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TLP chief Saad Hussain Rizvi arrested in Lahore, Protests, and related

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Mostly roads cleared by Police and rangers. Ternol, Rawat, Gujarkhan, Bhara kahu, Tramri, M-3 Thokar, Eme Shahkam Chowk cleared. Few points blocked and action is underway. This time state in no mood of compromise
And that is why when some members call this country a banana republic, I have no option but to agree with them. Meanwhile, the government is on holidays whereas the people are suffering.
The delay in decision making or prompt action on roads by Govt at least helped common people see the true face of TLP. Religion is exploited in many ways. Where does the work force come on short notice ? Madrassas scattered in different part of cities. Readily available students in every madrasa of every age and stature. Then professionals like drivers of trucks, buses, vans and other vehicles who bring own vehicles to block roads.

If the Govt had struck in a lightning blitzkrieg styled fashion on TLP thugs the very first night, public might not have seen their true face as public went through agony and misery at hands of these punks who stormed all major roads. People sitting in cars on the roads hated them This is my thinking.
excuse my pathetic humor but to tackle situations like these i wish we have developed fart grenades....instead of firing tear gas or 40mm smoke bombs blast away some fart grenade and see the magic happen :rofl:
Sir, we have 112 wounded cops and 2 shaheed cops. These thugs were to be countered with bullets and bazookas. Next day Rangers were called in. The DHA, Cavalry and Cantt side were open all the times since you know who protects it.

Monday night, I saw helpless traffic cops arguing with these stick wielding thugs. A spark here or there could have ignited flames any time. Some angry and frustrated drivers among public forcing their way into streets and gaps. Public lost precious time stranded on the roads going here and there in frenzy. The next morning I saw cars parked on side of roads in awkward manner. I can imagine that families left cars over night on roads and reached home on foot perhaps.

I do agree with your point however as ramming vehicles, using molotovs, firing at these thugs - all options were there. This was a religious mob. They would have started calling their dead as " shaheeds " and shahadat for these fanatics is more favorable than living a tough honest life in this world. Hundreds more would have joined instantly ready to lay their lives to get a place in heaven.

One would think twice before making shaheeds out of them.
. Ask Turks and I swear they will tell you. In Turkey state is the GOD. And all you see is this.
Acting upon your advice, I asked a Turk, posting his response - rather I would say, a Turk (Ottoman) slap: :lol:

@PakAlp this might interest you.

"Biggest problem with turkish secularist ppl is that they take the beginning of Anatolian History as 1923 - so called Republican Way of Governance In Anatolia.

But these secularists losers nevermind and forget about 1000 year of Anatolian History. For 1000 year all states in Anatolia, people and politicians led by political leaders and with their SHEIKS and MULLAHS. Up until 1923.

Today The Diyanet institution has nothing to do with governance or people/society.

İn Turkey real "Moral Powers" lead ppl are some great islamic jamaats which secularist kamalist regime could not imposed or affect and finished!. Eventhough their effort to hang / execute all.

People still trust and listen those jamaats and sheikhs.

And diyanet... Tayyip Erdogan finished The kamalist regime and keep finishing it. Today even kamalist secularist political candidates tries to promote them as " religious anatolian traditional muslims" during their speeches, runnings etc.

We guess -wont take a long time- these secularist kamalist ppl will eat the fetish / fake god they created.
Because the societal and political atmosphere they caused IS NOT NATUREL regarding muslim turkish anatolian society.

Secularist ppl here WISH diyanet had an effect on the society at all but not, even diyanet workers dont take it serious, its like " obligatory hat wearing rule in the turkish constitution" nothin to do with the reality Lol."
That is great good fortune. If the majority finds parliamentary representation through a mullah-based party, as has more or less happened in India, it will take you decades to repair the damage.
On the first of Ramadan some interesting sights to see for the people of Pindi

People are afraid to confront them in day to day life but no one likes them

Sir, we have 112 wounded cops and 2 shaheed cops. These thugs were to be countered with bullets and bazookas. Next day Rangers were called in. The DHA, Cavalry and Cantt side were open all the times since you know who protects it.

Monday night, I saw helpless traffic cops arguing with these stick wielding thugs. A spark here or there could have ignited flames any time. Some angry and frustrated drivers among public forcing their way into streets and gaps. Public lost precious time stranded on the roads going here and there in frenzy. The next morning I saw cars parked on side of roads in awkward manner. I can imagine that families left cars over night on roads and reached home on foot perhaps.

I do agree with your point however as ramming vehicles, using molotovs, firing at these thugs - all options were there. This was a religious mob. They would have started calling their dead as " shaheeds " and shahadat for these fanatics is more favorable than living a tough honest life in this world. Hundreds more would have joined instantly ready to lay their lives to get a place in heaven.

One would think twice before making shaheeds out of them.

An excellent analysis. Despite the chaos some people still seem to be supportive of these guys. I can only imagine what the numbers would have been like if these protesters weren't allowed to really 'shine'.

I think a lot of people wanting 'shoot on sight' type of orders forget the cost of killing Bhutto. That guy has yet to fully die, and Pakistan continues to suffer for it.

I am glad rizvi didn't die in custody and become another shaheed.

The people in charge have learned to at least not repeat the mistakes of giving shaheeds to such people. There are plenty of smarter ways to deal with these people properly.

I just hope lessons are learned and such people aren't allowed to rise up to this level again.
Pindi ey bawa ji

Rangers ki amad sey ye kiya howa

Langrey da dalaa oh tako nas gaya

Murshad ka farman

My brother are you saying that TLP just started to beat up police officers for no apparent reason? you can see sticks in this video held by some people but can you not see peaceful protest? Can you not see an ambulance being let pass? Can you not see protests and police just standing peacefully?

The violence starts when government orders crackdown against peaceful protesters, starts shelling them, beating them up, burning cars, smashing windows of ambulances. Then blamed it on Tlp, this is when tlp people started violence because police was attacking them.

People on PDF seem to have memory issues, you are forgetting Gullu and Pillu butt, these are government hired goons who cause chaos whenever protests take place and then government uses dirty tactics as usual.

The PTI government should be different, we all supported the march and supported PTI because they wanted a Pakistan for the people. Why is PTI copying PML N. If TLP is terrorist then so is PTI because they also have terrorism cases against them. I am against double standards, why only the weak suffers.

Yes I remember one of their leader swearing at generals and all top sunni scholars condemn him for that and he apologised. But don't other leaders mock generals and army, didn't IK say Pakistan generals wet their pants if they see protesters on street. Why double standards?

You keep saying protest is a right. But when did rightful protest become a tool for extortion? There are rules for protest, because the city belongs to everyone not just the protestor.

These are the main UK rules:

When can the right to protest be limited?
Any limitation to the right to protest must be outlined in legislation. It must also be necessary, proportionate and for one of the following aims:

– in the interest of national security or public safety
– to prevent disorder or crime
– to protect health or morals- to protect others’ rights and freedoms.

More generally, the police have the power to impose conditions or restrictions on a protest to prevent serious public disorder, serious damage to property, serious disruption to the life of the community or to prevent intimidation of others. This power is outlined in the Public Order Act 1986 and amounts to limiting the route/location, the duration or the amount of people participating.

The police have the right to limit these rights if there is a breach of the peace. This occurs when an individual causes harm, or if it is likely that they will cause harm, to another individual or property, or if it puts another person in fear of being harmed.

In these situations, the police may take reasonable steps, including arrest, to prevent or stop a breach of the peace....

How to organise a protest?
If you are planning on organizing a march, you must let the police know 6 days in advance. You will need to inform them of the date and time of the march, your proposed route and contact details of the organisers. There is information on how to do this here.

In response, the police have the right to limit or change the route of your proposed march and they may set certain conditions.

As you guys keep comparing to UK protests: Did TLP leadership provide full details of organised protest? or were they just threatening anarchy? If it was anarchy, the government is perfectly right in its position.

Secondly, in a non legal sense, don't you think protest should be necessary and proportionate?

This ambassador thing is almost a frivolous reason to block the country. The PM already said so much internationally, the demands of the TLP are unnecessary and excessive.

There are so many disagreeable things in the world for them. What will they block the streets for next?

Not surprised. I'm sure death on the streets is preferable to being married to one of those mullahs.
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