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Time to say goodbye

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I have been around this forum, since 2005 and those were the hay days. I use to be in of awe of quality of posts, wishing, some day I could write as well as those posters.

Any discussion forum is only as good as its Moderators. And I say this with absolute conviction, this forum has gone to dogs.

Current generation of moderators, The Eagle and more recently waz, have a big hand in reducing the quality of this forum. They are unfair, heavily biased, have given immunity to certain Pakistani members.

My 2 Cents.
Trust me, there are still active threads/unlocked that doesn't prove anything or bring facts but we let it go. Furthermore, the same reason of "let them post and members will debunk the same" has been practiced time & again therefore, we do see many complaining as Mod(s) are pro this or that. However, a low quality propaganda write-up is only taken down.
If even Mods are biased,they can't go further than a limit.
As i said PDF is a turf,of all Pakistanis few have depth same goes for Bharatis,Bharati propganda against Pakistan is going on for ages we have always fought back and we can fight back today and any day.
There are few Mods who would go on personal level rest everyone has different perception as compared to others.

I have been around on this forum, since 2005 and those were the hay days. I use to be in of awe of quality of posts, wishing, some day, I could write as well, as those posters.

Any discussion forum is only as good as its Moderators. And I say this with absolute conviction, this forum has gone to dogs.

Current generation of moderators, The Eagle and more recently waz, have a big hand in reducing the quality of this forum. They are unfair, heavily biased, have given immunity to certain Pakistani members.

My 2 Cents.
Forum is not made of mods only,posters pay a huge role in setting course of forum.
Look, I'm well aware there is going to be no tear shed over this; several may celebrate too. It has become obvious I have overstayed my welcome at nearly 5 years.

I miss the old PDF. It was known to appreciate civil debate to promote a respectful alternate point of view. The Moderator culture was one of encouraging diverse, challenging opinions. But in the last eight months, these forums have taken a very hard turn from what it used to be when @WebMaster was active here. People are now banned for no reason or made-up reasons and even for just having an alternate point of view. There is no longer the old practice of warning, pointing to a post for infractions and giving some explanation. It's all done quietly now; one does know which mod issued it any longer.

The tone got really ugly, real quick here: On a daily basis, a majority of the posts by members have turned ugly in its tone. Posts have alarming language- high instances of abusive, bigotry, and most surprisingly low tolerance of people of other faiths. There is just a lot of hate speech and seemingly freely permitted now.

I'm tired of the threats coming from some Moderators. Today- I got one thread deleted, which was about how Chinese women are checking for the gender of the baby in the womb (no idea why that was controversial, requiring deletion).
Then noticed some quiet infractions added on my profile (no notifications sent to me) after WAZ threatened me in a second thread I posted/started here -(https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/the-netherlands-luck-is-running-out.643622/#post-11902331).

Moderator Waz's actions, as you can see below in the screenshot I provided, went with an incorrectly assumed infraction, added it multiple times to help stack points against me. I have never faked my account; I have always maintained my background from the very first day I signed up years ago. I and many others are no longer being judged by the content of our replies, which was the practice here, but now on conspiracies behind our motives, and for having alternative views.

View attachment 590868

When I first joined, I had mentioned that I spent decades at the state department. Specifically, in the AF-PAK region, including India. That I visited Pakistan several times, India several times, a couple of visits to Afghanistan, and was considered a leading expert on my team for this theater.

This had made me a target when I began to add my opinions to countries in this region. I was taunted by some of being Indian, Isreali, and even a Bangladeshi citizen, at times. Yet, I was not bothered by it, because the moderator class was most always fair-minded and allowed the content of the posts to the ultimate judge on one's continued membership here. After all, even if you suspect citizenry, why care about one's flag, when discussing, debating policy and events.

Frankly, I'm sad to leave. I don't why being an echo chamber of the same views is the new direction here. In so many ways, this place is so unique and exhilarating to engage. I hope it course corrects itself sooner than later. Thank you.

PDF has taken a turn for the BEST :devil: as we NO LONGER tolerate indian propaganda or the propaganda from our enemies........:azn:......Adios indian hiding behind an american flag..........:lol:.......
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If even Mods are biased,they can't go further than a limit.
As i said PDF is a turf,of all Pakistanis few have depth same goes for Bharatis,Bharati propganda against Pakistan is going on for ages we have always fought back and we can fight back today and any day.
There are few Mods who would go on personal level rest everyone has different perception as compared to others.

Forum is not made of mods only,posters pay a huge role in setting course of forum.

I believe you are a senior member. There was once a moderation which would confine troll posts to one thread. India rape or toilets discussion were to be posted to one thread. Can you honestly seen pdf forum page without a rape thread lately? People on here discuss about Indians as if we are all only doing rapes all day. These people pick one article and generalise it to 1.3 billion people. Moderation allows it. You attract trolls with such moderation.

I wish we go back to the PDF of 2005-10. I was young then, like the other poster @Osiris said I used to envy the discussion, in awe of some of the posts, wondering if ever in my lifetime I could convey my thoughts with such purity. Moderation was rule based and strict. No abuses.

Today I wish, none of the young ones should ever join this forum which only breeds hate.

PDF has taken a turn for the BEST :devil: as we NO LONGER tolerate indian propaganda or the propaganda from our enemies........:azn:......Adios indian hiding behind an american flag..........:lol:.......
@Eagle example of your free hand.
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Look, I'm well aware there is going to be no tear shed over this; several may celebrate too. It has become obvious I have overstayed my welcome at nearly 5 years.

I miss the old PDF. It was known to appreciate civil debate to promote a respectful alternate point of view. The Moderator culture was one of encouraging diverse, challenging opinions. But in the last eight months, these forums have taken a very hard turn from what it used to be when @WebMaster was active here. People are now banned for no reason or made-up reasons and even for just having an alternate point of view. There is no longer the old practice of warning, pointing to a post for infractions and giving some explanation. It's all done quietly now; one does know which mod issued it any longer.

The tone got really ugly, real quick here: On a daily basis, a majority of the posts by members have turned ugly in its tone. Posts have alarming language- high instances of abusive, bigotry, and most surprisingly low tolerance of people of other faiths. There is just a lot of hate speech and seemingly freely permitted now.

I'm tired of the threats coming from some Moderators. Today- I got one thread deleted, which was about how Chinese women are checking for the gender of the baby in the womb (no idea why that was controversial, requiring deletion).
Then noticed some quiet infractions added on my profile (no notifications sent to me) after WAZ threatened me in a second thread I posted/started here -(https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/the-netherlands-luck-is-running-out.643622/#post-11902331).

Moderator Waz's actions, as you can see below in the screenshot I provided, went with an incorrectly assumed infraction, added it multiple times to help stack points against me. I have never faked my account; I have always maintained my background from the very first day I signed up years ago. I and many others are no longer being judged by the content of our replies, which was the practice here, but now on conspiracies behind our motives, and for having alternative views.

View attachment 590868

When I first joined, I had mentioned that I spent decades at the state department. Specifically, in the AF-PAK region, including India. That I visited Pakistan several times, India several times, a couple of visits to Afghanistan, and was considered a leading expert on my team for this theater.

This had made me a target when I began to add my opinions to countries in this region. I was taunted by some of being Indian, Isreali, and even a Bangladeshi citizen, at times. Yet, I was not bothered by it, because the moderator class was most always fair-minded and allowed the content of the posts to the ultimate judge on one's continued membership here. After all, even if you suspect citizenry, why care about one's flag, when discussing, debating policy and events.

Frankly, I'm sad to leave. I don't why being an echo chamber of the same views is the new direction here. In so many ways, this place is so unique and exhilarating to engage. I hope it course corrects itself sooner than later. Thank you.

You are a Dalit posing as an American from your hate filled posts.
. .
Good luck with your future endeavors
Why Indian members are whining here? I am an India as well ,i just come here to read opposite perspective. Read the name - Pakistan defence forum. But obvious is it will have anti India threads , so be it. A few threads on such for shouldn't affect anyone tbh. If u dont like leave. Its their forum , their rules. Nothing is neutral in this world.
Easiest thing is to troll and counter troll. Anyone with a keyboard cna type anything ,anywhere.
Tbh Indian members need to grow a spine and stop complaining.
I dont visit thread like Rapes , toilet blah blah as if its gonna affect anyone. Few ego satisfaction that enemy is shit. Thats it.
Most threads i like are purely defence ones like JF17 , Pak armed forces , F16s , geopolitics.
And these are excellent ones. I got know very much about our western neighbour.
See here is the example of today's moderation. Openly stating his bias. So proved my point. @Eagle @US_statedept_retired

You sure proved something, that you are weak on your convictions and still here. This attention seeking post seems to infer that we owe you something on here.
Hilariously you also tagged a well known fake troll account (US state department).
Thanks to mods again post 370 for stepping up and stopping hindutva trolls spewing at plight of Kashmiris.

Please continue the great job. You are head and shoulders above hindutva forums who ironically their members here are crying total opposite of what they preach on their own forums.

If anything you can do better, some hindutva over the past month or 2 have been posting obcene pics/avatars which took very long time to remove due to maybe timezone issues. One thing to ponder about.

Thanks again
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You sure proved something, that you are weak on your convictions and still here. This attention seeking post seems to infer that we owe you something on here.
Hilariously you also tagged a well known fake troll account (US state department).

You don't owe me anything just as I don't owe you anything. Your post reads as if you hold some power over me. Buddy, it's only a forum. I wish you wake up to that reality already.

It's because of you this forum has gone to dogs. This (weak) conviction is shared by many. Hopefully you'll be retired from moderation. And pdf is saved from insecure moderation that has taken it hostage lately.
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All those people who are saying PDF was better in past are liars
I have read few old threads those threads are worse I think this forum is improving with time
You don't owe me anything just as I don't owe you anything. You post reads as if you hold some power over me. Buddy, it's only a forum. I wish you wake up to reality already.

It's because of you this forum has gone to dogs. This weak conviction is shared by many. Hopefully you'll be retired from moderation. And pdf is saved from insecure moderation that has taken it hostage lately.

Instead of making baseless accusations continuously; just take some rest and bring evidence as well as your proofs to the GHQ,,,,, said it repeatedly and this is the last time. There will be no more reminder to stop insulting Moderation Team.
Moderation is a very difficult Job, and I think the Moderating team are doing a wonderful job. They have done a tremendous job by not allowing PDF to become an indian infested forum with fake and vicious news being spread by these people. Think about it, these indians have hundreds of "Fake Media" outlets in a lot of Western countries spreading propaganda 24x7. They have infested dozens of other forums with they fake propaganda. There is no doubt that there are good Indian members here, and they post freely. In comparison, the Indian forums will probably ban anyone who is pro-Pakistan no matter how good and neutral his/her posts maybe.

As for those Pak members who think they have been unjustly treated -- there is a very simple remedy. Stop posting sectarian, and religious stuff, and posts that are frank idiotic, and you will be just fine.
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Why Indian members are whining here? I am an India as well ,i just come here to read opposite perspective. Read the name - Pakistan defence forum. But obvious is it will have anti India threads , so be it. A few threads on such for shouldn't affect anyone tbh. If u dont like leave. Its their forum , their rules. Nothing is neutral in this world.
Easiest thing is to troll and counter troll. Anyone with a keyboard cna type anything ,anywhere.
Tbh Indian members need to grow a spine and stop complaining.
I dont visit thread like Rapes , toilet blah blah as if its gonna affect anyone. Few ego satisfaction that enemy is shit. Thats it.
Most threads i like are purely defence ones like JF17 , Pak armed forces , F16s , geopolitics.
And these are excellent ones. I got know very much about our western neighbour.
The word “anti india” is purely a perspective rather a fact.
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