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TLP chief Saad Hussain Rizvi arrested in Lahore, Protests, and related

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Breaking News : Pakistan to outlaw TLP officially.

Move comes in after PM meeting with Bajwa and ISI chief yesterday. Looks like the end of TLP.
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Lmao. I love how you're justifying these terrorists, having such a soft heart for them.

Aurat March was a peaceful one, done with granted permission, with a plan in place and announcements made beforehand, and in cooperation with authorities and on a weekend so that people are not affected.

Pakistan is a democracy, you can peacefully protest against laws and norms. It's not a rundown Sharia-driven kingdom run by religious clerics.

TLP chief was arrested on preventive measures. It's obvious that he was going to initiate and head country wide protests very soon because he's hellbent on his organization's stupid demand.

TLP workers are now violently protesting destroying public space, economy, and private property of actually poor, hard working people who actually contribute to society unlike these degenerates. Would've been worse if the TLP chief led it.

If TLP wants to go violent and shut the country down for thwir retarded demand then they should be sent to jail and they can protest with jail time!
Otherwise, in a democracy, they can get majority votes, and then kick the ambassador, otherwise shut the **** up.

But here you're doing the usual delusional right wing knee jerk reaction: "fucking liberals!"

This is you guys for like the past 70 years.
View attachment 733838

The Ismatic Dilemma
Iblis utilizes two opposing archetypal political strategies to achieve man’s misguidance
and each is filled with compellingly useless mis/dis-information. His modified formula is
based on the Hegelian Dialectic:
1. On one hand is the maudlin sentience of metaphysical speculations that cover a broad
spectrum of religious and political innovations of empathetic dribble from Catholic
idolatry to the lunacy of Raelians and other forms of hero worship — generically
called ‘The Left’ with its tendency towards anarchy and chaos (i.e., incoherent
escapism or liberty).

2. On the other is fascist reductionism as demonstrated by a range of faiths from
Puritanical Protestants to Nazism, Jesuitism, Illuminism, Capitalism and
Communism—all of which culminate in the use of brute force to impose the tyranny
of those who concentrate wealth for an oligarchy of neo-platonic plutocrats
generically called ‘The Right’, with a tendency towards absolute control (law and
order—the obsessive-compulsive mania that guides those who worship ritual, pomp
and circumstance).
If you think Communists are ‘leftists’, that means you’ve swallowed the Jesuit inspired
bait whole, as it is they who first perfected the ‘commune’ long ago in Paraguay.74

You may insert any cult or political persuasion you choose in whichever category is
appropriate; being mindful that some, such as Catholicism, may fit either side. However,
realize that even the terms ‘Right’ and ‘Left’ are the ‘smoke and mirrors’ employed by
savants of mass-psychological manipulation as both extremes ride the racist-cum-cultural
war horses so beloved of amenably biased and superstitious polities; and … both
concentrate wealth in the service of an oligarchy. Isms of the ‘Left’ are periodically
utilized to stir the fires of rebellion in order to create seasonal anarchy and mayhem, and
those of the ‘Right’ are used to justify the privilege of selective murder and wealth
confiscation in due seasons of rebellion. Like a pendulum set in motion, one inevitably
leads to the other, and though they appear to be opposing ideologies, they are actually a
well managed continuum in the hands of phantom adepts.
It is merely the appearance of consequence that keeps their respective partisans united
and preoccupied while magi and cronies cause the wealth and power of each communion
to vanish!
Breaking News : Pakistan to outlaw TLP officially.

Move comes in after PM meeting with Bajwa and ISI chief yesterday. Looks like the end of TLP.
View attachment 733961

Iam not defending tlp but A fascist party like mqm still exist after all those traget killings .why such double standards?
I'm all for banning these idiots but not sure if banning TLP right now was a wise decision. I'd be expecting a strong backlash, worse than what happened during the past 2 days and knowing how the government has reacted to far right maulvis in the past, they would be hard to control.
I'm all for banning these idiots but not sure if banning TLP right now was a wise decision. I'd be expecting a strong backlash, worse than what happened during the past 2 days and knowing how the government has reacted to far right maulvis in the past, they would be hard to control.
Agreed, Issue is the strong grassroots support and legitimacy it has, Govt was handling it wrong from the get go and now has skipped several steps into quashing an extremist group. I can only hope for the best that the violence does not escalate to uncontrollable proportions.
Anyone who has researched TLP please answer, where does TLP get a majority of their funds from, a genuine question.
Imran Khan and his BS wisdom

Banning this group would invite even more trouble than before

Yeah Pakistani lefties would be happy. More dead bodies for them
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