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Time to create Ottoman Empire 2.0

Iran and Pakistan are nuclear powers in this list.... it's no joke to occupy them.....

Iran is not a nuclear power. Turkish military is far superior to that of Iran's. Pakistanis will not have any inhibitions merging with Turkey.
It is high time to form the Ottoman Empire 2.0 by merging the following countries

  1. Turkey
  2. Syria
  3. Iraq
  4. Iran
  5. Azerbaijan
  6. Pakistan
  7. Afghanistan
  8. Tajikistan
  9. Turkmenistan
  10. Uzbekistan
  11. Kyrgyzstan
  12. Kazakhstan
It is high time to form The Mughal Empire 2.0 by merging the following countries...
1. Afghanistan
2. India
It is high time to form the Ottoman Empire 2.0 by merging the following countries

  1. Turkey
  2. Syria
  3. Iraq
  4. Iran
  5. Azerbaijan
  6. Pakistan
  7. Afghanistan
  8. Tajikistan
  9. Turkmenistan
  10. Uzbekistan
  11. Kyrgyzstan
  12. Kazakhstan
Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan were never part of Ottoman Empire
So a guy who says is from South India and is supposedly Indian,wants to see a new Ottoman Empire?

And has people fighting because he claims he is Indian and wants a new Ottoman Empire?
Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan were never part of Ottoman Empire
Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending this title at all. But I want to add a little anecdote; The financing of the war of independence, which was given after the disintegration of the Ottoman state, was largely financed by the aid from today's Uzbekistan/Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India muslim people.

One of the conditions for the surrender of the Bukhara emirate to the soviets was that the treasury was given to the Turks as war support. Only very little of this gold could reach Turkey.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending this title at all. But I want to add a little anecdote; The financing of the war of independence, which was given after the disintegration of the Ottoman state, was largely financed by the aid from today's Uzbekistan/Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India muslim people.
Women gave thier jewelry for war efforts - as the stories go

Hindus, Sikhs etc (weren't the hindutavas they have become now...) also protested against the Brits in favor of ottomans

I see it more as a anti-colonist fervor
Women gave thier jewelry for war efforts - as the stories go

Hindus, Sikhs etc (weren't the hindutavas they have become now...) also protested against the Brits in favor of ottomans

I see it more as a anti-colonist fervor
We have never forgotten, we will never forget.
Iran is not a nuclear power. Turkish military is far superior to that of Iran's. Pakistanis will not have any inhibitions merging with Turkey.

If you think Iran is not a nuclear power after investing so many years in this field then what can I say..... nuclear weapon is not that critical technology to master if you have enough fissile material and if you can enrich enough......
Agreed on conventional part yes Turkey has far superior conventional military compared to Pakistan and Iran both but its not enough superior where it can occupy them....
Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending this title at all. But I want to add a little anecdote; The financing of the war of independence, which was given after the disintegration of the Ottoman state, was largely financed by the aid from today's Uzbekistan/Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India muslim people.

One of the conditions for the surrender of the Bukhara emirate to the soviets was that the treasury was given to the Turks as war support. Only very little of this gold could reach Turkey.

i have no idea what you are talking about here
If you think Iran is not a nuclear power after investing so many years in this field then what can I say.....

They are not a nuclear power nor have reached break-out point but they are 2 years away from a potential break-out point and after that 2-3 years more ideally we looking at 2027-2028 time table considering they reach the break-out point in 2024. They will return back to the nuclear agreement tho which will last until 2031 but in my prediction they will break-out in 2032-2033. When they break-out it will create a massive cascade effect across the region meaning 8-10 new nuclear powers could pop up but on the brigther side a break-out for Iran will be beneficial for the whole region as it will elevate the treeshold of defense on average
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Turkey and Pakistan (and most countries in the list) are Turks and will staunchly oppose a Persian Empire.

Most of the Indians consider themselves as Persians and not Turks.

Most of Indians are Hindus?
Hindus consider themselves as Turk?

If you watch in Indian Muslims, majority are Sunnis who are famous as Barelvi in Subcontinent, And Barelvi consider themselves Turk than Arabs or Persian. Only Shia considers themselves as Persian. Lol

So, You want Pakistan as part of Ottoman Empire, But not India, What a hypocrite you are?

Is this what you want?

This map depicts the geography where Turks and all of other muslim nations spread throughout the history. There are points on the map that do not correspond to reality, as well as areas that are missing or not shown. In short, a depiction that reflects the false imagination of an ultra-naive turk-islam believer. Still, it's not as bold a drawing as the Greek megali idea maps, or as someones sees modern greece as rome's successor.


Moreover, Filiki Eterya, who theorized this thesis, clearly states that the principles of Megali Idea are to fight and push back Muslims by killing them.

I believe that all of these imaginations are absurd and have no equivalent in today's world. But If you ask my opinion, if the Great Roman ideal is revived in these lands one day, the way to this will pass through the Turkish-Greek alliance. In other words, although the Greek professor Dimitri Kitsikis's concept of "Intermediate region", in a way blending the Megali idea and pan ottomanism, is utopian and absurd for both parties; In fact, this guy spent years on the only model could work.


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This map depicts the geography where Turks and all of other muslim nations spread throughout the history. There are points on the map that do not correspond to reality, as well as areas that are missing or not shown.
I know man,it's one of those weird maps you can find on the internet.
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