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beginning of the end of Congress lead UPA 2 ...good decision by Mamata (hope she will stick to this stand)
She is a cunning lady. She will give outside support to UPA if it came to no-confidence vote. And till 2014, she will actively garner parties for the Third Front.

For congress, this means roadblock removed. They may as well push forward reforms faster now. They have nothing to loose now. Faith of people in govt. is already at it's lowest ebb. Who knows, if they are lucky, the limited dividends due to the reforms passed now may bear fruit by 2014 and they may not perform as badly as they would in case of imminent poll.
Faith of people in govt. is already at it's lowest ebb. Who knows, if they are lucky, the limited dividends due to the reforms passed now may bear fruit by 2014 and they may not perform as badly as they would in case of imminent poll.

Rightly said. Congress if it doesnt do anything will crash and burn in 2014. :D
Hope government will push for more reforms without much hurdle. I am curious to see who will be new Railway Minister.
Forget about railway ministry at present UPA will be working on how to save their govt....I will love to see who will support the govt after the withdrawal of Mamata's support...Don't forget we have election in 2 years and nobody will like to loose votes by supporting Govt....

2G Scam,
Adarsh Scam,
CWG Scam,
Coal Gate Scam,
Delhi Airport Scam,
Weakening of INR,
Diesel Price,
LPG Price,
FDI in Retail

The list is too long for People of India to forget....Yes we have short memory but its not that short that we will forget this in 2 Years......
I think the government shouldn't fall though,we should wait till 2014 and then change the govt.
Fall of government could make adverse impact on India's economic background and perception,will it business confidence and stock markets badly.
beginning of the end of Congress lead UPA 2 ...good decision by Mamata (hope she will stick to this stand)

Though UPA 2 is scam-ridden and should be gotten rid of in 2014, India can't wait till 2014 for things to happen. The reforms brought by MMS is a good one. Let Mamata taking her party of UPA but India need the government to survive and stick to reforms. On a side note, Mamata - one of the top 100 influential people :hitwall: - it will expose the credibility of CNN list.
Let's be honest the best hope India has to return to decent economic growth and get back on track is with MMS at the helm doing what he does best with no oppositon opposing for the sake of opposing. You may not like it but it has to be done.

Btw I have no political prefrefercne whatsoever I just want to see India prosperous.
Though UPA 2 is scam-ridden and should be gotten rid of in 2014, India can't wait till 2014 for things to happen. The reforms brought by MMS is a good one. Let Mamata taking her party of UPA but India need the government to survive and stick to reforms. On a side note, Mamata - one of the top 100 influential people :hitwall: - it will expose the credibility of CNN list.

You are right, Reforms and growth first, petty politics later...
The situation is dire enough that if India was to have another 2 years until 2014 elections with little being done India can kiss away this decade for growth and India could be looking at dire times.
The list is too long for People of India to forget....Yes we have short memory but its not that short that we will forget this in 2 Years......

A lot of dynamics can change in 2 years my friend. Remember its not about electing the good guys, its about choosing the lesser of all evils :)

Please enlighten me which kind of decisions are you expecting from this UPA? More inflation, corruption scandal , new appeasement policy.

I agree and I disagree. I disagree because, most of the decision making has become difficult because of parties like the DMK, and Mamata.
Forget about railway ministry at present UPA will be working on how to save their govt....I will love to see who will support the govt after the withdrawal of Mamata's support...Don't forget we have election in 2 years and nobody will like to loose votes by supporting Govt....

2G Scam,
Adarsh Scam,
CWG Scam,
Coal Gate Scam,
Delhi Airport Scam,
Diesel Price,
LPG Price,
FDI in Retail

The list is too long for People of India to forget....Yes we have short memory but its not that short that we will forget this in 2 Years......

Yes buddy, corruption is disappointing all of us but I don't want to see our economy getting screwed up due to policy paralysis.
Please enlighten me which kind of decisions are you expecting from this UPA? More inflation, corruption scandal , new appeasement policy.

This kuttiii janani claims that she is in politics to serve the poorest common man. I agree that this ***** is a determined to help common man. But there is something called economics. India is not a welfare ashram, where she will gaurentee cheap food and petrol to people and think country will move forward. This gandu janani wants to live in 1990 and bitches like her have made what wb is today. Lemme expain you by examples:
1. During her tenure as a railways minister, she decided to help poor by running more passenger trains at cheaper rates. Railways debt shot up and railways became a loss making entity like Pakistan rails. Thankfully she was thrown out of railways and somehow by intervention by experienced leaders rails were saved from total collapse.

2. She doesn't allow special economic zones and big integerated townships in West Bengal, claiming that this will promote land enrochment by corporations. lolllllll kutti didn't allow tata to setup her plant in west bengal and along with farmers launched a massive protest. lollll kutti believes that India will develop as on its own without any risks and without any big investments.

I wish she gets bitten by a kutti tonight and dies or rabies....
Now coming to upa, they are atleast taking some risky decisions to help India. Last time they took such a decision in 1991 and we know what happened.

Now I know why she didn't get married.

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