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today / 331 before Christ was the battle of Gaugamela

Here we go. Another moron! Your rants are nonsense. First, Christ was a Jew. Your ancestors did not create Christianity.If you have read the Bible, I am assuming that you are Catholic, then you should know the four Marks of Catholicism. Christians were persecuted by the Pagan Romans for centuries. If you have been to the Vatican, then you know why the catacombs exists. Your ancestors were pagans that worshiped statutes.

Second, Greeks and Romans were not the same people. Southern Italy and Eastern Sicily were colonized by ancient Greeks, who founded many cities there. Napels, Neapolis means new city In Greek.In the southern regions of Italy, like Apulia, Calabria, Basilicata and Sicily most of the people have a common DNA with Greeks,Because they are Greek.The Romans conquered the Greeks after the Battle of Corinth in the 146 BC. The Greeks were superior in all fields to the invaders. The Greeks influenced the Romans with art, government, foods, and sciences. The Foundation of the Rome was from the Greece.

Third, Persians are not semitic people. Arabs and Israelis are cousins; they are Semitic people. Their languages are from the Semitic family of languages. The Iranian tribes moved from the Caucas region and settled in Pars( modern day Fars region). Our language is from the Indo-European family of languages.

Now if You want to talk Ancient battles and Empires, I can go on for pages. The Greeks were Persian subjects for Centuries. All you have to do is look at ancient maps of the extensive Achaemenid Empire, stretching from the Indus in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. This fascination and hostile attitude has existed in Europe and exists to this day that you are superior. Now lets give you a quick history on the first of several Persian Empires
  • In 547 BC Cyrus the Great conquered the region that is now called Turkey.
  • In 525 BC Cambyses sacked Egypt
  • In 522 Darius the great invaded Europe and sacked Thrace ( modern day Balkans and Bulgaria)
The Greek colonies of turkey at that time were ruled by the Persians. When they revolted with the help of mainland Greece, they were crushed. Darius the Great punished the Greeks in the following battles:
  • Mardonius and his army conquered Greek Island Thasos
  • Persian army sacked and conquered Macedonia
  • Persian conquered Aegean islands
Unfortunately, Darius the Great passed away. The next campaigns starts with Xerxes when his armies go west. Unlike the Hollywood movies, The Persian army destroyed the Greek garrison at Thermopylae. Boeotia was added to the Achaemenid empire, and Athens was captured. The truth is that the Greeks were completely defeated and ran to Salamis. Xerxes states this in the Davis inscription. Now in many subsequent battles which lasted for half a century, the Greeks were able to defeat the Persian expeditionary forces. So the famous battle that you are celebrating in Rome, the battles of Issus and Gaugamela, were actually fought by the Greeks under the command of Alexander not the Romans. This happened in 334 BC, 150 years after the Persians sacked burnt Athens to the ground.

This false pride sentiment is similar to Arabs beating their chests to their once and only Triumph 1500 years ago. We were defeated by primitive savage people, which took over 35 years, details and reasons I will not get into, not because they were superior but because no empire or anything will last forever including the current American Empire.

We have all seen recently what these sub-human savages have done in Iraq and Syria. Today, Iranians, along with their allies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon have handed a decisive defeat to Salafi-Subhumans in Iraq and the Levant who were supported by the American Empire and all European heavy weights . Do you think your historians, with their self fulling prophecy of supremacy, will write about this defeat? Will they talk about how the Iranians moved thousands of troops, and supplies 800 miles away from the mainland to defeat the Empire and its proxies? Do you think they will accept this defeat write how an army supported by modern day Roman Empire along with over a dozen militaries was defeated. The question is what have your people done since the ancient times. We, collectively, as Iranians have risen and fallen. Our most recent military dominance was under Nader. What have the Greeks and Italians done? Not much!

Greece is in a sad state were women sell themselves for 5 Euros .Your beloved Italy will be no more thanks to your sell out politicians that opened your country up to an invasion from Africa to south and Salafi- sub humans to the East. So instead of celebrating a battle that you did not fight in ancient times, you should morn the destruction of your culture by the Barbarians.
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Trigged !

Are you referring to my post?

There is a special day today. Italian newspapers make articles about the battle of Gaugamela, the battle that ended the persian empire.

Its crazy. Alexander won with his 40.000 soldiers against 200.000 persian troops.

Evrywhere in Italy we have paintings and mosaics which depicts this victory


Alexander was a military genius. The persian king prepared the battle field and Alexander noticed this. Darius formation was so big, that it could not change its tactics. While Alexanders troops did sleep, Darius and his troops had to stand in formation and wait until the greeks attack.

When the greeks attacked, they did so in a not expected way and simply walked around the persian formations. They let the persian battle groups run into empty space and then finished them off from behind. They then charged directly at the persian king, who did run away.

That the King of persia did run away was basicly the end for the persian empire.

Here we go. Another moron! Your rants are nonsense. First, Christ was a Jew. Your ancestors did not create Christianity.If you have read the Bible, I am assuming that you are Catholic, then you should know the four Marks of Catholicism. Christians were persecuted by the Pagan Romans for centuries. If you have been to the Vatican, then you know why the catacombs exists. Your ancestors were pagans that worshiped statutes.

Second, Greeks and Romans were not the same people. Southern Italy and Eastern Sicily were colonized by ancient Greeks, who founded many cities there. Napels, Neapolis means new city In Greek.In the southern regions of Italy, like Apulia, Calabria, Basilicata and Sicily most of the people have a common DNA with Greeks,Because they are Greek.The Romans conquered the Greeks after the Battle of Corinth in the 146 BC. The Greeks were superior in all fields to the invaders. The Greeks influenced the Romans with art, government, foods, and sciences. The Foundation of the Rome was from the Greece.

Third, Persians are not semitic people. Arabs and Israelis are cousins; they are Semitic people. Their languages are from the Semitic family of languages. The Iranian tribes moved from the Caucas region and settled in Pars( modern day Fars region). Our language is from the Indo-European family of languages.

Now if You want to talk Ancient battles and Empires, I can go on for pages. The Greeks were Persian subjects for Centuries. All you have to do is look at ancient maps of the extensive Achaemenid Empire, stretching from the Indus in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. This fascination and hostile attitude has existed in Europe and exists to this day that you are superior. Now lets give you a quick history on the first of several Persian Empires
  • In 547 BC Cyrus the Great conquered the region that is now called Turkey.
  • In 525 BC Cambyses sacked Egypt
  • In 522 Darius the great invaded Europe and sacked Thrace ( modern day Balkans and Bulgaria)
The Greek colonies of turkey at that time were ruled by the Persians. When they revolted with the help of mainland Greece, they were crushed. Darius the Great punished the Greeks in the following battles:
  • Mardonius and his army conquered Greek Island Thasos
  • Persian army sacked and conquered Macedonia
  • Persian army conquered Aegean Islands
Unfortunately, Darius the Great passed away. The next campaigns starts with Xerxes when his armies go west. Unlike the Hollywood movies, The Persian army destroyed the Greek garrison at Thermopylae. Boeotia was added to the Achaemenid empire, and Athens was captured. The truth is that the Greeks were completely defeated and ran to Salamis. Xerxes states this in the Davis inscription. Now in many subsequent battles which lasted for half a century, the Greeks were able to defeat the Persian expeditionary forces. So the famous battle that you are celebrating in Rome, the battles of Issus and Gaugamela, were actually fought by the Greeks under the command of Alexander not the Romans. This happened in 334 BC, 150 years after the Persians sacked burnt Athens to the ground.

This false pride sentiment is similar to Arabs beating their chests to their once and only Triumph 1500 years ago. We were defeated by primitive savage people, which took over 35 years, details and reasons I will not get into, not because they were superior but because no empire or anything will last forever including the current American Empire.

We have all seen recently what these sub-human savages have done in Iraq and Syria. Today, Iranians, along with their allies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon have handed a decisive defeat to Salafi-Subhumans in Iraq and the Levant who were supported by the American Empire and all European heavy weights . Do you think your historians, with their self fulling prophecy of supremacy, will write about this defeat? Will they talk about how the Iranians moved thousands of troops, and supplies 800 miles away from the mainland to defeat the Empire and its proxies? Do you think they will accept this defeat write how an army supported by modern day Roman Empire along with over a dozen militaries was defeated. The question is what have your people done since the ancient times. We, collectively, as Iranians have risen and fallen. Our most recent military dominance was under Nader. What have the Greeks and Italians done? Not much!

Greece is in a sad state were women sell themselves for 5 Euros .Your beloved Italy will be no more thanks to your sell out politicians that opened your country up to an invasion from Africa to south and Salafi- sub humans to the East. So instead of celebrating a battle that you did not fight in ancient times, you should morn the destruction of your culture by the Barbarians.
my ancestors created christianity
Yes, Jesus was European!! Your jesus (pbuh) is as Asian and Semitic as other Western Asians like Muhammad (pbuh) and Moses (pbuh)... see!!? you as Europeans has nothing but paganism... stone age religions of Pagans...

You seem to be another version of extremists who normally has very low self-confidence in their personal lives... People who seek to resemble themselves to ancient once victorious beings has nothing to be proud of as a person... This is a psychological fact..

Btw, in 21th century, only weird and awkward people still take these non-sense like proud pure races.. better races..ethnicity... maybe you better take a little of your precious time and watch this:

Here we go. Another moron! Your rants are nonsense. First, Christ was a Jew. Your ancestors did not create Christianity.If you have read the Bible, I am assuming that you are Catholic, then you should know the four Marks of Catholicism. Christians were persecuted by the Pagan Romans for centuries. If you have been to the Vatican, then you know why the catacombs exists. Your ancestors were pagans that worshiped statutes.

Second, Greeks and Romans were not the same people. Southern Italy and Eastern Sicily were colonized by ancient Greeks, who founded many cities there. Napels, Neapolis means new city In Greek.In the southern regions of Italy, like Apulia, Calabria, Basilicata and Sicily most of the people have a common DNA with Greeks,Because they are Greek.The Romans conquered the Greeks after the Battle of Corinth in the 146 BC. The Greeks were superior in all fields to the invaders. The Greeks influenced the Romans with art, government, foods, and sciences. The Foundation of the Rome was from the Greece.

Third, Persians are not semitic people. Arabs and Israelis are cousins; they are Semitic people. Their languages are from the Semitic family of languages. The Iranian tribes moved from the Caucas region and settled in Pars( modern day Fars region). Our language is from the Indo-European family of languages.

Now if You want to talk Ancient battles and Empires, I can go on for pages. The Greeks were Persian subjects for Centuries. All you have to do is look at ancient maps of the extensive Achaemenid Empire, stretching from the Indus in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. This fascination and hostile attitude has existed in Europe and exists to this day that you are superior. Now lets give you a quick history on the first of several Persian Empires
  • In 547 BC Cyrus the Great conquered the region that is now called Turkey.
  • In 525 BC Cambyses sacked Egypt
  • In 522 Darius the great invaded Europe and sacked Thrace ( modern day Balkans and Bulgaria)
The Greek colonies of turkey at that time were ruled by the Persians. When they revolted with the help of mainland Greece, they were crushed. Darius the Great punished the Greeks in the following battles:
  • Mardonius and his army conquered Greek Island Thasos
  • Persian army sacked and conquered Macedonia
  • Persian conquered Aegean islands
Unfortunately, Darius the Great passed away. The next campaigns starts with Xerxes when his armies go west. Unlike the Hollywood movies, The Persian army destroyed the Greek garrison at Thermopylae. Boeotia was added to the Achaemenid empire, and Athens was captured. The truth is that the Greeks were completely defeated and ran to Salamis. Xerxes states this in the Davis inscription. Now in many subsequent battles which lasted for half a century, the Greeks were able to defeat the Persian expeditionary forces. So the famous battle that you are celebrating in Rome, the battles of Issus and Gaugamela, were actually fought by the Greeks under the command of Alexander not the Romans. This happened in 334 BC, 150 years after the Persians sacked burnt Athens to the ground.

This false pride sentiment is similar to Arabs beating their chests to their once and only Triumph 1500 years ago. We were defeated by primitive savage people, which took over 35 years, details and reasons I will not get into, not because they were superior but because no empire or anything will last forever including the current American Empire.

We have all seen recently what these sub-human savages have done in Iraq and Syria. Today, Iranians, along with their allies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon have handed a decisive defeat to Salafi-Subhumans in Iraq and the Levant who were supported by the American Empire and all European heavy weights . Do you think your historians, with their self fulling prophecy of supremacy, will write about this defeat? Will they talk about how the Iranians moved thousands of troops, and supplies 800 miles away from the mainland to defeat the Empire and its proxies? Do you think they will accept this defeat write how an army supported by modern day Roman Empire along with over a dozen militaries was defeated. The question is what have your people done since the ancient times. We, collectively, as Iranians have risen and fallen. Our most recent military dominance was under Nader. What have the Greeks and Italians done? Not much!

Greece is in a sad state were women sell themselves for 5 Euros .Your beloved Italy will be no more thanks to your sell out politicians that opened your country up to an invasion from Africa to south and Salafi- sub humans to the East. So instead of celebrating a battle that you did not fight in ancient times, you should morn the destruction of your culture by the Barbarians.

Didnt read your post but must tell you for 99% of europeans you are arabic country. No hard feelings bro. Just tell you how it is.

We are not ARAB.

We Are not Muslim.

We are not Terrorist.

We don't look other Countries Virgins for Arab Sheikhs.

Calling Iranians Arab, is somehow you saying "I fucked your mother".

Have it in your mind.

I watch my toungue, only this Time.

if next time, you or any other user, call Iranians Arab,

I will React by Anti-Arab way.

Do you UnderStand?

But there is no pure ethnicity anymore... Iranians are mixed with Arabs...Arabs are mixed with Iranians... Turks with Arabs... Kurds with Arabs.. Greeks with Arabs... Greeks with Persians... Don't close your eyes on thousands of years of invasions.. occupiers... non-local rulers.. Persians were the rulers in a vast area of the known world for two and half century before Alexander the great.. Then Alexander troops were in Iran for centuries...then Arabs... Mongul Turks... Seljuk Turks...

Today, we are all mixed and only our passports divide us... it,s 21th century... We better grow up before forced to grow up...
Yes, Jesus was European!! Your jesus (pbuh) is as Asian and Semitic as other Western Asians like Muhammad (pbuh) and Moses (pbuh)... see!!? you as Europeans has nothing but paganism... stone age religions of Pagans...

You seem to be another version of extremists who normally has very low self-confidence in their personal lives... People who seek to resemble themselves to ancient once victorious beings has nothing to be proud of as a person... This is a psychological fact..

Btw, in 21th century, only weird and awkward people still take these non-sense like proud pure races.. better races..ethnicity... maybe you better take a little of your precious time and watch this:

Jesus? What has this to do with Jesus? Virgin Mary is a transformed version of the greek godess Artemis qnd egyptian godess Isis. Jesus is heavily influenced by Osiris. The entire religion was created by older religions and forged by the roman emperor as a state religion.
1- But there is no pure ethnicity anymore...
2- Iranians are mixed with Arabs...Arabs are mixed with Iranians... Turks with Arabs... Kurds with Arabs.. Greeks with Arabs... Greeks with Persians...
3- Don't close your eyes on thousands of years of invasions.. occupiers... non-local rulers..
4- Persians were the rulers in a vast area of the known world for two and half century before Alexander the great.. Then Alexander troops were in Iran for centuries...then Arabs... Mongul Turks... Seljuk Turks...

5- Today, we are all mixed and only our passports divide us... it,s 21th century... We better grow up before forced to grow up...

You need more Study, My brother.

Arab is not only a race, We are not Arabs, We are Iranians.

and yes, i know.

Not only Iranians, but also other counties.

3- i did not close my eye. and i will never do it.

but Mother Fucker Khamenei and Rouhani and other, did it.

They love Arabs, but i hate them.

Here is Iran, and it is for Iranians.

Arabs (especially: Iraqi, Syrian, Lebanonese, Israillians, KSA, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, ...) and Pan Arabs are not Welcomed by me. Islam and Related is not For Iranians.

4- Yes, i know. and we want to be Again.

@ValerioAurelius, @scythian500 :

my ancestors created christianity. It was not put on us. Its the roman religion. I see it as a bad thing that Persia was lost.

The roman / persian wars wasted so much rescources on both sides for nothing[/QUOT

Your ancestors did not create christianity. Your emperor hijacked it for controll of the masses. Peope were converting left and eight for chrisitianity and pagan beliefs were being cast to the side. Emperor Augustus I believe was the first to declare chiristiantiy the official state religion if the empire. This was a complete and total political power play.
Speak for yourself.

I just say Reality.

if you don't like it, it's your problem. not mine.

plus that:

do you like any kind of Pan - Sth/sb movements in Iran ???

Pan - Kurds, Pan - Turks, Pan - Arabs, Pan - Pahlavism, Pan - Islamism, Pan - Slavism, etc. ???

I hate all of them, and anyone who likes or support them, even Ideaologically or just by word.

در ۳۵۵ روز از سال مشغول زندانی کردن و تبعیض علیه هموطنان مسیحی و زرتشتی و یهودی و سنی و ... هستند، ولی در ۱۰ روز محرم هی میگردند یه نفر مسیحی یا زرتشتی یا یهودی یا سنی و ... پیدا کنند که به نفع امام حسین حرف زده باشه


همه جوره گاییدن دیگه !!!

د آخه کس کشا، کل مشکلات ملت حل شده، فقط همین تق وا مونده ؟

Wrong it was Emperor Constantinus. Christianity was a pure roman creation and has zero in common with its origins. Its a mix of the old roman religion, roman politics and a some myths from abroad.

Just like evry religion.
well when I looked at the numbers of participant in those early wars it make no sense

let look at the casualties First look at Alexander casualties
100 infantry and 1,000 cavalry (according to Arrian);
300 infantry (according to Curtius Rufus);
500 infantry (according to Diodorus Siculus)

and now look at Darius casualties
40,000 (according to Curtius Rufus)
47,000 (according to Welman)[2]
90,000 (according to Diodorus Siculus)
300,000+ captured (according to Arrian)[3]

now look at the number of armies
47,000[1] (The Size of Macedonian Army)

(See Size of Persian army)
52,000–120,000 (modern estimates)
250,000–1,000,000 (ancient sources)

honestly can any of these historian knew the implication of those numbers do they knew what will be the logistic of a 250000 strong army and what a nightmare that would have been at those times . the logistic just needs another army and that army need to be feed

and about casualties if that was Iran army numbers and those were Macedonian army when the two army entangled it was just saying that 4 to 20 armed man could not overcome just one man ,fat chance of that .
Wrong it was Emperor Constantinus. Christianity was a pure roman creation and has zero in common with its origins. Its a mix of the old roman religion, roman politics and a some myths from abroad.

Just like evry religion.

Your ancient pagan statue religion is death, no books are left to practice your religion again. And no my friend , Greeks are Greeks and Italians are Italians. Just because some Greeks lived in southern Italy doesnt mean Greeks are relatives of Italians. And don't forget by percentage of population you have maybe more black and afro-asiatic (North-africans and arabs) in your country than we have in Iran. We're Iranians and will always regain and reappear.

You see us in Syria and Iraq, where once the parthians were. Although I respect Italians, Where are Italian armies? You are puppets/followers of germanic armies (usa, uk etc.) You have no power anymore to be active outside your borders like in ancient world.

Your war and power is now about stopping refugee boats, it's fought in your own waters and Inside your own country. Unlike you we Iranians kill many enemy people outside our borders, we destroy their houses and we send soldiers and project our Powers there. Even the Islam I see is dying a slow death among us. We're going towards the right direction, and you?

I don't wish bad for Italy of Greece, but because of we've some muslim apes in power who don't celebrate our parthian ancestors who defeated seleucids or our heros after islam who fought for independence and created new Iranian dynasties like the Buyids, that doesnt mean that we Iranians should accept any propaganda from our ill wishers, be it from muslims or so called united "west"
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