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TLP chief Saad Hussain Rizvi arrested in Lahore, Protests, and related

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Anyone who has researched TLP please answer, where does TLP get a majority of their funds from, a genuine question.
do you really dont know ? most of the funds came from common brelivis with green pagri . shopkeepers businessmen workers rich poor all kind of them . in fact every sect is doing same and getting funds
This is exactly why I opted to probe for alternate routes rather than engaging head on. If they attacked with sticks then retaliatory fire was the first option. Things would have spiraled out of control considering families sitting in near by vehicles.

Oh like when Kiyani used to negotiate with the Taliban, How did that work out for Pakistan...
Anyone who has researched TLP please answer, where does TLP get a majority of their funds from, a genuine question.

They call it charity donations :lol: F**king terrorists. I don't know why we have to bend over for these low IQ specimens. Take a guess how many of them are employed, pay tax and the amount of kids they have produced? Parasites that add nothing, just enough to make a 16 century man look enlightened. :hitwall:

You know who you are living with when the country gets invaded, these traitors would swap sides quicker than an Indian colonel swaps his wife :lol:
Anyone who has researched TLP please answer, where does TLP get a majority of their funds from, a genuine question.

You don't know the shortcut to go to heaven offered by Mullahs...

After taking bribes weighing less than getting paid for stealing, killing, hoarding, profiteering, raping, selling drugs and weapons. People take part of that money and donate it to TLP and other organizations like that so they can go to heaven. TA-DA
They call it charity donations :lol: F**king terrorists. I don't know why we have to bend over for these low IQ specimens. Take a guess how many of them are employed, pay tax and the amount of kids they have produced? Parasites that add nothing, just enough to make a 16 century man look enlightened. :hitwall:

You know who you are living with when the country gets invaded, these traitors would swap sides quicker than an Indian colonel swaps his wife :lol:
they have most important sales departments



Even when India and Pakistan go to war, they are committed not to raid Hospitals and related Medical facilities but these scumbags are feeling brave by attacking local Hospitals ....what kind of mindset makes these idiots carry out such actions.....The General public should wake up and drag these wild animals on streets.
@Baibars_1260 this thread no news or info on TLP heard 10 policeman were killed someother things as well but don't want to get banned
Anyone who has researched TLP please answer, where does TLP get a majority of their funds from, a genuine question.
Mosques , madersas , businessmen , religious charity organizations



"the fight with the mullah is political. It started from the time of Sir Syed. the mullah regards the educated Muslims as his deadliest enemy and the rival for power. that is why several of them opposed Pakistan and sided with the Congress. they felt that with the help of the...

Hindus they will be able to keep educated Muslims out of power. so we have got to take on all those who are political mischief-makers. this battle, though unpleasant, is unavoidable. it has to waged sometime or the other, in the interest of a strong progressive Pakistan.

I have serious differences with Ayub Khan, but can't disagree with what he has stated in his diary, circa 1967. apologies for the apparent hardline tone in it, which I don't endorse.
Anyone who has researched TLP please answer, where does TLP get a majority of their funds from, a genuine question.
From miscellanoeous sources but not from foreign agencies nor foreign funding unlike some parties in this country.
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