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Training Afghan Forces - Hilarious!

True the percentage of baluch and sindhis is not much in the army... they make like 15-20%..... thts why the reforms r being made.... infact PA just inducted 5000 baluch youth in the army... and thousands mor r being recruited..but there is no discrimination.... its th personal choice of people..

Another thing reguarding the point u made .. im a baluch and my father is a Brig in PA and commanding a brigade ...

42% vs 58% tajiks,hazaras... thts still makes pashtuns a minority..... anyways discrimination is still there in ANA.

I just proved the percentage of Pashtuns is not 30-40% as you claimed earlier. Pashtuns are not the majority but the biggest ethnic group in Afghanistan, ofcourse all the other groups put together are more than Pashtuns. Discrimination is a social problem related to illiteracy and 30 years of war mixed with some dark phases in our history. ANA represents this society, however the only institution which bears most respect in the Afghan society from all ethnic groups is the army. They are seen as the guardians of the country by the majority except the Wahabbi extremists who prefer the "holy warriors", you can witness that even on social networks.
When have Afghans gone out of the region and had a decisive victory? Answer=Never. If you want to insult Pakistan feel free. We feed and host many Afghans and that is our honour. If you want to insult our people and army, feel free. Indians have been doing it and I guess Afghans will generally now do it too.

If Allah swt is on your side, then who do you have to fear?

If Allah swt is against you, then you can you count on? Indians?

Hundreds? nice imagination... they were a few dozen... and at tht time there was a peace accord between govt and the taliban... even than those guys were court marshalled.

Abt ANA soldiers... no they dnt surrender to the taliban... they just sell their weapons to them, and to NATO are known as 50% soldiers who change their loyality for money

Do you want me to post their videos? what about the thousands in B'desh? What happend to the "Death before surrender" motto?
And then we have the same NATO soldiers praising their bravery, calling them their brothers and acknowledging they run towards the enemy to destroy it rather from it when the bullets start flying.

---------- Post added at 04:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 AM ----------

Hundreds? nice imagination... they were a few dozen... and at tht time there was a peace accord between govt and the taliban... even than those guys were court marshalled.

Abt ANA soldiers... no they dnt surrender to the taliban... they just sell their weapons to them, and to NATO are known as 50% soldiers who change their loyality for money

Do you want me to post their videos? what about the thousands in B'desh? What happend to the "Death before surrender" motto?
And then we have the same NATO soldiers praising their bravery, calling them their brothers and acknowledging they run towards the enemy to destroy it rather from it when the bullets start flying.
When have Afghans gone out of the region and had a decisive victory? Answer=Never. If you want to insult Pakistan feel free. We feed and host many Afghans and that is our honour. If you want to insult our people and army, feel free. Indians have been doing it and I guess Afghans will generally now do it too.

Some basic research on the history of Afghanistan could help. I have no will to insult anybody,but ppl living in houses made of glass shouldn't be throwing stones. The thread itself was made to belittle our army, Afghan Falcon dealt with it properly back then and am only responding to others now.
I just proved the percentage of Pashtuns is not 30-40% as you claimed earlier. Pashtuns are not the majority but the biggest ethnic group in Afghanistan, ofcourse all the other groups put together are more than Pashtuns. Discrimination is a social problem related to illiteracy and 30 years of war mixed with some dark phases in our history. ANA represents this society, however the only institution which bears most respect in the Afghan society from all ethnic groups is the army. They are seen as the guardians of the country by the majority except the Wahabbi extremists who prefer the "holy warriors", you can witness that even on social networks.

U proved nothing ... gave a link to a journalists column who is said to have links with TTP which have been aired on TV.

If PA had 15% pashtun it wouldnt have a long list of pashtun Chief of army staffs:
Yahya khan
Ayub khan
Gul hassan
Tika khan
Abdul waheed kakar

And countless generals in the Pak army..

Belonging to a military family i know the real stats... 40-45% punjabi(inclding punjabi speaking pashtuns,baluch,Kashmiris)...35-40% pashtun and rest are sindhis,baluch and baltistanis.

Last time when regular afghan army invade bajaur city... 50 years back the local bajauri people killed 3000-4000 afghan askaris .... without Pak army support.... So if u think ANA can try such a misadventure... think again.
Some basic research on the history of Afghanistan could help. I have no will to insult anybody,but ppl living in houses made of glass shouldn't be throwing stones. The thread itself was made to belittle our army, Afghan Falcon dealt with it properly back then and am only responding to others now.

I am not one to belittle Afghanistan at all. I love and support Afghanistan, once the US and Karzai leave. If you want to know what one Punjabi family in Pakistan, thinks about Afghans, then here you will have it. In my house in Pakistan, Afghans are the ones that have never lost a war and are known to have one of the toughest warriors on Earth. If you guys want to be anti-Pakistan then all the power to you.
U proved nothing ... gave a link to a journalists column who is said to have links with TTP which have been aired on TV.

If PA had 15% pashtun it wouldnt have a long list of pashtun Chief of army staffs:
Yahya khan
Ayub khan
Gul hassan
Tika khan
Abdul waheed kakar

And countless generals in the Pak army..

Belonging to a military family i know the real stats... 40-45% punjabi(inclding punjabi speaking pashtuns,baluch,Kashmiris)...35-40% pashtun and rest are sindhis,baluch and baltistanis.
Will that put a stop to your insistence?
Last time when regular afghan army invade bajaur city... 50 years back the local bajauri people killed 3000-4000 afghan askaris .... without Pak army support.... So if u think ANA can try such a misadventure... think again.

Where did this come from? :rofl: Talking of insecurity. Don't worry though our Special ops have been across the border more than once ;) I provided you the link like months ago so don't ask please :D and PLEASE can you guys please stick to the topic?
I am not one to belittle Afghanistan at all. I love and support Afghanistan, once the US and Karzai leave. If you want to know what one Punjabi family in Pakistan, thinks about Afghans, then here you will have it. In my house in Pakistan, Afghans are the ones that have never lost a war and are known to have one of the toughest warriors on Earth. If you guys want to be anti-Pakistan then all the power to you.

It's funny how much Pakistanis hate Karzai, he is actually criticized for being too soft and friendly with Pakistan back home! Anyways Karzai will leave, US will leave but inshallah our security forces are here to stay. I wouldn't hold my breath regarding change in Afghan policy after Karzai's departure though, unless fundamental changes occur whoever comes to power will be like him or worse.
It's funny how much Pakistanis hate Karzai, he is actually criticized for being too soft and friendly with Pakistan back home! Anyways Karzai will leave, US will leave but inshallah our security forces are here to stay. I wouldn't hold my breath regarding change in Afghan policy after Karzai's departure though, unless fundamental changes occur whoever comes to power will be like him or worse.
Pakistan has more influence in Afghanistan, than Karzai does. We have people that have been a part of Afghanistan, that live in Pakistan. The name and hero of Ahmad Shah Abdali was born in Multan, not far from where I was born. What will Afghans get out of war with Pakistan, when we provide most supplies and food with Afghanistan?

Did u even read the thread? Lol..

Where did this come from? :rofl: Talking of insecurity. Don't worry though our Special ops have been across the border more than once ;) I provided you the link like months ago so don't ask please :D and PLEASE can you guys please stick to the topic

This came from bajaur... it happened exactly 50 years ago...and it happened several times....

Here is a small example... though there r many... but i couldnt find the links ... enjoy reading this till than...:


Lol afgha special forces inside Pakistan...links are ur imagination....

Il tell u a short story....there is a place in baluchistan called Qamardin kareez tht borders afghanistan we have an FC post in an area called ghati china....... ... one day 8 bikes n 8 suvs of mighty ANA tried crossing an area called "dagar" n also fired an RPG on the nearest FC post which stands on a strategic point from where u can see the entire area...

And in response FC troops fired the POF manufactured 14.7 DsHK anti aircraft gun at them.... 6 fell near a empty ditch/drain.... and the mighty ANA wouldnt dare pick them up until night when they were allowed ... by orders frm Zhob Militia HQ and FC IG.

It's funny how much Pakistanis hate Karzai, he is actually criticized for being too soft and friendly with Pakistan back home!

He spent a long time in quetta (like millions)when USSR captured afghanistan... and still talks nonsense... what a loser.

Anyways Karzai will leave, US will leave

Usa will leave? i have a feeling they will keep troops in afg.... maybe a small presence.

but inshallah our security forces are here to stay.

Whats the desertion rate ?

I wouldn't hold my breath regarding change in Afghan policy after Karzai's departure though, unless fundamental changes occur whoever comes to power will be like him or worse.

USA,karzai want talibs to join afghan govt..
We don't war at all;but we Pakistanis will **** your pro Indian, Afghan Army and also your weasel like nation. Let the US leave and see who reigns supreme.

Dude grow up.... speak in a civilised way or no need to speak out at all
I would like Afghanis to respond to this thread, rather than run away.
Dude grow up.... speak in a civilised way or no need to speak out at all

Pakistan not wanting confrontation should be civilized enough. You Indians are the only ones inciting brotherly nations to go to war against each other.
Pakistan not wanting confrontation should be civilized enough. You Indians are the only ones inciting brotherly nations to go to war against each other.

I posted two videos actually showing the training of Afghan forces, their NCO's and training regime... and you went ahed with your hate rant.... and you say Indians are inciting .... this thread was started to undermine the abilities and aspirations of Afghans and show them as incompetents... i wanted to prove you guys wrong and give the picture on the other side....
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