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To the Chinese here...

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You couldn't resist the itch to call me stupid did you ? I guess Homeland series was not entirely wrong after all :lol:

Spare yourself from ever reading the content of his posts. In the mortal words of Biden, it is a noun a verb and [insert something anti semite ]
come on. why do you take the, serious? I see them as clowns. Look sometimes i have a long flight or trainride. When i'm bored i come here and start some shit for entertainment with some loser chinese internet warrior who never saw a pussy in his whole life and get some laughs out of this.

I haven't explored other countries' section much but what ever threads I have been to, chineses' comments I find to be most vitriolic and trashy. So I just like to crush some balls whenever I am responding to one.
You couldn't resist the itch to call me stupid did you ? I guess Homeland series was not entirely wrong after all :lol:

I haven't watched homeland series at all. Tell me the missing link here :D
I haven't watched homeland series at all. Tell me the missing link here :D

Go to the long thread running in some section here on pdf about the fallacies shown in the series about pakistan.
Go to the long thread running in some section here on pdf about the fallacies shown in the series about pakistan.

So even you haven't watched it? lol
Mmm this is rather big generalization but I kind of agree. I have been called by some Chinese as animals etc in Chinese for disagreeing with them so I pretty much put most Chinese members on ignore. They curse me in Chinese so mods cannot read! However, I think Vietnamese and some Indian members can be worse.

I think most people are either kids or younger than 20, so don't take it too. Of course, ignoring is the best solution. Plus I have analyzed most
Chinese members here long ago in one post. They are by no means representative of Chinese at all. Never seen such weird group of Chinese so concentrated and with one voice! lol
Some Chinese members also attack me,because I'm not a CCP supporter,I'm not pro-Russia and I criticize the government's Tibetan policy.........I just can't understand why you be a patriot can't criticize your government accord to someone's logic,while I think it's the duty of patriots to criticize the wrong doing the government
While in PDF,it seems the mainstream Chinese members here are CCP supporters,pro-Russia and so on,if you visit Chinese internet sites,you will find totally different situation.They surely represent many Chinese,but the percentage not as high as in PDF
Yup, you caught me. I'm prone to typographical errors and misuse of words at times. Thank you for pointing it out and thank you for following me.

This is not about typographical errors.

Your level of English proficiency is so pathetic that I seriously doubt you were a 'diplomat' with the US State Dept. To say nothing of your knowledge of international affairs.

Curious, which part was amusing and Ironic?

Your self-indulgent rant is both amusing and ironic since you display the same characteristics that you accuse others of displaying.
This is not about typographical errors.

Your level of English proficiency is so pathetic that I seriously doubt you were a 'diplomat' with the US State Dept. To say nothing of your knowledge of international affairs.

Your self-indulgent rant is both amusing and ironic since you display the same characteristics that you accuse others of displaying.

Yeah yeah yeah professor I get that you don't quite appreciate the lazy nature of how I express myself here. Just like many others don't really appreciate you taking them for being a fool, when you mask your hatred for the Jewish people by conveniently trying to placate everything as zionist and not Jewish plot.

What same characteristics did you discover in me and what was amusing? The part were the women were called whores or the part where people were attacked for the color of their skin or people ridiculed about their social status as a country? OR maybe the part where I said that you come with many well thought posts from time to time? .

I won;t bother refuting your babblings because readers can decide for themselves what is what.

Did I tell you that I am enjoying immensely the fact that you are STILL SMARTING from the thrashing you received?

Do others here know what kind of whining ninny you are, that you try and get your wife to fight your battles for you, after you get schooled by others, and that, in a last fit of ignoble desperation, you go around threatening people with lawsuits to try and shut them up?

You already chased one valuable poster off this forum but you won't be able to shut everyone else up with your whining tantrums.

All you do is make a fool of yourself.

Why are you attacking his family/wife? Despicable
Some Chinese members also attack me,because I'm not a CCP supporter,I'm not pro-Russia and I criticize the government's Tibetan policy.........I just can't understand why you be a patriot can't criticize your government accord to someone's logic,while I think it's the duty of patriots to criticize the wrong doing the government
While in PDF,it seems the mainstream Chinese members here are CCP supporters,pro-Russia and so on,if you visit Chinese internet sites,you will find totally different situation.They surely represent many Chinese,but the percentage not as high as in PDF

lol, you guys are better off.

Chinese Dragon once called me a Mexican Loser, then he turn around and call me an Indian, then he turn around again and call me a Viet. Of all, only the Mexican part is half true lol as I speak Spanish, I don't even speak Hindus and Vietnamese for crying out loud lol

I mean, if you have to hate me, please pick one nation to insult lol...

Some Chinese member are good and quite neutral, but most of all, meh...If you don't like CCP, they will call you names even if you are Chinese and they will say you are "something (insert any race here)" else
Yeah yeah yeah professor I get that you don't quite appreciate the lazy nature of how I express myself here.

It's got nothing to do with laziness.
I don't give a damn about typos, since we all make typos, including myself.
Your use of English is pathetic -- which means your choice of words is wrong -- not just lazy, just plain wrong.

No professional career diplomat could rise to any significance in the US State Dept. with such abhorrent English.

Just like many others don't really appreciate you taking them for being a fool,

And another piece of the puzzle falls into place... ;)

when you mask your hatred for the Jewish people by conveniently trying to placate everything as zionist and not Jewish plot.

Thank you for proving my point that you are ignorant of international affairs and can only resort to knee-jerk rants of anti-Semitism when your ignorance of facts is exposed.

What same characteristics did you discover in me and what was amusing? The part were the women were called whores or the part where people were attacked for the color of their skin or people ridiculed about their social status as a country? OR maybe the part where I said that you come with many well thought posts from time to time? .

Many groups engage in such behavior, For you to single out one particular group betrays your agenda,

Why are you attacking his family/wife? Despicable

Since you don't know the history, and who brought in whom first, it's best if you refrain from commenting.
Yeah yeah yeah professor I get that you don't quite appreciate the lazy nature of how I express myself here. Just like many others don't really appreciate you taking them for being a fool, when you mask your hatred for the Jewish people by conveniently trying to placate everything as zionist and not Jewish plot.

What same characteristics did you discover in me and what was amusing? The part were the women were called whores or the part where people were attacked for the color of their skin or people ridiculed about their social status as a country? OR maybe the part where I said that you come with many well thought posts from time to time? .

Why are you attacking his family/wife? Despicable
Mr. D is the forum's self appointed Chinese defender. If you use any word or combinations of words that could be broadly interpreted as racist against the Chinese, he will report you. But do understand that this is a one-way street. D only monitors Americans, not Chinese.
Do others here know what kind of whining ninny you are, that you try and get your wife to fight your battles for you, after you get schooled by others, and that, in a last fit of ignoble desperation, you go around threatening people with lawsuits to try and shut them up?

You already chased one valuable poster off this forum but you won't be able to shut everyone else up with your whining tantrums.

All you do is make a fool of yourself.

Are all educated Pakistanis as contemptible as you are ? Dragging family in an online argument ?
I feel a bit bad about reigning in on the Chinese parade here. I guess I'm disgusted with your attitudes on these forums. As I said, the way you behave here is like the the new rich, arrogant in your display of your new found richness.

Because they can get away with it, and because Mods won't lift a finger against higher than Himalayas best friends. Racist trolls like Speeder 2 enjoy very long lives. Chinese like most first-generation rich people lack maturity and humility. They routinely abuse Filipinos and Vietnamese in a disgusting manner.
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