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To the Chinese here...

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true, but you will only lose your clearence either you give.them up uself, or you do something stulid and losing it, both of it is your own doing.

So technically a clearence can be your forever. if you want to keep working in the intel biz forever until you doed

Not in Australia.

Once you leave your job, you will have a hard time getting revalidated (for a PV1/2) clearance unless there is some reason why you should have it or your new job requires it.

Just being a nice guy is not enough to get it revalidated..

I don't know about the US but, in Australia, security clearance is only valid for a limited period and must be revalidated -- after 15 years for low level, and every year for high level clearance.

There is no such thing as 'security clearance for life'.

Also, every single document must be explicitly marked with the level of clearance that it falls under. People who hold top level clearance tend to be very conscientious and professional.
And not share them on defense.pk if they come to know it "mistakenly"

Like come on, you worked for state dept, are retired now, you come to a pakistani defense forum and make username "state dept retired" and then claim to have inside information. This is as ridiculous as it can get. And many of us have fallen for it.

You know what, why don't we all create account like "ISI-retired general" and start saying "i can visit GHQ anytime and I know so and so is going to happen and I'll post all so and so on public forums." I'm just surprised mods haven't taken action on it. I don't want this guy to get banned on reason of "being Indian" or whatever, because he can fake his IP address. Or he can be Indian living in US. Whatever the thing is, the point is, trash like this is against forum rules (rants).

@Developereo updated a bit more
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O common dont mind small little fights.......Bring her back it would be fun talking to her and tease her a little......Afterall she is like a sister to us.

Regarding the Gay thing.... i was JOKING....

lol i dont know, maybe we'll see

and lol i got the joke in the first place...just trying to be a.smartarse about it...

Not in Australia.

Once you leave your job, you will have a hard time getting revalidated (for a PV1/2) clearance unless there is some reason why you should have it or your new job requires it.

Just being a nice guy is not enough to get it revalidated..

dude, when i said "forever" i mean its valid as long as you arewilling to renew it, and renew it wasnt that hard actually

What you are saying is after you left, dusted and settled, you cannot go applying for a.security yourselve like a driver license then its not hard to get, but impossible to get.

However if you come back and work for intelligence agency again, then depending on many factor, its may not be that hard at all to be responsored

remember you cant go look for.job in ASIS or CIA, they come look for you, so if they try to pick you back up, then trust me you are already vetted by somebody, so it would not be hard for you at all to get yiur clearance back
lol i dont know, maybe we'll see

and lol i got the joke in the first place...just trying to be a.smartarse about it...

dude, when i said "forever" i mean its valid as long as you arewilling to renew it, and renew it wasnt that hard actually

What you are saying is after you left, dusted and settled, you cannot go applying for a.security yourselve like a driver license then its not hard to get, but impossible to get.

However if you come back and work for intelligence agency again, then depending on many factor, its may not be that hard at all to be responsored
You realize that giving security clearance to someone is a big issue. What if the retired person loses his mind? Is there law to try him when he puts information publicly? There are so many other legal matters.

With the whole whistle blowing thing, you'd really think US would not take security matters more seriously?
dude, when i said "forever" i mean its valid as long as you arewilling to renew it, and renew it wasnt that hard actually

What you are saying is after you left, dusted and settled, you cannot go applying for a.security yourselve like a driver license then its not hard to get, but impossible to get.

However if you come back and work for intelligence agency again, then depending on many factor, its may not be that hard at all to be responsored

All my comments were in reference to this guy who claims to be "retired" but still claims to have access to brand new secret information.
All my comments were in reference to this guy who claims to be "retired" but still claims to have access to brand new secret information.
and visits white house anytime of the day.

He hasn't replied here anymore but is reading posts (evident with him giving ratings). He's laughing his butt off over how we're all arguing and feeding this troll.

Trolling successful.
lol i dont know, maybe we'll see

and lol i got the joke in the first place...just trying to be a.smartarse about it...
u should know dude yr her husband! She wont come by herself thats why i said bring her here.............

Anyways u did good to have been back...its always fun with u and yr military stories.
You realize that giving security clearance to someone is a big issue. What if the retired person loses his mind? Is there law to try him when he puts information publicly? There are so many other legal matters.

With the whole whistle blowing thing, you'd really think US would not take security matters more seriously?

being retired may or may not mean you are going
senile, in the military, you can retired after 20 years of service, say you joined up at 17, then you retired at 37....

yes, there is a law for willfully divulge information, if edward snowden is in the US right now he woild have end up in jail, and we do tried and convicted Bradley Manning (its chelsea manning now by the way)

The fact is like this, yes, things got tense after bradley manning and edward snowden. But there arent anything more to do on account od preselection and vetting. You would still pass the vetting stage and get dissatified with the government and spill the bean, but within the intelligence agency, people worked there dont really need to trust each other, but you need to trust the system

The information that is not meant for "retired" officials is ok? Got to be kidding me. See, the retired man has no obligation to not share the inside information, unlike the worker. Compare how much repercussions will a retired or working man will face.

actually you are still bound by confidentiality even after you left, retire and people who worked highly classified info knows their value and what the result if and would they leak it.

Not saying its ok to let people over their prime to know current intel, but you do build your network of asset during the course of your career and yiur asset wont stop talking to you once you retired as they trust you, thats why he or she is your asset. That is how info still fliwing even after the guy retired

All my comments were in reference to this guy who claims to be "retired" but still claims to have access to brand new secret information.

if he still have his asset, source or mole in place, i cant see why not he can still access to current intel

As i said, your source wont stop working for you just because you retired. As long as your source trust you, you can keep your info flowing.

Dont see why he claim to be retire then he cant have latest intel. I dont work in MILINT anymore yet i still have my source in US and overseas and i can and will and did got some latest ongoing intel.
You couldn't resist the itch to call me stupid did you ? I guess Homeland series was not entirely wrong after all :lol:

So just because your white, no one has any right to call you stupid after you judged something from the numbers than the post it self?
I have made this point earlier, I dont argue with chinese posters here. I dont consider them humans, they are more like machines without feelings. :undecided:
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