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You think Sonia will come out in the open and protest. Man you are so naive..She is the numero uno in the Congress which is the ruling party. Nothing goes on without her knowledge. Do you even know the existence, composition and the idealogies of the 'members' of the NAC ?

I would rather MMS goes down immediately as the martyr than stay on for two more years and goes out a disgraced individual with his 'economist' tag in tatters.
Even if she is the demon you paint her to be she has to have even the most basic survival instinct which would be kicking in and telling her unless MMS is allowed to do his magic india is going to be in a world of pain and any dreams of re-election are over. In any case it seems MMS has tapped back into his mental state of the 2008 nuke deal where he stuck to his guns put it all on the line and got excELLANT results. Like he said he's going to go down fighting if nessercary.

Wrt the economist title being is tatters- utter BS despite all the mud others have tried to smear on him his image is still as clean as clean can be and his economist remains. As someone with a significant knowledge of economics let me tell you he is still held in high esteem around the world as both a world leader but particuarly as an economist and that won't change.
When did I say sonia doesn't know what going on in the party. I don't care as long as she is letting reforms happen.
Your dream of MMS going down might now come true. He will stay.

Again you display the political naivety...Even without Mamata the number were around 279 seats. So what was stopping MMS all this time ? Sonia and her ultra leftist leaning kitchen cabinet NAC. Mamata is just the bali ka bakra. The biggest opposition to MMS reforms were not the allies but the left leaning socialists/populists inside Congress itself.

yes, I'd rather MMS goes down now and remembered as a martyr forever than drag on with this dead weight govt and go down disgraced.
Again you display the political naivety...Even without Mamata the number were around 279 seats. So what was stopping MMS all this time ? Sonia and her ultra leftist leaning kitchen cabinet NAC. Mamata is just the bali ka bakra. The biggest opposition to MMS reforms were not the allies but the left leaning socialists/populists inside Congress itself.

yes, I'd rather MMS goes down now and remembered as a martyr forever than drag on with this dead weight govt and go down disgraced.

Sonia Gandhi is not a born hater of India, although I don't support her. She is making the govt weak, but you are too critical of her.
Even if she is the demon you paint her to be she has to have even the most basic survival instinct which would be kicking in and telling her unless MMS is allowed to do his magic india is going to be in a world of pain and any dreams of re-election are over. .

Congress has ALREADY given upon the 2014 elections. That is the basic point. There is no MMS magic as he is not going to come back in 2014.

Wrt the economist title being is tatters- utter BS despite all the mud others have tried to smear on him his image is still as clean as clean can be and his economist remains. As someone with a significant knowledge of economics let me tell you he is still held in high esteem around the world as both a world leader but particuarly as an economist and that won't change.

Who cares what some 'economist' in his AC cubicle in Brussels or London thinks of MMS. Its the perception among the aam admi in India that matters. These economists dont come and vote in elections here. The aam janta does. How a leader is remembered by his own people is much more important than how he is regarded by some goras.

And let me tell you the view about MMS is not charitable in India at the moment. He is being made the bali ka bakra by the Congress and its puppet media in the coal scam. He is being a karna, allegedly do-gooder being associated with the wrong party.
Congress has ALREADY given upon the 2014 elections. That is the basic point. There is no MMS magic as he is not going to come back in 2014.

Who cares what some 'economist' in his AC cubicle in Brussels or London thinks of MMS. Its the perception among the aam admi in India that matters. These economists dont come and vote in elections here. The aam janta does. How a leader is remembered by his own people is much more important than how he is regarded by some goras.

And let me tell you the view about MMS is not charitable in India at the moment. He is being made the bali ka bakra by the Congress and its puppet media in the coal scam. He is being a karna, allegedly do-gooder being associated with the wrong party.
Mate to be fair you can't say the best way to judge a leader or politican in India is by publics reception because a large percentage of the population aren't particuarly educated or clued up on politics or economics hence we have vote bank politics in all their destructive glory raging in India. Do think Mamata is the best example of a good leader? She is as ignorant and stupid as they come but she is popular. MMS was and is popular amongst the educated and middle classes because these people are able to see beyond the BS they are fed by the likes of Mayawti and Mamata and can see MMS for what he is and tries to do. MMS is an excELLANT face for India on the public stage can you imagine someone like Mamata or Mayawati as PM? They'd make India a laughing stock.
I wish UPA continues for atleast one more year.. More this govt. survives, more chances of NDA coming back.
Yaa conspiracy theories, I have one too.."America never reached moon" :)

Clearly you are unaware of the facts.Go back to worship USA mode.

Mate to be fair you can't say the best way to judge a leader or politican in India is by publics reception because a large percentage of the population aren't particuarly educated or clued up on politics or economics hence we have vote bank politics in all their destructive glory raging in India. Do think Mamata is the best example of a good leader? She is as ignorant and stupid as they come but she is popular. MMS was and is popular amongst the educated and middle classes because these people are able to see beyond the BS they are fed by the likes of Mayawti and Mamata and can see MMS for what he is and tries to do. MMS is an excELLANT face for India on the public stage can you imagine someone like Mamata or Mayawati as PM? They'd make India a laughing stock.

50 million is the size of the indian middle class .Enough said. And MMS policies like the recent stealth devaluation of rupee sent inflation sky high.The impact on the poor is hard very hard as it inflation harms their livelihood.
that's what I am saying,its a governance issue...why we need Walmart

Govt. consists of normal people not Gods, they can not turn everything upside down, middleman consists of nearly a crore or two in nos. how can GOI just remove them from the system where they are acting as an oxygen. The system should auto correct itself & that is what the govt. is saying (not my view though), that with the entry of Walmart & likes, the middleman will be removed since these retail chains will directly buy the product from the producer. Though they forgot that Walmart can itself become a middleman in the system & thus making a complete circle (just this time we have a middleman directly imported from US).
that's what I am saying,its a governance issue...why we need Walmart

Sincie you admit this is a governace issue, so the soln. to it(allowing FDI) is also a governace issue.

No Mate, you are not being honest or you are one of those who honestly believe the larger-than-life economist aura painted around MMS. And before you give the me '91 card, it was IMF that was directing/formulating the policies then, PVNR providing the political impetus and MMS just implementing what was told to him.

That is what I like in MMS. Actually that is what is the need of hour. Most of us know what is good for our country and what's not. All that is missing is someone who can actually impement it.
Actually GOI hasn't allowed the Retail Giants to enter India. All they have done is like a sort of giving NOC to Retail Giants to set up there stores in India if they get permission from local govt.(State govt.). So the final decision would rest on State govt.

I am happy that my state (both Haryana and Punjab) are going to allow these giants to enter. It would be good slap on the face of oppurtunistic NDA who speak one language at centre and does opposite in there home, when SAD will allow these Supermarkets to set there stores.
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