that Afghans are real tough fighters, their natural environment makes them hard from outside and inside.
As of now they are not highly trained and disciplined as a soldier due to their present political condition, so it is unfair to compare them with any trained force, even the Taliban receives thorough military training from..........you know whom.
BUT as an individual fighting machine, not trained in military tactics, an Afghan is, in any day better than an average Pakistani or Indian soldier in terms of endurance, surviving in harsh climatic conditions with scarce food supply etc.

Therefore, given some training, they could be the world's toughest and deadliest soldiers.
Learn to respect other ppl, U RETARD!
Don't worry bro.
your country's pride is in your hand.
No matter what other people say, keep your country in your heart and move on.
If you love your country, others cannot let your country down.
With every insult, your love for your country should multiply.
laughing at the Afghans... huh!
History proves that Afghans are real tough fighters, their natural environment makes them hard from outside and inside.

History proves that Afghans are real tough fighters...true.

History proves that Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Hazaras (the people who make most of ANA) are real tough fighters? Dont be so sure about it.

Afghan Taliban are mostly Pashtun. History proves that Pashtuns are real tough fighters not the Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras.
BUT as an individual fighting machine, not trained in military tactics, an Afghan is, in any day better than an average Pakistani or Indian soldier in terms of endurance, surviving in harsh climatic conditions with scarce food supply etc.

False. Northern Pakistan has this type of terrain as well, and people from there can be just as tough. Also the gurkas from Nepal are one the best, also due to living in the Himalayas region.
False. Northern Pakistan has this type of terrain as well, and people from there can be just as tough. Also the gurkas from Nepal are one the best, also due to living in the Himalayas region.

Yes, "Northern Pakistan has this type of terrain........." and may be some other parts of Pakistan as well BUT not whole of Pakistan.
Likewise, Gurkhas from the Himalayan region of India and Nepal are tough as well due to their natural environment and terrain BUT whole of India doesn't have such terrain.
Whereas, almost all of Afghanistan is mountainous and desertous which make its inhabitants naturally more enduring.
It is scientifically proven that people living in desert areas, live longer and people living in hilly areas need less oxygen to survive than people living in plains.
This is why I said that an Afghan is more tough than an average Pakistani or Indian NOT all Pakistanis and Indians.
Northern punjab=mountainous
Gilgit Baltistan=moutainous
sindh=sandy,plain n rocky hills
south punjab=desert
lower punjab=plain.

Go figure....
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