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Time to abandon Ummah / brotherhood for greater good of the nation?

The reason for downfall of Muslims is that they are gullible and blindly believe anti-Muslim propaganda of Hindu India and Jewish Israel.

Pakistan is the only Muslim nation which succeeded in making atomic bomb which was termed as Islamic Bomb by world media. Pakistan is the only country that helped Afghans defeat the Soviet Union. Pakistan also defeated USA in Afghanistan and made it bankrupt. As soon as she leaves, Pakistan will help Taliban to regain Afghanistan.

Afghans on the other hand are sellouts like Karzai, Masood and Rabbani.

Afghans are still divided in tribes. Pashtun versus the non Pahsutn. Allamah
Iqbal had advised "

قبائل ہو ں ملت کی وحدت میں گم
کہ ہوںام افغانیوں کا سربلند

Allamah Iqbal blew soul in the dying Ummah which was under the yoke of British & French slavery.

But many Afghans are traitors and are playing in the hands of Hindu India and creating trouble in Baluchistan and Khyber.

Afghans are so shameless that they do not recognize Pakistan's help of giving shelter to 5 million Afghans.

Pray, what Afghanistan has done for Islam and Ummah?
Hindu India is so powerful ?
Time to adopt an integrated Muslim world and get rid of Arab and Malaysian kinks + mothelands + Turkish drama queens.

Just like Israel is holy for most of the Jews and Europe is predominantly a Christian union - Muslim world needs union too.
Yes please, do us a favor and get rid of us from your Ummah union. :tup:
@Armstrong You people sure do spend A LOT of time on this topic. Specially you, I thought you were against the very notion of Ummah under the present circumstances? Although you also seem to think that directly contradicting the command of the Koran in this regard will somehow not land you in hellfire.:p:
What is the directive regarding the Ummah? Does anyone know it?
Yes please, do us a favor and get rid of us from your Ummah union. :tup:

Babe it is not me that will do it.

It is your handlers from whom you buy the technology and become drama queens that will make you Libya.

Do not worry.

I never ever dreamed that Turkey would become such a scam. I mean its really a ponzi scheme.
Just wondering a thought..what has so called Islamic brotherhood / ummah really given us??

  1. Terrorism, Talibans and Osama Bin Laden?
  2. Turned us into a proxy battle ground of Shia vs Sunni?? Settling scores on a 1400 years old conflict?
  3. Turning us into lap dog defenders of corrupt monarchies?? Not any different than IRGC in Syria??
  4. Today we are trying to desperately re-write our history and erasing our own heritage to love the religion more than the prophets?
  5. Seriously much of the terrorist and sectarian ailments of our societ can be traced back to pan-islamism and ummah obsessions..
  6. Muslims countries which stayed away from brotherhood and ummah obsession have done remarkably well...point in case Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, etc!
  7. Today none of these "brothers" are to be found to even condemn the severe security and stability crisis we are under. Not a word has been uttered against drone strikes. Not even a semblance of responsibility towards OBL...Pakistan has been abandoned by the very same Ummah it choose to defend vehemently..
  8. its like waking up to reality...the so called Ataturk moment when he realized the very same Muslims were backstabbing them now...and he must have thought to hell with brotherhood and lets built the nation to stand on its own feet...I think what Pakistan needs today is a visionary like Ataturk!

Ummah is a concept proven by Sunnat. If a Muslim insults it, the he/she is insulting Sunnat Shareef.

But Ummah concept applies BETWEEN Pakistanis too.

If Pakistanis really care about the Ummat, they should FIRST start by putting their own house in order.
Lol this guy. :rofl:

Babe you don't know me.

I will make sure Turkey becomes worse than Libya.

It is time to pay back.

God will make sure the scam dies.

US Clears Major Arms Sales to Saudi, Turkey"

Scammers gonna scam - HO HO HA HA

The agency also cleared a possible sale to Turkey for 145 AIM-120C-7 advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles missiles and associated equipment. That sale would be worth an estimated $320 million.

Those missiles will be used on the Turkish Air Force’s fleet of F-16 fighters, although the DSCA notice adds that they could also be used on the country’s eventual F-35 fleet.

The weapons will help “maintain the TAF’s air-to-air capability to defend its extensive coastline and borders against future threat,” according to DSCA
Ummah is a concept proven by Sunnat. If a Muslim insults it, the he/she is insulting Sunnat Shareef.

But Ummah concept applies BETWEEN Pakistanis too.

If Pakistanis really care about the Ummat, they should FIRST start by putting their own house in order.
Its in Quran too ALLAH has called Muslims are brothers and also called muslims one ummat those who deny it are basically doing kufr
Babe you don't know me.

I will make sure Turkey becomes worse than Libya.
@Sinan you gotta see this.

Just wondering a thought..what has so called Islamic brotherhood / ummah really given us??

  1. Terrorism, Talibans and Osama Bin Laden?
  2. Turned us into a proxy battle ground of Shia vs Sunni?? Settling scores on a 1400 years old conflict?
  3. Turning us into lap dog defenders of corrupt monarchies?? Not any different than IRGC in Syria??
  4. Today we are trying to desperately re-write our history and erasing our own heritage to love the religion more than the prophets?
  5. Seriously much of the terrorist and sectarian ailments of our societ can be traced back to pan-islamism and ummah obsessions..
  6. Muslims countries which stayed away from brotherhood and ummah obsession have done remarkably well...point in case Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, etc!
  7. Today none of these "brothers" are to be found to even condemn the severe security and stability crisis we are under. Not a word has been uttered against drone strikes. Not even a semblance of responsibility towards OBL...Pakistan has been abandoned by the very same Ummah it choose to defend vehemently..
  8. its like waking up to reality...the so called Ataturk moment when he realized the very same Muslims were backstabbing them now...and he must have thought to hell with brotherhood and lets built the nation to stand on its own feet...I think what Pakistan needs today is a visionary like Ataturk!
leave islam and leave ummah
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