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Time to create Ottoman Empire 2.0

Ottoman Empire? More like Khurasan Empire. Most the countries you named are in Central Asia (Khurasan) and the countries with the most Islamists to make it happen are Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq and Iran. Turks would be the most liberal secular part of the empire.

Kushans were Buddhists. People of Pakistan and Central Asia gave up Buddhism and married Mughals to convert to Islam and to become Turks.
It is high time to form the Ottoman Empire 2.0 by merging the following countries

  1. Turkey
  2. Syria
  3. Iraq
  4. Iran
  5. Azerbaijan
  6. Pakistan
  7. Afghanistan
  8. Tajikistan
  9. Turkmenistan
  10. Uzbekistan
  11. Kyrgyzstan
  12. Kazakhstan
Only Turkey, Syria, Iraq where part of the Ottoman Empire.
Kushans were Buddhists. People of Pakistan and Central Asia gave up Buddhism and married Mughals to convert to Islam and to become Turks.
Mughals mainly married Rajputs. We are not Turks and never became Turks
Or it could be pakistan empire 1.0. We are the strongest and can easily take central asia assuming Russia and China have no issue with it. We have alot common in language, culture, tradition. With now up and coming regional connectivity we could integrated economy as well.

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Yes, because thats what the EU is, unlike the land of adulturated milk and donkey biriyani that is Pakistan.

FTA between non Muslims good, between Muslims bad.
Cooperation in research and development between non Muslims good, between Muslims bad.
Alignment of regulation and laws around business and human rights between non Muslims good, between Muslims bad.
Defence cooperation between non Muslims good, between Muslims bad.
Ease of travel and exchange of human resources between non Muslims good, between Muslims bad.

Do you even know how the EU came into being?

Then, who will play the game of "Kafir Kafir"?

I know how EU came into being, its the result of World Wars, but in reality they were fighting for political gains not for religion, but for Muslims still they hate each other. so forget Uma Chuma.

I think Russia, Iran, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, North Korea Block should be created,

1. But it also seems impossible as Russia has to sell weapons to India to boost its economy, so Russia can not be trustworthy,
2. Bangladesh seems Indian pithu, China is dragging it from India, but still not trustworthy
3. [Afghani] Mullah are always not trustworthy, Bikao Maal
4. Vietnam has little issues with China, cannot say they will be like Vietnam war like friendly
* I can not add Turkey as its NATO member, more un- trustworthy..
Or it could be pakistan empire 1.0. We are the strongest and can easily take central asia assuming Russia and China have no issue with it. We have alot common in language, culture, tradition. With now up and coming regional connectivity we could integrated economy as well.

People with no knowledge of Urdu
USSR and India didn't like it and the Afghan PM who was planning the confederation was killed during a "revolution"

When Afghan become more stable and economically a little more vibrant- A confederation from their perspective wouldn't be bad
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Or it could be pakistan empire 1.0. We are the strongest and can easily take central asia assuming Russia and China have no issue with it. We have alot common in language, culture, tradition. With now up and coming regional connectivity we could integrated economy as well.

China would probably like it...
but this is basically Russian territory disguised as independent states...
No need for such stone age concepts. Military and economic alliances can be formed by maintaining individuality of a Nation. A NATO style alliance is more idea. For economic purpose an EU style block.
It is "high time" you built a toilet 1.0 in your house.
No... It is high time to use toilet at his home... Rather than dumping it here...
Yes, because thats what the EU is, unlike the land of adulturated milk and donkey biriyani that is Pakistan.

FTA between non Muslims good, between Muslims bad.
Cooperation in research and development between non Muslims good, between Muslims bad.
Alignment of regulation and laws around business and human rights between non Muslims good, between Muslims bad.
Defence cooperation between non Muslims good, between Muslims bad.
Ease of travel and exchange of human resources between non Muslims good, between Muslims bad.

Do you even know how the EU came into being?
Unfortunately... When Muslims start researching... Their research will concentrated on religion and will lead to claim that their version of Quran interpretation is correct and will even go for war by declaring others as kafir...
If Afghanistan did not have natural resources, no one who have cared.

It needs to be an Islamic Union minus the Arabs.
It is Islamic union minus Muslims
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Unfortunately... When Muslims start researching... Their research will concentrated on religion and will lead to claim that their version of Quran interpretation is correct and will even go for war by declaring others as kafir...

We can create a 30-country alliance with nearly 30-trillion economy today if we want to and no there is no religion difference nor interpretation difference. Excluded unable countries etc etc Only the strong who is financially or militarily sound.

We will not make such an alliance tho not now we will only make it if our lives depend on it or few decades later during the 40s or 50s or if The holy areas of Medina or Mecca turmoil could trigger this it could be regarded as existential event but other then that there is no need for such an alliance I know it is a superpower that is but it is not there and won't be because there is no need for it today because we are not in any type of danger. Maybe if we feel like WW3 is coming or there is increasing intelligence of danger then this could be called into a reality... Everyone has to have that hidden card and surprise element card that they can spring forth like out of thin air.. Someone never reveals his hands or what his holding the more confused the people are about this the better
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Turkey and Pakistan (and most countries in the list) are Turks and will staunchly oppose a Persian Empire.

Most of the Indians consider themselves as Persians and not Turks.
Are you idiot ?
Kushans were Buddhists. People of Pakistan and Central Asia gave up Buddhism and married Mughals to convert to Islam and to become Turks.
You are writing sense here , mate carry on
you missed Hindu-stan
Hindustan is not islamic , that's why raqibol.
British records show that most of the people in India were Hindus when they arrived. Hindus converted to Muslims during Mughal rule.
The british arrived way after the Mughals did. India has always been majority hindu.
It is high time to form the Ottoman Empire 2.0 by merging the following countries

  1. Turkey
  2. Syria
  3. Iraq
  4. Iran
  5. Azerbaijan
  6. Pakistan
  7. Afghanistan
  8. Tajikistan
  9. Turkmenistan
  10. Uzbekistan
  11. Kyrgyzstan
  12. Kazakhstan

Iran and Pakistan are nuclear powers in this list.... it's no joke to occupy them.....

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