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To the Chinese here...

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I won;t bother refuting your babblings because readers can decide for themselves what is what.

Did I tell you that I am enjoying immensely the fact that you are STILL SMARTING from the thrashing you received?

Do others here know what kind of whining ninny you are, that you try and get your wife to fight your battles for you, after you get schooled by others, and that, in a last fit of ignoble desperation, you go around threatening people with lawsuits to try and shut them up?

You already chased one valuable poster off this forum but you won't be able to shut everyone else up with your whining tantrums.

All you do is make a fool of yourself.

Being rant at something don't actually know is hardly "Schooled by other" like you said

And in the end of the day, Webmaster took my position and say that word indeed is a slur, and by the way, my wife want to file a lawsuit, not me. If you care to read what I wrote carefully. For me, meh. I would have just left this forum

lol but in the end of the day, when I left for 8 months, somebody still missed my post, I wonder how many will miss you when you are gone??
The only one who is contemptible here is YOU for being an ignorant buffoon.

Since you don't know the history of this loser -- who incidentally referenced me first, forcing me to respond -- it is best you refrain from commenting.

Well I am not sure about history but in this thread you are leading by miles in being a buffoon yourself.
Being rant at something don't actually know is hardly "Schooled by other" like you said

You can call anything a rant but when there is a direct reference to a government website refuting your tantrums, that settles the matter about who is getting schooled by whom.

And in the end of the day, Webmaster took my position and say that word indeed is a slur,

Webmaster caved in to your whining tantrum because I didn't push the matter. Once again, the Philippine Embassy considers the word acceptable, which makes your tantrum irrelevant.

and by the way, my wife want to file a lawsuit, not me. If you care to read what I wrote carefully. For me, meh. I would have just left this forum

Factually wrong.
You, not your wife, threatened me, and at least two other posters, with lawsuits when your tantrums amounted to nothing.
You claimed that you would get your wife to file lawsuits.

Once again, you are a whining ninny who hides behind his wife and yells at others "my wife's gonna get you".

What an ignoble loser!
Yeah yeah yeah professor I get that you don't quite appreciate the lazy nature of how I express myself here. Just like many others don't really appreciate you taking them for being a fool, when you mask your hatred for the Jewish people by conveniently trying to placate everything as zionist and not Jewish plot.

What same characteristics did you discover in me and what was amusing? The part were the women were called whores or the part where people were attacked for the color of their skin or people ridiculed about their social status as a country? OR maybe the part where I said that you come with many well thought posts from time to time? .

Why are you attacking his family/wife? Despicable

lol this dude is amazing. I don't even know how and where to start.

He will "Debate" you to a point when he got no point, then he would go round and round at the same point regardless if the point is valid, and throw in some insult on the way like calling you "imbecil", "bigot", "ignorant" even when my wife challenge him nicely. And when you trying to pull out from the endless argument he will then declare he won and you are the loser :) lol Then when I try to stick up to her, trying to explain why some word are insulting to some people he gave me 2 negative rating off the bat.

lol, that's how this guy operate lol, don't ask me how he can be a think tank, cause, honestly, I don't know...

Mr. D is the forum's self appointed Chinese defender. If you use any word or combinations of words that could be broadly interpreted as racist against the Chinese, he will report you. But do understand that this is a one-way street. D only monitors Americans, not Chinese.

lol I think he is the self termed "Guardians" of Muslim in this forum, did he started to defend the Chinese as well? I thought he was working for FOX news to alienate normal westerner and Muslim further. Cos they think we still need the hate to stay in Afghanistan lol
It's got nothing to do with laziness.
I don't give a damn about typos, since we all make typos, including myself.
Your use of English is pathetic -- which means your choice of words is wrong -- not just lazy, just plain wrong.

No professional career diplomat could rise to any significance in the US State Dept. with such abhorrent English.

And another piece of the puzzle falls into place... ;)

Thank you for proving my point that you are ignorant of international affairs and can only resort to knee-jerk rants of anti-Semitism when your ignorance of facts is exposed.

Many groups engage in such behavior, For you to single out one particular group betrays your agenda,

Since you don't know the history, and who brought in whom first, it's best if you refrain from commenting.

My friend, I can't tell you the last time I wrote a paper in my long tenure with the state. I'm an old man , 30 years into it and people at my level shoot off those infamous diplomatic cables, write down our views in bullets and leave it to some junior fella to write a paper. You think we are all wordsmiths and spend our time writing papers do you? Nobody has time for reading a thesis. Would you like to know the famous question we are all expected to be prepared for at my meetings? " Give me your top three". Then again a local like you wouldn't know. Sec of state, senior diplomats comes into a meeting and he/she has 20 minutes or less most of the time, unless its a crisis situation.

Where have you found me lacking on the few topics around international affairs I've written to date. You could have an opposing view - but can you point me to any thread I started here, where my expressed views, were not aligned with our countries and state department? Could you with your great international affairs resume correct me on any?

Can you point out to me a single group that goes around calling the women as basically being whores? Have you ever read how they write to posters from Vietnam? Are you really defending them when it is painfully obvious that they have been getting away with just horrible behaviour. Maybe you are. I saw how childish and immature your reply was to jhungary. You stooped to a level similar to the group in question. You should apologize to him
Also defence.pk believe in freedom of speech.
Yes! But not freedom to rant as most Chinese members here are prone to. They're still stuck with an inferiority complex from the Mao period. It'll probably take a few generations more to get over it.
You can call anything a rant but when there is a direct reference to a government website refuting your tantrums, that settles the matter about who is getting schooled by whom.

lol whatever you say buddy........

Learn the lighter side of this forum. You don't need to act like a stick up your behind all the time, relax. Look at these kitten


Aren't they cute? Relax and you will live longer, that's clinically proven

Webmaster caved in to your whining tantrum because I didn't push the matter. Once again, the Philippine Embassy considers the word acceptable, which makes your tantrum irrelevant.

lol he can equally ban me out of rage, I wonder why he did not do that lol...

Factually wrong.
You, not your wife, threatened me, and at least two other posters, with lawsuits when your tantrums amounted to nothing.
You claimed that you would get your wife to file lawsuits.

Once again, you are a whining ninny who hides behind his wife and yells at others "my wife's gonna get you".

What an ignoble loser!

lol did you actually remember anything from 9 months ago?

It more seems like you are whining now that webmaster did not take your side........Well, it really does...go ask anybody....
...did he started to defend the Chinese as well?
Pretty much after I started poking serious holes in the Chinese arguments, everything from the J-20 to Viet Nam. Like most Pakistanis, it bothers him to see any non-white Americans speaking for the US on this forum.

My friend, I can't tell you the last time I wrote a paper in my long tenure with the state. I'm an old man , 30 years into it and people at my level shoot off those infamous diplomatic cables, write down our views in bullets and leave it to some junior fella to write a paper. You think we are all wordsmiths and spend our time writing papers do you? Nobody has time for reading a thesis. Would you like to know the famous question we are all expected to be prepared for at my meetings? " Give me your top three". Then again a local like you wouldn't know. Sec of state, senior diplomats comes into a meeting and he/she has 20 minutes or less most of the time, unless its a crisis situation.
Very good, sir. A spanking well administered.
Pretty much after I started poking serious holes in the Chinese arguments, everything from the J-20 to Viet Nam. Like most Pakistanis, it bothers him to see any non-white Americans speaking for the US on this forum.

lol he had it with me just about EVERYTHING........from refugee (mind you we both related to Vietnamese refugee), to the term mestizo, to even the western media toward Muslim...

Lol, did he declare his personal jihad on you yet?
Learn the lighter side of this forum.

You were harassing a valuable member on false pretenses, as part of your petty tantrum against that individual.
I pointed out objective facts which negated your claims, so you got angry with me and started threatening me.

he can equally ban me out of rage, I wonder why he did not do that lol...

I don't ask for bans or give a damn what happens to you.

lol did you actually remember anything from 9 months ago?

Most definitely.

Every single threat was from you,

I was watching carefully to see any statement from your wife in regards to a lawsuit.

It more seems like you are whining now that webmaster did not take your side........Well, it really does...go ask anybody....

Not at all.
Readers can see that YOU are the one who referred to me first.
YOU are the one who is still smarting after all these months,

I never wasted a single microsecond on you. I only respond when YOU mention me.
Pretty much after I started poking serious holes in the Chinese arguments, everything from the J-20 to Viet Nam. Like most Pakistanis, it bothers him to see any non-white Americans speaking for the US on this forum.

Very good, sir. A spanking well administered.

Well Mr D has called himself a man of international affairs. He probably thinks he knows more about the U.S than any of us. I'd said the kid wants desperately in.
Lol, did he declare his personal jihad on you yet?
That was set a long time ago. :lol:

Well Mr D has called himself a man of international affairs. He probably thinks he knows more about the U.S than any of us. I'd said the kid wants desperately in.
No 'probably' about it. He does deluded himself into believing that.
My friend, I can't tell you the last time I wrote a paper in my long tenure with the state. I'm an old man , 30 years into it and people at my level shoot off those infamous diplomatic cables, write down our views in bullets and leave it to some junior fella to write a paper. You think we are all wordsmiths and spend our time writing papers do you? Nobody has time for reading a thesis. Would you like to know the famous question we are all expected to be prepared for at my meetings? " Give me your top three". Then again a local like you wouldn't know. Sec of state, senior diplomats comes into a meeting and he/she has 20 minutes or less most of the time, unless its a crisis situation.

The issue is not whether you write English theses every day, but the level of erudition demonstrated.

Where have you found me lacking on the few topics around international affairs I've written to date. You could have an opposing view - but can you point me to any thread I started here, where my expressed views, were not aligned with our countries and state department? Could you with your great international affairs resume correct me on any?

Just lately you were unaware of the evolution on Zionism, and yet you have commented rather vociferously on Israel. Wen your ignorance on Zionism was exposed, all you could manage was the stock rant of "but but but anti-Semite".

I have seen your exchanges in other threads also where your knowledge was less-than-impressive.

Can you point out to me a single group that goes around calling the women as basically being whores? Have you ever read how they write to posters from Vietnam? Are you really defending them when it is painfully obvious that they have been getting away with just horrible behaviour.

Since you claim to have read this forum for a while before joining, you would know that all groups engage in such language, including members of various nationalities towards Chinese.

There are many Americans also who use such language.

Once again, since your command of English comprehension seems to have failed you, I am not defending such language; merely challenging your claim that one group is singularly worse than others.

Maybe you are. I saw how childish and immature your reply was to jhungary. You stooped to a level similar to the group in question. You should apologize to him

Did jhungary bring you in to fight his battles for you, too?
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