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today / 331 before Christ was the battle of Gaugamela

Your ancient pagan statue religion is death, no books are left to practice your religion again. And no my friend , Greeks are Greeks and Italians are Italians. Just because some Greeks lived in southern Italy doesnt mean Greeks are relatives of Italians. And don't forget by percentage of population you have maybe more black and afro-asiatic (North-africans and arabs) in your country than we have in Iran. We're Iranians and will always regain and reappear.

You see us in Syria and Iraq, where once the parthians were. Although I respect Italians, Where are Italian armies? You are puppets/followers of germanic armies (usa, uk etc.) You have no power anymore to be active outside your borders like in ancient world.

Your war and power is now about stopping refugee boats, it's fought in your own waters and Inside your own country. Unlike you we Iranians kill many enemy people outside our borders, we destroy their houses and we send soldiers and project our Powers there. Even the Islam I see is dying a slow death among us. We're going towards the right direction, and you?

I don't wish bad for Italy of Greece, but because of we've some muslim apes in power who don't celebrate our parthian ancestors who defeated seleucids or our heros after islam who fought for independence and created new Iranian dynasties like the Buyids, that doesnt mean that we Iranians should accept any propaganda from our ill wishers, be it from muslims or so called united "west"

Our old religion? I just need to open a book from Ovid and know evry detail. Down to evry traditional details like the vesta virgins and so on. So i dont know what exactly you try to express?

Italians are a mix of etruskians and greeks. That was our foundation.

We have 200.000 black and afro asiatics in Italy. In Iran its far over a million.

Where are Italian armies? In Italy and the mediterranean. Protecting our borders. Thats what our army is made for. I have zero interest in sending our armies to some shithole.

We dont fight in our waters. Our frigates are in Libyan waters. And the refugee numbers went down to zero since June.


Are you retarded ?

The vast majority of people sees Iran as arabic.
You are not Muslim ... But I am !

Yes ... I'm not an Arab !

It doesn't matter ... Because vast majority of PDF members think you are gay ... Should we care ?

You obviously care, otherwise you would not react with an angry rant about the fact, that for 99.9% of european and americans you are arabic.
You obviously care, otherwise you would not react with an angry rant about the fact, that for 99.9% of european and americans you are arabic.

You have been Iran and you know we don't speak Arabic ... (And 95% don't understand Arabic) so by calling Iranians Arab you want to ease an ancient butthurt ...
Wrong it was Emperor Constantinus. Christianity was a pure roman creation and has zero in common with its origins. Its a mix of the old roman religion, roman politics and a some myths from abroad.

Just like evry religion.

I stated I wasn't sure which emperor....Christianitiy was hijacked by Rome.....
You have been Iran and you know we don't speak Arabic ... (And 95% don't understand Arabic) so by calling Iranians Arab you want to ease an ancient butthurt ...

I was only one time and did not know much. I learned only there that it does not speak arabic. Most others dont know that. Its not meant in a bad way, its simply that most people dont know.
I was only one time and did not know much. I learned only there that it does not speak arabic. Most others dont know that. Its not meant in a bad way, its simply that most people dont know.

But you said :

Iran is Arab

You said that ... You !

So it's all clear ...
I stated I wasn't sure which emperor....Christianitiy was hijacked by Rome.....

Christianity was created by Rome. Evry religion in the world is made by someone and evry religion is made as a tool to create and hold power. Practices get mixed and form something that represents a certain culture. Christianity today was forged from so many Roman things. From almost all provinces of th Empire.
iran's biggest historical problem was a lack of serious institutional powers...

no matter how strong a king is. he will inevitably die at some point, to be replaced by a son whos grown up in nothing but wealth and surrounded by yes men.

this is not a recipe for long term effective governance. and it showed. Iranian major defeats had a repeating theme. usually involving a combination of political instability, a weak inneffictive ruler, coinciding with the temporary high point of some other group... (alexander of macedon, arabs with the rise of islam, Genghis khan etc..)

on the other hand, Persia really nicely managed and outright humiliated on numerous occasions one of the most powerful empires of its times ..... Rome. unfortunately for the Romans, even though they were probably as stong/ probably even stronger then the opponents who decisively defeated iran. The circumstances never perfectly fit for them like the others...

such ups and downs is almost inevitable when you are on top for 1000s of years. That's also where the modern day contempt for a little wannabe bully called the united states of America comes from.

some pathetic arabs see the muricans as some sort of mortal gods on earth... While Iranians are not really all that impressed. we have seen far more impressive empires in our history rise and fall. and there is nothing special about the declining American empire...
iran's biggest historical problem was a lack of serious institutional powers...

no matter how strong a king is. he will inevitably die at some point, to be replaced by a son whos grown up in nothing but wealth and surrounded by yes men.

this is not a recipe for long term effective governance. and it showed. Iranian major defeats had a repeating theme. usually involving a combination of political instability, a weak inneffictive ruler, coinciding with the temporary high point of some other group... (alexander of macedon, arabs with the rise of islam, Genghis khan etc..)

on the other hand, Persia really nicely managed and outright humiliated on numerous occasions one of the most powerful empires of its times ..... Rome. unfortunately for the Romans, even though they were probably as stong/ probably even stronger then the opponents who decisively defeated iran. The circumstances never perfectly fit for them like the others...

such ups and downs is almost inevitable when you are on top for 1000s of years. That's also where the modern day contempt for a little wannabe bully called the united states of America comes from.

some pathetic arabs see the muricans as some sort of mortal gods on earth... While Iranians are not really all that impressed. we have seen far more impressive empires in our history rise and fall. and there is nothing special about the declining American empire...

Dont foret that Rome also humilated Persia again and again. What was the persian king whose son got executed by Rome? He was so devastated that he died shortly after.

Thats what i mean. This war was absolute pointless. Even more so when you imagine what Rome and Persia could have achieved in an alliance.
my ancestors created christianity.

NO, MY ancestor's created Christianity and Judaism. Thank us Egyptian Arabs, later.

We Are not Muslim.

Islamic Republic of Iran

Religion Official:
Islam (Shia)

Today, Twelver Shia Islam is the official state religion, to which about 90% to 95% of the population adhere.

Virgin Mary is a transformed version of the greek godess Artemis and egyptian godess Isis.

Yeah no, and that would still make it our religion.

Jesus is heavily influenced by Osiris.

Yeah no, and that would still make it our religion.
NO, MY ancestor's created Christianity and Judaism. Thank us Egyptian Arabs, later.

Islamic Republic of Iran

Religion Official:
Islam (Shia)

Today, Twelver Shia Islam is the official state religion, to which about 90% to 95% of the population adhere.

Yeah no, and that would still make it our religion.

Yeah no, and that would still make it our religion.

Egypt was part of the Roman empire. And it was highly addored by my ancestors.

If you know your history, you do know, that the Roman Empire never showed any disrespect towards Egypt.
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