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Topgun : Maverick - Review

America and the westvknmy foght nations that cannot fight back. Try it with China...even in the movies they dare not

Top Gun is more about promoting (American) military than wargaming "great powers."

I watched the 1st movie. It has a different vibe than a typical war movie. I could see it.

In regards to fighting great power(s):

They have fought war(s) with the British Empire, Spanish Empire, and the Mexican Empire in older times when colonialism was the global norm. They fought Germany, Italy and Japan in World War 2 (Axis Powers of the time). They fought both China and USSR in the Korean peninsula next. This is impressive track record and resume.

But why fight another 'great power' directly when (other) countries can be used for the needful? This was how the Cold War was fought in large part. WE see repeat of this strategy in Ukraine now.

US and Russia found a way to co-exist in Syria but both sides sought and fought for access to Khasham in 2018.

But war is not a good thing, particularly in modern times. Even a regional war can create a humanitarian crisis (and cascading effects) because population bases are larger than before and weapons are also increasingly lethal.

People should strive for a better future.
So If anyone hasn't seen the first movie, will they still be able to understand and enjoy it?


you wouldnt understand the context... it is about Maverick

First off, did you watch it on IMAX or just the regular Cinema Screen?

regular with dolby sound...

America and the westvknmy foght nations that cannot fight back. Try it with China...even in the movies they dare not

4 F-18s doing a deep penetration strike ... with tom cruise.. only in holly wood can this scam work

What country next to Iran has their nuclear program spread out and parts of it hidden under mountains??


Iran?! With what aircraft? Fictionary or F-14? And what did Maverick have this time?


I wasn't feeling the Callsigns in this one. Fanboy! Harvard! Yale! - Seriously? That's best they could do?

Bob was the best :)
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Yeah, Iran is the only Country with F-14, but they don't have Su-57 -

Yes but Russia will sell to any one who pisses USA off.

any way attack sequence was unrealistic.. they took out one air base?..lol what were the other airbases doing? eating chelo kebabs?

and the Hind attack sence so dam unrealistic ... any military would want to capture a pilot alive.. except it was Pakistan and he was caught by civilians
Liked the movie but just like mariveck said in the movie: "dont think".
How does the iranian locate such an important facility in a place with only 2.30 mins flight distance from the coast.
Seen it but no realism in movie where does those SU 57 came Iran never have them and how in the world that tom cat can beat SU 57 not possible

and how easily they stole a Irani jet without any hostility a piece of pie stealing a jet

They should have shown Russia as enemy bad story line

What shown in movie may might be done in realistically and destroy Iranian nuke sights

agree it was actually dumb

i mean they could have shown Maverik beating up his enemies i have no issue with that... at the same time shown a more capable and realistic enemy.

In many the first topgun they gave good respect to the opposing team .. you really felt worried against the enemy. in this one.. it was like sure no problem

Liked the movie but just like mariveck said in the movie: "dont think".
How does the iranian locate such an important facility in a place with only 2.30 mins flight distance from the coast.

correct at low altitude it would have been at least 20 mins+.. very unrealistic. considerng how much time they had to refine this movie...

seriously too much BS hype on this movie.

It's a good film but let's be honest it is not a shred on the original and never will be. It simply came years too late and many of the great actors who were in the first have aged now. Also the original had the awesome soundtrack with the likes of Stevie Steve, Kenny Loggins, Berlin all contributing which carried the movie to greater heights.

The opening alone is better than any scene in the sequel;

correct... all the supporting cast minus Jeniffer, Ed harris, and the new boss were crap... they were wooden and really no talent... over the top clowns..

although bob was funny and good

its getting good reviews

people's standards have fallen

Should be a spoiler tag :/

this is PDF... nothing is a secret here. 8-)
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i had a blast watching it, LOTS of nostalgic value, the starting gave me goosebumps and crap loads of reference to the original

Penny Benjamin, Cobra maneuver, Iceman ... ahhh

factually there were/are shit loads of problems with the movie which we can talk for hours, but hey i went for good action flick not for a fact finding documentary so all is good for me 10/10

the only thing disappointing was the sound track, honestly the original had way better sound track

going again with me kids :D

now for some spoilers:

  • Mav going airborne without permission to prove the timing parameters?
  • 4 ship strike package without air cover?
  • Alert-5 never launched when bandits were seen as direct threat to the package?
  • Stealing a jet, taking off from taxi way? err okay!
  • 5th gen fighter was never able to detect Hangman coming towards him and Hangman managed to get a WVR kill?
  • Finally they managed to address one thing which had been bugging about TopGun to me, TopGun was always about dogfight but in the original there was never one single gun kill, this time around at least they managed to show a kill from a gun
  • Terrain seems to be mix of Iran and Russia, does i guess they didn't wanted to pin point one place only but yes more emphasis towards Iran considering they are only nation with functioning F-14s
  • Interestingly i found Heleh protected area right next to coast of Iran which closely resembles the mission : https://www.google.com/maps/place/H...5140ca8f9e7cad4!8m2!3d29.1885109!4d50.8040271
Seen it but no realism in movie where does those SU 57 came Iran never have them and how in the world that tom cat can beat SU 57 not possible

and how easily they stole a Irani jet without any hostility a piece of pie stealing a jet

They should have shown Russia as enemy bad story line

What shown in movie may might be done in realistically and destroy Iranian nuke sights

agree it was actually dumb

i mean they could have shown Maverik beating up his enemies i have no issue with that... at the same time shown a more capable and realistic enemy.

In many the first topgun they gave good respect to the opposing team .. you really felt worried against the enemy. in this one.. it was like sure no problem

correct at low altitude it would have been at least 20 mins+.. very unrealistic. considerng how much time they had to refine this movie...

seriously too much BS hype on this movie.

correct... all the supporting cast minus Jeniffer, Ed harris, and the new boss were crap... they were wooden and really no talent... over the top clowns..

although bob was funny and good
I bet 70% of the lot watching the movie won't even know what the heck has happened on earth ....
SU - 57s getting killed by a freaking F-14, like give me a break, SU would not fire off the damn BVR but the cannons ..... :lol:
So Iran is the victim of CIA Hollywood this time lol. Not spending any money or time on that shit.
I watched it Friday. Irrationally heroic movie without the original topgun magic but I still enjoyed it.
Btw, I never knew a subsonic Tomahawk could surpass a Super Hornet at supersonic speed :cheesy:

I teared up at the first flashback scene and relived the whole Goose's crash sequence. :cray:

If the enemy is Iran, could someone please explain how Maverick flew to snowed mountains in 2 minutes? :unsure:
correct... all the supporting cast minus Jeniffer, Ed harris, and the new boss were crap... they were wooden and really no talent... over the top clowns..

although bob was funny and good

Yep the acting from the 'young Guns' was dire and cringe in many places.
The cast from 86 was the whose who;

Screen Shot 2022-05-30 at 16.00.40.png

There's a reason why the critics and the hardcore fans said it can never match the original.

One of the big draws of the first which makes it far superior to the sequel is the soundtrack I mean come on;

Kenny Loggins in shades singing Danger Zone....

Berlin 'Take my Breath Away'

Of course the Top Gun 'anthem'

The fact they couldn't come out with a new soundtrack which paid homage to the original tells you everything. Now people may say oh that would take the nostalgia away but simply say to them go and listen to the Terminator score and the score for Terminator 2 Judgement day, a fantastic sequel soundtrack which respects the original but is unique in its on way.

I will give respect to the fact they still kept true to director Tony Scott's original where much of footage of the action is in real life using Naval professional pilots.

However as most people would say it's a great film, but not to the standard of the first.
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