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TLP chief Saad Hussain Rizvi arrested in Lahore, Protests, and related

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To protest the French they want to ban french kisses and the Bahria town imitation eiffel tower monuments - what is next? French fries?
TLP protestors reportedly carried and discharged firearms at Police and others.
The federal cabinet decided to deploy Pakistan Rangers in all major cities of the country during the holy month of Ramazan to maintain law and order and resolved that the present government would not succumb to any pressure of the TLP.

Seriously dude, power struggle?? Are you some mouth piece of indians or someone else because this is exactly what they say?? @waz ... another indian posting nonsense on this forum with unsubstantiated news.

Anyways, I told you fellows this is all being handled by foreign powers. The problem is the generals and their Establishment which does not want to take a firm decision because they are just too corrupt.
Lmao. I love how you're justifying these terrorists, having such a soft heart for them.

The situation was mismanaged by the govt. Govt backtracked on their promise and then arrested the leader of TLP without warrants. If you squeal like a puppy that protest is everyone's right---and then arrest TLP's leader just bc he announced protests---then not to see why the other side will agitate

Aurat March was a peaceful one, done with granted permission, with a plan in place and announcements made beforehand, and in cooperation with authorities and on a weekend so that people are not affected.

And aurat march leader's werent brutalized and arrested either. Aurat march argued for gay sex legalization on stage (which is literally going against the established constitution of the land) and yet it was treated with tushy hands.

Forget aurat march, PTM has directly threatened army with violence over and over, their leadership has called for succession from Pakistan, and openly called for ethnic division in country (Kaalia Punjabi etc)..and also engaged in violence against the state (the check post attack and many more). Yet, those lunatics are called "apnay bachay" by Nida Kirmanis of the world...and they are treated with 'soft corner' by media, establishment, political class, and even likes of you. So STFU with your fake crying...

Govt mishandled the whole fiasco and it should not let it become another Lal Masjid. This is a simple point

Pakistan is a democracy, you can peacefully protest against laws and norms. It's not a rundown Sharia-driven kingdom run by religious clerics.

Only country run by clerics in the world is Iran (even that isnt run by clerics but a coalition of clerics+civil society+political branches+IRGC...but that's besides the point). And Iran by no stretch is run down so keep your veiled bigotry to yourself. If anything, we are run down af compared to them lol

Secondly, Pakistan is an Islamic Republic and not a liberal democracy. So you need to stop your teenage tantrums because nobody gives a sh*t in real world. Issue of blasphemy is a sensitive one...and if you let it get exploited, it will lead to chaos throughout our country. Violence and killings of working class, emotionally charged protestors is literally what an idiot would recommend. Glad our incompetent authorities atleast know better than your low IQ blabbering :lol:
TLP chief was arrested on preventive measures. It's obvious that he was going to initiate and head country wide protests very soon because he's hellbent on his organization's stupid demand.

What's wrong in countrywide protests? You only use force against citizens IF they break the law. You dont start arresting folks by the excuse "well we know their protest will cause trouble so..."

If that's the case, 99% protests will not be allowed to happen in any third world country. Take your head outa your arse. It all comes down to same thing...govt mismanaged this whole fiasco and made it worse by their illegal "pre-emptive" action.
TLP workers are now violently protesting destroying public space, economy, and private property of actually poor, hard working people who actually contribute to society unlike these degenerates. Would've been worse if the TLP chief led it.

Lmao, who told you? You see the future too now? F*ck off with this chutiyapa. Arguably it would have been more centalized, easier to handle rally and the turnout would not have been that impressive either since nobody knows the unknown TLP leader. Now entire Pakistan knows him and the protests have turned de-centralized with no leadership controlling it---hence harder to control.

If TLP wants to go violent and shut the country down for thwir retarded demand then they should be sent to jail and they can protest with jail time!
Otherwise, in a democracy, they can get majority votes, and then kick the ambassador, otherwise shut the **** up.

Ch*tiye, no law is passed by "majority votes" party since in Pakistan...no party gets majority votes. Parliament work together to pass laws. TLP's demand was to introduce the motion in the parliment and if parliament voted against it, they'd have no legs to stand on. But by going back on their promise, govt dented its own credibility and gave the initiative to TLP....which has considerably move the overton window on these issues (Ahemdis, Blasphemy, Hurmat-e-Rasool etc).

You lack 5th grade intelligence to understand how politics actually work. You think these protests weakened TLP or strengthened it in its core constituencies? Answer is obvious...

But here you're doing the usual delusional right wing knee jerk reaction: "fucking liberals!"

This is you guys for like the past 70 years.
View attachment 733838

Average Pakistani liberal talking about "ganga-unity" and bitching over and over "Pakistan was secular!!! Jinnah was secular!!! 11 August speech" while completely disassociated with the ground realities :lol:
Average Hindu.png
Seriously dude, power struggle?? Are you some mouth piece of indians or someone else because this is exactly what they say?? @waz ... another indian posting nonsense on this forum with unsubstantiated news.

Anyways, I told you fellows this is all being handled by foreign powers. The problem is the generals and their Establishment which does not want to take a firm decision because they are just too corrupt.

What has been handled by Pakistanis to this day...everything from economy (IMF, World Bank), Defence equipment (US/China), Infrastructure Development (China), Religion and culture (Arab/Turks),...all these have been handled by foreign powers. Isn't it?
That was quite a few hours back my previous post, however now it seems it is clear?
The road is clear and open. Motorcycles were torched right beside a petrol pump.
Wonder how Iran and China will be feeling knowing they will be using Pakistan as a trade route and know these psychos can ruin everything.

IK got a make a choice now. pander to the TLP or lose any faith that current and future trade partners have.
I don't think this is government's doing. Our govt's have never been so proactive. This might have been done by the intelligence agencies and the govt now have to make important and harsh decision.
Cyril is a BS artist, but otoh, how many of you remember that the sitting COAS was blackmailed by a PMLN Senator at the behest of folks who were eventually thrown out ... on this very topic of Khatam e Nabuwat?

Pakistanis have super-short memories.
The situation was mismanaged by the govt. Govt backtracked on their promise and then arrested the leader of TLP without warrants. If you squeal like a puppy that protest is everyone's right---and then arrest TLP's leader just bc he announced protests---then not to see why the other side will agitate

And aurat march leader's werent brutalized and arrested either. Aurat march argued for gay sex legalization on stage (which is literally going against the established constitution of the land) and yet it was treated with tushy hands.

Forget aurat march, PTM has directly threatened army with violence over and over, their leadership has called for succession from Pakistan, and openly called for ethnic division in country (Kaalia Punjabi etc)..and also engaged in violence against the state (the check post attack and many more). Yet, those lunatics are called "apnay bachay" by Nida Kirmanis of the world...and they are treated with 'soft corner' by media, establishment, political class, and even likes of you. So STFU with your fake crying...

Govt mishandled the whole fiasco and it should not let it become another Lal Masjid. This is a simple point

Only country run by clerics in the world is Iran (even that isnt run by clerics but a coalition of clerics+civil society+political branches+IRGC...but that's besides the point). And Iran by no stretch is run down so keep your veiled bigotry to yourself. If anything, we are run down af compared to them lol

Secondly, Pakistan is an Islamic Republic and not a liberal democracy. So you need to stop your teenage tantrums because nobody gives a sh*t in real world. Issue of blasphemy is a sensitive one...and if you let it get exploited, it will lead to chaos throughout our country. Violence and killings of working class, emotionally charged protestors is literally what an idiot would recommend. Glad our incompetent authorities atleast know better than your low IQ blabbering :lol:

What's wrong in countrywide protests? You only use force against citizens IF they break the law. You dont start arresting folks by the excuse "well we know their protest will cause trouble so..."

If that's the case, 99% protests will not be allowed to happen in any third world country. Take your head outa your arse. It all comes down to same thing...govt mismanaged this whole fiasco and made it worse by their illegal "pre-emptive" action.

Lmao, who told you? You see the future too now? F*ck off with this chutiyapa. Arguably it would have been more centalized, easier to handle rally and the turnout would not have been that impressive either since nobody knows the unknown TLP leader. Now entire Pakistan knows him and the protests have turned de-centralized with no leadership controlling it---hence harder to control.

Ch*tiye, no law is passed by "majority votes" party since in Pakistan...no party gets majority votes. Parliament work together to pass laws. TLP's demand was to introduce the motion in the parliment and if parliament voted against it, they'd have no legs to stand on. But by going back on their promise, govt dented its own credibility and gave the initiative to TLP....which has considerably move the overton window on these issues (Ahemdis, Blasphemy, Hurmat-e-Rasool etc).

You lack 5th grade intelligence to understand how politics actually work. You think these protests weakened TLP or strengthened it in its core constituencies? Answer is obvious...

Average Pakistani liberal talking about "ganga-unity" and bitching over and over "Pakistan was secular!!! Jinnah was secular!!! 11 August speech" while completely disassociated with the ground realities :lol:
View attachment 733929
Nice rant mate but sorry, i didn't see Aurat march burning public property nor engaging is mass attacks hell bent on blood. So yeah i'd take their marches over a TLP schism any day, it's funny you post that Picture of an extremist Indian since the TLP engaged in the same activities as them, just as they forced Muslims to chant their anthem, the TLP did the same in a video posted a few pages back. Also stop reading their fanfiction again we have debated about this and it is a known fact that he was arrested for inciting violence prior to the agreement deadline expiration. Anywho the only discernible and agreeable thing you said is about Govt incompetence which i think is true as it lead to the 'protests', if you want to call them that, being less controlled as they did not plan for it properly.
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