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To all Pakistanis

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If u ask me my view was very positive before joining this forum, but it has gone more negative now.
I think they have certain issue which needs to change.....

1. Join the regional alliance ie Pakistan, China, Iran, Russia, Bangladesh n Srilanka.
When i say this it means that the alliance should be/will be equal for everyone. It will not be like someone will be gaining more from others/other.

2.The Greed must be removed in your minds, history also shows that greedy people r those who end up being a loser in Global Issues. Let not money dictate yr live but u should make yourself so Good that u should be dictating resources/money.

3. Stop living in the past like we (Pakistanis or Chinese) r bad n had always been bad n u (indians) have been angels, who have done nothing bad to us or anyone. If u keep on thinking like that u will be left alone in this World.

4. Behave Good with Kashmiri people dont try to divide them or suppress them. respect them n their views. If u r doing that, Good!! but do more then that as it may not be satisfactory for them. They have suffered a lot dont make them suffer more. Give them equal status in yr country n in citizenship.

5.Dont think like we r underdeveloped or uneducated. we r also humans like u n dont consider yrself superior.This is i think the biggest flaw in Indians of this forum that makes most of them arrogant.

6. Understand others view point in a positive manner n make yrself distant from propaganda against us.

7. PLZ dont make anti Pakistani propaganda threads in PDF atleast.

8. Stop praising countries like Israel who r the sworn enemies of Muslim World.
I only see one example of it in World History so I believe the sample size is too low. However, as history takes place in long intervals of time, 60 years is too low to judge it as a one off and benign event. We must at least a 150 years to ascertain whether it is virulent or not.

Well there is a history of 1400 years so we do have a fair amount of data. These questions should ideally be pondered upon without biases arising from accident of birth.
How have your views about us changed after interacting with us on :pdf:?

Which views have been proven wrong, which reaffirmed?

Have we been good ambassadors of our country? :pop:

I have changed a lot. I got to know about Pakistan way better than when I started.
I know that they are better off industrially than what I use to think.
Got to know about the importance of military in their life, unlike India in Pakistan a majority of them have some relative in Army.
The sad part I learnt is division between themselves. Shai, Sunni, Ahemadi etc. I thought Muslims are all one.
The most surprising thing I learnt is that Pakistan thinks Indians as Hindus and they are taught about Baniyaa and Brahmin by someone. I feel when Partition happened the feeling was we are Muslims and we are separating from Hindus. I think someone of them after separation started Identifying every Indian as Hindus.
I learnt how they see our history; it was interesting to try to understand their perspective. I can understand why they feel Kashmir should be their part.
I also learnt that most of them are very similar thinking that Indians, it is just that they see us as Hindus and hence keep telling the world they are different. But in reality they think, react very similar to us.
Overall, had there been less political issue, we would have got along well. I therefore support building relations with them. I feel we can work with each other and keep the unresolved issues on the side.
I like that Imran Khan bhai on PDF. Use saath baith ke daru peene main maza aayega.
I would ask him the same thing I asked my dad when I found out that we had relatives in Lahore.

Why did they stay behind?

Possibly the same reason why the Avaris did or the ones who own Murree Brewries did or why Justice (R) Dorab Patel did or Ardeshir Cowasjee did ! I'd suggest you ask them.

My Grandpa's friend was a Parsi...we used to call him Dara Sahib - a great Rotarian who helped setup a school & a small technical institute at one of Lahore's Rotary Clubs. He died a while back...wasn't keen on leaving, wasn't abused, molested or any of the usual things you guys throw at us ! The rest of his family still continues to live on here in Gulberg, Lahore.

I have Jewish Blood?

Da Pakhtana ?
If u ask me my view was very positive before joining this forum, but it has gone more negative now.
I think they have certain issue which needs to change.....

1. Join the regional alliance ie Pakistan, China, Iran, Russia, Bangladesh n Srilanka.
When i say this it means that the alliance should be/will be equal for everyone. It will not be like someone will be gaining more from others/other.

2.The Greed must be removed in your minds, history also shows that greedy people r those who end up being a loser in Global Issues. Let not money dictate yr live but u should make yourself so Good that u should be dictating resources/money.

3. Stop living in the past like we (Pakistanis or Chinese) r bad n had always been bad n u (indians) have been angels, who have done nothing bad every to us or anyone. If u keep on thinking like that u will be left alone in this World.

4. Behave Good with Kashmiri people dont try to divide them or suppress them. respect them n their views. If u r doing that Good but do more then that as it may not be satisfactory for them. They have suffered a lot dont make them suffer more. Give them equal status in yr country n in citizenship.

5.Dont think like we r underdeveloped or uneducated. we r also humans like u n dont consider yrself superior.This is i think the biggest flaw in Indians of this forum that makes most of them arrogant.

6. Understand others view point in a positive manner n make yrself distant yr propaganda views against us.

7. PLZ dont make anti Pakistani propaganda threads in PDF atleast.

Nice post. :tup:

Hamme accha laga.
yes there are chances but not 100% ,Mharashtrian chitpavan of konkan are Jewish, they look very good as well many people around konkan.

No, Chitpavans/Konkanasthas are not of Jewish blood. They are related to the Saraswats. Apparently it is a group of Vedic peoples that moved South when the Saraswati river dried up around 2000 BC.
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