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To the Chinese here...

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Like most Pakistanis, it bothers him to see any non-white Americans speaking for the US on this forum.

It bothers me to see a bigot like you getting away with your behavior, but I understand the reasons.

You are a bigot because you address non-white Americans by their ethnicity or religion, as Pakistanis or Muslims, not as Americans.

lol he had it with me just about EVERYTHING........from refugee (mind you we both related to Vietnamese refugee), to the term mestizo, to even the western media toward Muslim...

And, on every single point, I proved my point with direct references to the relevant government websites.

Which led you to throw tantrums and start threatening lawsuits...

Not just me, but at least two other posters...
It bothers me to see a bigot like you getting away with your behavior, but I understand the reasons.

You are a bigot because you address non-white Americans by their ethnicity or religion, as Pakistanis or Muslims, not as Americans.
:omghaha: I lost count of how many on this forum, of any national and/or ethnic origin, brought to the fore my own origin instead of dealing with me as an American, instead of dealing with the subject at hand, which often have nothing to do with where I came from. To them, the only US is a white US.

But does that bothers you ? Of course not. After all, the target is an American, right ?
You were harassing a valuable member on false pretenses, as part of your petty tantrum against that individual.
I pointed out objective facts which negated your claims, so you got angry with me and started threatening me.

Lol if you think I threaten you, please go contact NSW police, we both live in the same country.

again, you are too tense dude, I don't think those kitty is doing anything.


aren't they cute? If that doesn't work, maybe you should go down to the pound and take home a cat.

You need a hobby to relax, again, it makes you live longer, it's clinically proven.

I don't ask for bans or give a damn what happens to you.

Well, I didn't say or ask what you ask, I said he can ban me whatever he like IF I WAS WHAT YOU SAID, THREATEN YOU OR THIS FORUM OR OTHER MEMBER.

The very fact is that I am still here speak differently.

Most definitely.

Every single threat was from you,

I was watching carefully to see any statement from your wife in regards to a lawsuit.

Not at all.
Readers can see that YOU are the one who referred to me first.
YOU are the one who is still smarting after all these months,

I never wasted a single microsecond on you. I only respond when YOU mention me.

Dude, my wife never mention you, yet it seems like you go from zero to gaga on your own initiative.

Go back to this thread and tell me who call on who??

Conflict in Mindanao/Philippines | Page 4

Mighty Caty is my wife by the way, to those who don't know
From Post 60. She wasn't even calling on you to begin with, and you jump in with both feet, and then in the end put them both in your mouth on post 69.

Even a by stander jump in and take HER side on post 96.....lol

And you are the one negative rate me, remember? and I did not rate you when you insulted her and call her ignorant and uneducated and now you say this is my tantrum lol, aren't you a bit slapping your own face??
Well Mr D has called himself a man of international affairs. He probably thinks he knows more about the U.S than any of us. I'd said the kid wants desperately in.

I have lived long enough in the US, and have enough friend in the political and media space, to know more than some of you who get their knowledge from watching a couple hours of Fox News every now and then.
US State Dept, eh?

The rest of your self-indulgent rant is amusing and ironic at the same time.
I doubt he's from the state dept. Most likely an Indian. Or a really low profile from state dept.

Like who the hell will use such an ID, especially after being retired? Or it's for that e-peen (hey i'm retired state dept, my comments triumph yours)
That was set a long time ago. :lol:

No 'probably' about it. He does deluded himself into believing that.

lucky you, he keep stating it was his personal mission to stop me from throwing tantrum, and I was like WHAT??

This dude is too tense, hope he heed my advice and go get a kitten
:omghaha: I lost count of how many on this forum, of any national and/or ethnic origin, brought to the fore my own origin instead of dealing with me as an American, instead of dealing with the subject at hand, which often have nothing to do with where I came from. To them, the only US is a white US.

But does that bothers you ? Of course not. After all, the target is an American, right ?

I have called out others also on their use of racist epithets.
It does not excuse your consistent tendency to do the same.
I have lived long enough in the US, and have enough friend in the political and media space, to know more than some of you who get their knowledge from watching a couple hours of Fox News every now and then.

Oh, you lived here for awhile and have friends and that qualifies you as Mr. International affairs and U.S. expert.

Well sir I have lived here longer, served my country and many Presidents............. and my friends and I have access to the Whitehouse!

Were you kicked out of the country and then turned to be such a sour puss over it?

The issue is not whether you write English theses every day, but the level of erudition demonstrated.

Just lately you were unaware of the evolution on Zionism, and yet you have commented rather vociferously on Israel. Wen your ignorance on Zionism was exposed, all you could manage was the stock rant of "but but but anti-Semite".

I have seen your exchanges in other threads also where your knowledge was less-than-impressive.

Since you claim to have read this forum for a while before joining, you would know that all groups engage in such language, including members of various nationalities towards Chinese.

There are many Americans also who use such language.

Once again, since your command of English comprehension seems to have failed you, I am not defending such language; merely challenging your claim that one group is singularly worse than others.

Did jhungary bring you in to fight his battles for you, too?

Whoa whoa whoa, you can't be slipping my man. You've have claimed and stated for the longest, even before I asked you a simple question about what your definition of a zionist was. You had posted before I ever asked to that question- that I had no knowledge about international affairs. When challenged to show a single example among the multiple threads I've started, you could not muster even one to back your assertions? :lol:

Mr. D I ask one question about your view about zionism and how you make that distinction between zionism and jews. Just one question. And your reply is basically saying " I won I won you don't know anything"?

D my man what these guys are telling me about you seems to be spot on. @jhungary You right about this kid. It's like some competition in his head to say he won every time.

Mr D, you have indeed won. I can't bring myself to ... well nvm. Have a nice day
Oh, you lived here for awhile and have friends and that qualifies you as Mr. International affairs and U.S. expert.

Well sir I have lived here longer, served my country and many Presidents............. and my friends and I have access to the Whitehouse!

Were you kicked out of the country and then turned to be such a sour puss over it?

Whoa whoa whoa, you can't be slipping my man. You've have claimed and stated for the longest, even before I asked you a simple question about what your definition of a zionist was. You had posted before I ever asked to that question- that I had no knowledge about international affairs. When challenged to show a single example among the multiple threads I've started, you could not muster even one to back your assertions? :lol:

Mr. D I ask one question about your view about zionism and how you make that distinction between zionism and jews. Just one question. And your reply is basically saying " I won I won you don't know anything"?

D my man what these guys are telling me about you seems to be spot on. @jhungary You right about this kid. It's like some competition in his head to say he won every time.

Mr D, you have indeed won. I can't bring myself to ... well nvm. Have a nice day

lol he should have run out of people he can "Win" by now, but yet, he still keep surprising people by saying I won to someone new everyday....

That's the way his world is going lol

:omghaha: I lost count of how many on this forum, of any national and/or ethnic origin, brought to the fore my own origin instead of dealing with me as an American, instead of dealing with the subject at hand, which often have nothing to do with where I came from. To them, the only US is a white US.

But does that bothers you ? Of course not. After all, the target is an American, right ?

IIRC, isn't white a minority in the US in the last census?

Well Mr D has called himself a man of international affairs. He probably thinks he knows more about the U.S than any of us. I'd said the kid wants desperately in.

in fact, with all mine and my wife communication, I can conclude that he "Knows" more than me about China (Which I live for 18 years) more than me about Australia (Well 4 years and counting), more about Sweden (Where my wife was born and live for more than 25 years) and more than anyone about Vietnam too.

So, tell me which part of the world he don't know? lol Because he "Won" on all argument regarding all these places lol. How can we won? When he know practically EVERYTHING in EVERYWHERE.........Keep arguing with him is simply futile......

this is true for some chinese members here. many times i bashed them for such attitude.
now calm down, don't take vertual thing seriously. those are internet warriors lol

anyway i have tagged you a song i posted , check that.. hope it will help you calm down.:)

No Bangladeshi ever bashed any Chinese on this forum, ever. :mad:

I have chosen to write to you here in this section and spill it it out. What I'm sure is going to be another barrage of expected comments- but away from the main forums.

My very first post regarding the Chinese was a warning to those who felt china's economy was going come crashing down. I called it a pipe dream. I actually know many intelligent and reasonable Chinese in my interactions outside these forums.

I feel a bit bad about reigning in on the Chinese parade here. I guess I'm disgusted with your attitudes on these forums. As I said, the way you behave here is like the the new rich, arrogant in your display of your new found richness.

You attack everyone not on the basis of real national interest. Rather you do it just get down into the sloth. Examples of which is when I've read many Chinese here attack vietnamese and call their women "whores" effectively and get away with it. Or when you attack Indians and troll them constantly or dare say a Japanese who has ever disagreed with you and so and so forth.

I've seen you trying to bully many and just speak to the lowest denomination.

If you don't have Chinese posters who are constantly talking about Nuking another country, we see others who are talking about the appearances and the color of skin of those coming from others countries. This is despicable and not necessary. Sure, some others also use this language against you but they by far few and beyond.

I lost my bearings for which I should apologize to the rest of the community.
I haven't explored other countries' section much but what ever threads I have been to, chineses' comments I find to be most vitriolic and trashy. So I just like to crush some balls whenever I am responding to one.

And all the Chinese trolls behave in a strinkingly similar manner, as if they sit in a big room together to decide what to post and how to post! :)
And all the Chinese trolls behave in a strinkingly similar manner, as if they sit in a big room together to decide what to post and how to post! :)

Just eep showing them the mirror. Repeat your unanswered post to the point that it may seem that you are trolling. They will first mock you and followed by a whole barrage of off topic articles in a desperate hope that your post gets mixed up in the milieu. Finally they will repeat the cycle. You will RARELY see a chinese member trying to logically persuade you. Never !

You can expect at least a semblance of logic from a Pakistani, US, Rusky, or even an arab sometimes but never a chinese. Probably the ones who are logical just stick their nose upto chinese-defence section.
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