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To the Chinese here...

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Buddy, the closest you have ever come to the US State Dept is to drive past the building.

You ain't fooling anybody here. Many people here saw past your claims long time ago.

My knowledge of the US laws and society is based on first hand knowledge from relevant people. Unlike clowns like you who saw a couple of shows on Fox News and keep blabbering.

Nothing of the sort and neither do i hate the US.

What I do find amusing is the whining ninnies here like you and a couple of others who act hurt when a legitimate criticism is leveled at the US. The other Americans I have talked with are far more mature and self-confident and present a stark contrast to the whining ninnies like you.

Your whining, along with other clues, is a giveaway that you have zero diplomatic background.

All you are doing is demonstrating that your abject incompetence with English extends from composition to comprehension.

Readers can read clearly the distinction that exists, and which I pointed out, between Judaism and Zionism,

The fact that plain English sentences elude your comprehension proves once again that you are nothing as you claim.

Finally, it was YOU not I who wrote anything about 'winning'. Readers can again note the exchange and see who wrote what. I do find it amusing that, once your silly charade of 'State Dept' is exposed, you are throwing such a hissy fit,

Amusing as always...

It's always entertaining when you make things up in your hallucinatory mind.
I never claimed to be an expert on China or Vietnam. Our only discussion relating to Vietnam was in the context of refugees coming to Australia and I showed you what the facts were, as published by the Australian government.

Your wife's claims were ludicrous and, again, shown to be false by direct references to the UN, Australian, Philiipine and Swedish government websites. YOU may worship her, but don't expect anyone else to give her the time of day when she blabbers incoherently and falsely about things she knows nothing about, and claims superiority by dint of her alleged qualifications.

When the relevant government contradicts her claims, that's that.

You are a non-entity to me and I stop thinking of you three seconds after I write my post.

YOU, on the other hand, are still smarting NINE MONTHS after your thrashing where you threw your little, self-indulgent tantrum, and then scurried off with your tail between your legs. Now, upon your return, YOU have brought up old issues TWICE and the only thing I did was to respond to your rants.

The best part is that he claims to be retired but still have access to secret information not yet released to the public.

Anyone who has ever held a security clearance can only shake their heads and laugh at such nonsense.

dude, you do know you are contridicting your own self right?

If i am just a little packet (Or non-entity like you said) and small enough to ignore, then why are you replyijg to my everypost even if i did not quote you to begin with. I certainly did not quote you on the very first post in the thread, i quoted retired_state_department. to begining with. Yet you see its your initiative to jump in with both feet and i dont know what you do with it

Beside i quote you a UN report quoting where most Vietnamese refugee gone and they are not to Australia, i al still awaiting on a response and evidence that back up your claim of most vietnam refugee came to Australia by boat during the war.

lol and you did claim you know Sweden better than her lol. When she got tired arguing with your taped infinity loop and you said she was a loser and you won. That is absolutely funny. Seriously i laughed and winder how old are you...
dude, you do know you are contridicting your own self right?

The only contradictions are in your mind.

If i am just a little packet (Or non-entity like you said) and small enough to ignore, then why are you replyijg to my everypost even if i did not quote you to begin with. I certainly did not quote you on the very first post in the thread, i quoted retired_state_department. to begining with. Yet you see its your initiative to jump in with both feet and i dont know what you do with it

You made a number of negative comments specifically about me, forcing me to respond.

Beside i quote you a UN report quoting where most Vietnamese refugee gone and they are not to Australia, i al still awaiting on a response and evidence that back up your claim of most vietnam refugee came to Australia by boat during the war.

Wrong again.

My claim was that Australia accepted a number of Vietnamese refugees by boat who had not registered previously offshore. I never said anything about most or least. That is yet another delusion in your brain.

lol and you did claim you know Sweden better than her lol. When she got tired arguing with your taped infinity loop and you said she was a loser and you won. That is absolutely funny. Seriously i laughed and winder how old are you...

Another falsehood.

Your wife made certain claims about Swedish border guards' policy towards asylum seekers. Her claims were demolished by direct links to the Swedish government websites which confirmed the precise opposite.
Put your money where your mouth is.

I know you have a habit of making things up, and you may even believe them in that delusional ball of wax you call a brain, but show me where I used those words.

You do have a short term memory

You are clueless as usual.

Argentines of European descent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

European component, 81.47%-81.77%, and Amerindian component 18.23%-18.57%

This study showed that the average contribution to Argentine ancestry was 79.9% European, 15.8% Amerindian and 4.3% African

The analysis of Y-Chromosome DNA revealed a 94.1% of European contribution (a little higher than the 90% of the 2005 study), and only 4.9% and 0.9% of Native American and Black African contribution, respectively.

The study of 24 Autosomal markers also proved a large European contribution of 78.6%, against 17.3% of Ameridian and 4.1% Black African contributions

YOU are the one stalking @Wholegrain because he pointed out Vietnam's oppression of its ethnic minorities.

YOU are the one who has clearly admitted your agenda.

It is only fair that the other people should be warned.

The only thing I am doing is fighting your attempts at censorship to chase some guy off the forum because he pointed out the skeletons in Vietnam's close

so what is the highlighted part of what you said about warning other lol?
I have chosen to write to you here in this section and spill it it out. What I'm sure is going to be another barrage of expected comments- but away from the main forums.

My very first post regarding the Chinese was a warning to those who felt china's economy was going come crashing down. I called it a pipe dream. I actually know many intelligent and reasonable Chinese in my interactions outside these forums.

I feel a bit bad about reigning in on the Chinese parade here. I guess I'm disgusted with your attitudes on these forums. As I said, the way you behave here is like the the new rich, arrogant in your display of your new found richness.

You attack everyone not on the basis of real national interest. Rather you do it just get down into the sloth. Examples of which is when I've read many Chinese here attack vietnamese and call their women "whores" effectively and get away with it. Or when you attack Indians and troll them constantly or dare say a Japanese who has ever disagreed with you and so and so forth.

I've seen you trying to bully many and just speak to the lowest denomination.

If you don't have Chinese posters who are constantly talking about Nuking another country, we see others who are talking about the appearances and the color of skin of those coming from others countries. This is despicable and not necessary. Sure, some others also use this language against you but they by far few and beyond.

I lost my bearings for which I should apologize to the rest of the community.
Dont worry so much,and dont take it to serious.
Oh, you lived here for awhile and have friends and that qualifies you as Mr. International affairs and U.S. expert.

Well sir I have lived here longer, served my country and many Presidents............. and my friends and I have access to the Whitehouse!
Anyone who have watched the news knows that when an official agent of the goobermint speaks in front of the cameras, almost always he/she begins reading from a prepared statement, and that paper have been glossed over by speechwriters and assorted editors. Before that paper, no doubt words and phrases inserted by diplomats and career civil servants would have horrified any English major. The fact that Mr. D pointed out your 'poor' English tells me he does not understand the US as much as he tries to portrays himself, let alone know what kind of people works in the US State Dept and who should be good English speakers.
The only contradictions are in your mind.

You made a number of negative comments specifically about me, forcing me to respond.

Wrong again.

My claim was that Australia accepted a number of Vietnamese refugees by boat who had not registered previously offshore. I never said anything about most or least. That is yet another delusion in your brain.

Another falsehood.

Your wife made certain claims about Swedish border guards' policy towards asylum seekers. Her claims were demolished by direct links to the Swedish government websites which confirmed the precise opposite.

lol she explained the swedish thing on the policy and you said it wasnt what sye said without giving her a reason, repeatedly.

And you did say the vietnamsse refugee is came by boat to Australia. As the whole topic we debated is the refugee came by boat directly and ONSHORE processing. I will find you the link when i got on my desktop
You do have a short term memory

so what is the highlighted part of what you said about warning other lol?

My memory is just fine, as are my reading skills.

Where do you see the words 'holy war' or 'jihad'?

I have always maintained that you are a loser who holds on to grudges forever and resorts to stalking and harassing people on the forum after losing arguments. I told you that such behavior was not acceptable and, if I found you stalking and harassing members, I would take note of it.

Ironically, you are proving my point by constantly referring to me first in any number of threads, long after the issue was over.

lol she explained the swedish thing on the policy and you said it wasnt what sye said without giving her a reason, repeatedly.

And you did say the vietnamsse refugee is came by boat to Australia. As the whole topic we debated is the refugee came by boat directly and ONSHORE processing. I will find you the link when i got on my desktop

She made an explicit AND FALSE claim about Swedish border guards. Her claims were shown to be false.

About refugees, I never said MOST Vietnamese came by boat. I said Australia accepted boat people without prior registration offshore.
Anyone who have watched the news knows that when an official agent of the goobermint speaks in front of the cameras, almost always he/she begins reading from a prepared statement, and that paper have been glossed over by speechwriters and assorted editors. Before that paper, no doubt words and phrases inserted by diplomats and career civil servants would have horrified any English major. The fact that Mr. D pointed out your 'poor' English tells me he does not understand the US as much as he tries to portrays himself, let alone know what kind of people works in the US State Dept and who should be good English speakers.

lol as far as i concern, he know nothing in the US, not just state department, every level of US government could hlhage and possibly have a bad standard of English as the US government hire people not on their English standard ( well they do but not the most important) But their abilit6 to work

From top to bottom we have a bunch if first generation foreign born american that speak crap English working in Every Level of our government.

The point he pick your English show that he is extremely ignorant or simply the last desperate trick to try and discredit someone.

Thats strange tho as my English is quite bad ye5 he dos not make these kind of comment to me, yet. l9l
The fact that Mr. D pointed out your 'poor' English tells me he does not understand the US as much as he tries to portrays himself, let alone know what kind of people works in the US State Dept and who should be good English speakers.

The fact that YOU and Mr. State Dept. don't understand is that I am not talking prepared statements.

Contrary to your narrow domain of military knowledge -- and abject cluelessness without -- I am well aware of how official statements are prepared, not just for governments but for corporations.

The issue with Mr. State Dept. is not whether he WRITES his documents but whether he CAN WRITE in proper English prose. His English usage shows a level of deficiency which makes it clear he CANNOT write English prose even at a proper high school level.

The English is just the tip of the iceberg. His 'knowledge' about other world affairs, from Crimea to Middle East is so comically wrong, it's a joy to read.
My memory is just fine, as are my reading skills.

Where do you see the words 'holy war' or 'jihad'?

I have always maintained that you are a loser who holds on to grudges forever and resorts to stalking and harassing people on the forum after losing arguments. I told you that such behavior was not acceptable and, if I found you stalking and harassing members, I would take note of it.

Ironically, you are proving my point by constantly referring to me first in any number of threads, long after the issue was over.

She made an explicit AND FALSE claim about Swedish border guards. Her claims were shown to be false.

About refugees, I never said MOST Vietnamese came by boat. I said Australia accepted boat people without prior registration offshore.

lol the wording you use does not suggest what you say now. Please read the quoted part again and response in kind, thank you

and you do say somewhere that its your mission to destroy me, i think the post have been deleted by administrator already, plus the fact even webmaster himself said you are trolling speak a lot more volumn, do you still want to look at that caption on webby saying that again?

and you still have not back up by anyway why you think her comment was wrong. Just that you said it was. so...

but hey, i done arguing with you. Its been fun but i gotta move on, feel free to say you won or anything...
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lol as far as i concern, he know nothing in the US, not just state department, every level of US government could hlhage and possibly have a bad standard of English as the US government hire people not on their English standard ( well they do but not the most important) But their abilit6 to work

From top to bottom we have a bunch if first generation foreign born american that speak crap English working in Every Level of our government.

The point he pick your English show that he is extremely ignorant or simply the last desperate trick to try and discredit someone.

Thats strange tho as my English is quite bad ye5 he dos not make these kind of comment to me, yet. l9l

Yet more clueless ranting.

Your English is irrelevant to your claimed expertise, but he claims to be a senior diplomat in the State Dept. -- senior enough to have access to secret information not released to the public. People at high levels have a certain level of education and English communication is a very important aspect of their work. There are any number of foreign born people in the State Dept. and they all have a fairly good level of English fluency.

The level demonstrated by this guy wouldn't pass high school English exams.
Buddy, the closest you have ever come to the US State Dept is to drive past the building.

You ain't fooling anybody here. Many people here saw past your claims long time ago.

My knowledge of the US laws and society is based on first hand knowledge from relevant people. Unlike clowns like you who saw a couple of shows on Fox News and keep blabbering.

Nothing of the sort and neither do i hate the US.

What I do find amusing is the whining ninnies here like you and a couple of others who act hurt when a legitimate criticism is leveled at the US. The other Americans I have talked with are far more mature and self-confident and present a stark contrast to the whining ninnies like you.

Your whining, along with other clues, is a giveaway that you have zero diplomatic background.

All you are doing is demonstrating that your abject incompetence with English extends from composition to comprehension.

Readers can read clearly the distinction that exists, and which I pointed out, between Judaism and Zionism,

The fact that plain English sentences elude your comprehension proves once again that you are nothing as you claim.

Finally, it was YOU not I who wrote anything about 'winning'. Readers can again note the exchange and see who wrote what. I do find it amusing that, once your silly charade of 'State Dept' is exposed, you are throwing such a hissy fit,

Amusing as always...

It's always entertaining when you make things up in your hallucinatory mind.
I never claimed to be an expert on China or Vietnam. Our only discussion relating to Vietnam was in the context of refugees coming to Australia and I showed you what the facts were, as published by the Australian government.

Your wife's claims were ludicrous and, again, shown to be false by direct references to the UN, Australian, Philiipine and Swedish government websites. YOU may worship her, but don't expect anyone else to give her the time of day when she blabbers incoherently and falsely about things she knows nothing about, and claims superiority by dint of her alleged qualifications.

When the relevant government contradicts her claims, that's that.

You are a non-entity to me and I stop thinking of you three seconds after I write my post.

YOU, on the other hand, are still smarting NINE MONTHS after your thrashing where you threw your little, self-indulgent tantrum, and then scurried off with your tail between your legs. Now, upon your return, YOU have brought up old issues TWICE and the only thing I did was to respond to your rants.

The best part is that he claims to be retired but still have access to secret information not yet released to the public.

Anyone who has ever held a security clearance can only shake their heads and laugh at such nonsense.
It's pretty obvious he's an Indian. He was posting about Dawood and referencing an Indian news channel and claiming to have "inside" information regarding meeting with modi/obama on this issue.

Funny he's a retired dude yet he gets information (and gets to go to white house anytime) like he was President of US.
lol the wording you use does not suggest what you say now. Please read the quoted part again and response in kind, thank you

I read it just fine. The only thing it shows is that your hallucinations have gotten the better of you.

land you do sais somewhere that its your mission to destroy me, i think the post have been deleted by administrator already, plus the fact even webmaster hikself said you are trolling speak a lot more volumn, do you still want to look at that caption on webby sa6ing that again?

More delusions.
I have no desire to destroy you since you are a non-entity to me,
My only interest in you is if I happen to see you stalking and harassing valuable posters because they beat you in some argument.

land you still have not back up by anyway why you think her comment was wrong. Just that you said it was. so...

Once again, read ENGLISH.
I posted a link to the Swedish government website which flatly contradicted her claims about border guard policy wrt asylum seekers.

lbut hey, i done arguing with you. Its been fun but i gotta move on, feel free to say you won or anything...

I know you well enough to know that you cannot let go of this grudge and you will keep smarting and come back to say crap about me behind my back.

It's pretty obvious he's an Indian. He was posting about Dawood and referencing an Indian news channel and claiming to have "inside" information regarding meeting with modi/obama on this issue.

Funny he's a retired dude yet he gets information (and gets to go to white house anytime) like he was President of US.

Many people have claimed he is an Indian.
I don't know and I don't want to guess.
All I know is that he is no high level State Dept. diplomat with access to secret information as he claims to be,

I just enjoy watching him play his little charade. It's fun...
I read it just fine. The only thing it shows is that your hallucinations have gotten the better of you.

More delusions.
I have no desire to destroy you since you are a non-entity to me,
My only interest in you is if I happen to see you stalking and harassing valuable posters because they beat you in some argument.

Once again, read ENGLISH.
I posted a link to the Swedish government website which flatly contradicted her claims about border guard policy wrt asylum seekers.

I know you well enough to know that you cannot let go of this grudge and you will keep smarting and come back to say crap about me behind my back.

Many people have claimed he is an Indian.
I don't know and I don't want to guess.
All I know is that he is no high level State Dept. diplomat with access to secret information as he claims to be,

I just enjoy watching him play his little charade. It's fun...
I didn't have doubts on him before. But the way he's speaking here and his anger at Chinese (every faction here hates another, we just ignore) clearly shows he is not from state dept and the next best guess is he's Indian.

So far I'm liking how you are cornering him.
I read it just fine. The only thing it shows is that your hallucinations have gotten the better of you.

More delusions.
I have no desire to destroy you since you are a non-entity to me,
My only interest in you is if I happen to see you stalking and harassing valuable posters because they beat you in some argument.

Once again, read ENGLISH.
I posted a link to the Swedish government website which flatly contradicted her claims about border guard policy wrt asylum seekers.

I know you well enough to know that you cannot let go of this grudge and you will keep smarting and come back to say crap about me behind my back.

lol i just want to say this, i wont speak behind your back, if i have to say bad stuff at you, i will say it infront of you.

PS as i said, my wife already explain why the swedish article you quote are inline of wha5 she said, you juat refuse to believe it and without giving any reason (probably citingher bad english again) but this is between you and her so dont quote me on that. Maybe you actually did know Sweden more then a swede even you had never even live there, who knows.
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