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Ties strained as India cuts fuel subsidy to Bhutan

Its funny actually, we are stealing their allies and neighbors - Myanmar , S. Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and them ours. HEY WAIT A MINUTE , I THINK WE ARE GETTING A BETTER DEAL!

Nice point!! :tup: Very true....Chinese seem to be more bothered to befriend India's neighbours than to worry about their own enemies, and still they claim they are not bothered about India, good. :azn:

hold your breath brother, you need your entire army to tackle China, taking additional 5,00,000 army is not good decision :P

5,00,000 won't be required..! :D

Now India must fight a 8 front war against China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar, Maldives and Bhutan!

Wet dreams. :omghaha: Out of the 8, 6 are neither looking for a military conflict with us in near or far future, nor they have any significant military capability to worry about.

...but Indian govt. has screwed up its relations with Bhutan.

Our relations with Bhutan is much deeper than some people here think, they might even join us in future. These small differences will be sorted out.
Its a 2 way street...anyways there was no need for public warnings like this.

With a small Indic nation like Bhutan.........its always a one way street. You cannot treat Bhutan as you treat a larger nation like Bangladesh or China.

The fact that the dominant political leadership of this nation is trying to build bridges with China itself is a failure for India. It shows that Bhutan has lost faith in India to protect its interest.

That belief is EVERYTHING. If Faith is lost, Everything is lost.
With a small Indic nation like Bhutan.........its always a one way street. You cannot treat Bhutan as you treat a larger nation like Bangladesh or China.

We gave subsidized fuel to them and financed power stations in that country which is the main source of foreign exchange for them, not to mention the various grants. What more do the Bhutanese want?...may be pick up the tab for the day to day running of the country. Then better they join the Indian Union.

The fact that the dominant political leadership of this nation is trying to build bridges with China itself is a failure for India. It shows that Bhutan has lost faith in India to protect its interest.

That belief is EVERYTHING. If Faith is lost, Everything is lost.

We should quit the business of making friends in the neighbourhood...Frankly its not worth the effort. We saved the a$$ of Maldivians, but they snubbed us in favor of China.Thousands of Indian soldiers died for Bangladesh...again same story. Nepalese are treated as natives in India, but their Govt wants to ally with China. Thousands of Indian soldiers died for cleansing Sri Lanka of LTTE and played a critical role in their final elimination, not to mention we are one of the largest investors in that country...again we are shown the middle finger again and again. So honestly, we should look towards building partnerships with powers that matter in this world rather than wasting time on these crybabies.
We gave subsidized fuel to them and financed power stations in that country which is the main source of foreign exchange for them, not to mention the various grants. What more do the Bhutanese want?...may be pick up the tab for the day to day running of the country. Then better they join the Indian Union.

We should quit the business of making friends in the neighbourhood...Frankly its not worth the effort. We saved the a$$ of Maldivians, but they snubbed us in favor of China.Thousands of Indian soldiers died for Bangladesh...again same story. Nepalese are treated as natives in India, but their Govt wants to ally with China. Thousands of Indian soldiers died for cleansing Sri Lanka of LTTE and played a critical role in their final elimination, not to mention we are one of the largest investors in that country...again we are shown the middle finger again and again. So honestly, we should look towards building partnerships with powers that matter in this world rather than wasting time on these crybabies.

To find out 'What Bhutanese want' is why we have the external affair ministry !!! What the fcuk are they doing ?

We we do not even have the ability to make friends in the Neighborhood .....let us close down the External Affair Ministry. Those millions of dollars they spend is a waste of public money.

We screw up with Pakistan and China and Bangladesh and Sri Lanka ......now we are screwing up with Bhutan and Maldives. You think If I was a customer relationship executive and I lost some of my Key Accounts, I would still have a JOB ? Do you think my company would still make any money or have any customers ?

Unless we have enough POWER to bully the world, we have no option but to build good relations with everyone....especially our neighbors.

EVEN if we have enough power to bully the world, we still need to keep our neighbors friendly. Else we are only building up for the next cuban missile crisis.
To find out 'What Bhutanese want' is why we have the external affair ministry !!! What the fcuk are they doing ?

We we do not even have the ability to make friends in the Neighborhood .....let us close down the External Affair Ministry. Those millions of dollars they spend is a waste of public money.

We screw up with Pakistan and China and Bangladesh and Sri Lanka ......now we are screwing up with Bhutan and Maldives. You think If I was a customer relationship executive and I lost some of my Key Accounts, I would still have a JOB ? Do you think my company would still make any money or have any customers ?

Unless we have enough POWER to bully the world, we have no option but to build good relations with everyone....especially our neighbors.

EVEN if we have enough power to bully the world, we still need to keep our neighbors friendly. Else we are only building up for the next cuban missile crisis.

Bhutan's PM will be the reason for loss of its party or for his own resignation in this year election. Don't worry. Chinese influence is constantly there but it does not matter. It is nothing new. But the people there are pro Indian. Infact the religious head as equivalent to King, is pro Free Tibet.

These tactics of China would not get it anything.
To find out 'What Bhutanese want' is why we have the external affair ministry !!! What the fcuk are they doing ?

We we do not even have the ability to make friends in the Neighborhood .....let us close down the External Affair Ministry. Those millions of dollars they spend is a waste of public money.

We screw up with Pakistan and China and Bangladesh and Sri Lanka ......now we are screwing up with Bhutan and Maldives. You think If I was a customer relationship executive and I lost some of my Key Accounts, I would still have a JOB ? Do you think my company would still make any money or have any customers ?

Unless we have enough POWER to bully the world, we have no option but to build good relations with everyone....especially our neighbors.

EVEN if we have enough power to bully the world, we still need to keep our neighbors friendly. Else we are only building up for the next cuban missile crisis.

Bhutan's PM will be the reason for loss of its party or for his own resignation in this year election. Don't worry. Chinese influence is constantly there but it does not matter. It is nothing new. But the people there are pro Indian. Infact the religious head as equivalent to King, is pro Free Tibet.

These tactics of China would not get it anything.
Bhutan's PM will be the reason for loss of its party or for his own resignation in this year election. Don't worry. Chinese influence is constantly there but it does not matter. It is nothing new. But the people there are pro Indian. Infact the religious head as equivalent to King, is pro Free Tibet.

These tactics of China would not get it anything.

I honestly think Bhutan should seriously consider merging with India in view of the Chinese getting stronger and more hostile and assertive. Its a race against time. Unless that wish comes from Bhutan, Indians will not do anything about it.

Sikkim has done well.....Bhutan will do better too.
China ?makes intrusion? in Bhutan: Indian media - World News - SINA English

According to a Times Now report in India, the channel has received an intelligence note which says that China's People Liberation Army (PLA) has “intruded” into Bhutan, an important strategic partner of New Delhi in south Asia.
The report said that the Chinese not only “set up three camps with PLA personnel to guard them” but were also “carrying out surveillance at two locations” on May 28.
A massive diplomatic row had broke out between New Delhi and Beijing a few months ago after the Chinese Army was accused by India of“intruding” into the Indian territory in Ladakh and setting up tents there. The incident had caused irritants in the bilateral relations just ahead of the visit of the new Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in May.

Don't worry they are trying to trick - f()ck us. tay cool and let them boil in their own stew called South China Sea.


According to a Times Now report in India, the channel has received an intelligence note which says that China's People Liberation Army (PLA) has “intruded” into Bhutan, an important strategic partner of New Delhi in south Asia.
The report said that the Chinese not only “set up three camps with PLA personnel to guard them” but were also “carrying out surveillance at two locations” on May 28.
A massive diplomatic row had broke out between New Delhi and Beijing a few months ago after the Chinese Army was accused by India of“intruding” into the Indian territory in Ladakh and setting up tents there. The incident had caused irritants in the bilateral relations just ahead of the visit of the new Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in May.

Don't worry they are trying to trick - f()ck us. , stay cool and let them boil in their own stew called South China Sea.
I honestly think Bhutan should seriously consider merging with India in view of the Chinese getting stronger and more hostile and assertive. Its a race against time. Unless that wish comes from Bhutan, Indians will not do anything about it.

Sikkim has done well.....Bhutan will do better too.

I think that decision should be left on Bhutanese. Indians have no stake in that. I honestly think, something somewhere had been ignored by our analyses and some backdoor communication happened between personal level of PM and Chinese government.
Chinese influence is always there but to counter it at right time will check mate this influence.
I think that decision should be left on Bhutanese. Indians have no stake in that. I honestly think, something somewhere had been ignored by our analyses and some backdoor communication happened between personal level of PM and Chinese government.
Chinese influence is always there but to counter it at right time will check mate this influence.

Isn't that exactly what I said ?

...but unfortunately as long as Indian soldiers are required to die to protect Bhutan, Indians will have a stake in it.

Chinese influence is only going to grow. It will grow fast and grow strong.

By then it will be too late to do anything. Mark my words ....this is the lessons of history. People who ignore it are doomed to repeat it.
Isn't that exactly what I said ?

...but unfortunately as long as Indian soldiers are required to die to protect Bhutan, Indians will have a stake in it.

Chinese influence is only going to grow. It will grow fast and grow strong.

By then it will be too late to do anything. Mark my words ....this is the lessons of history. People who ignore it are doomed to repeat it.

Chinese influence is there past 12 years. Most of it was through Nepal Mao. For this reason, many Nepalese Bhutanese were sent out of Bhutan. I am sure the PM of Bhutan would realize his mistake and that too just before the elections.

Chinese influence will always remain, but still Bhutan has two major cards which are resistant to Chinese influence, as Bhutanese have learnt a lot from Tibet. But I agree, ignorance could cost us heavy loss. This Bus deal, was a part of this ignorance only. Had we had countered it , this issue would not had rose.
Chinese influence is there past 12 years. Most of it was through Nepal Mao. For this reason, many Nepalese Bhutanese were sent out of Bhutan. I am sure the PM of Bhutan would realize his mistake and that too just before the elections.

Chinese influence will always remain, but still Bhutan has two major cards which are resistant to Chinese influence, as Bhutanese have learnt a lot from Tibet. But I agree, ignorance could cost us heavy loss. This Bus deal, was a part of this ignorance only. Had we had countered it , this issue would not had rose.

I can assure you that Chinese influence will have seeped into far more than the Bhutanese PM. It is foolish to think that the chinese with all their Financial & Military muscle will stop to influence only the PM who is anyway destined to be changed after any elections. They would be targeting the bureaucrats, the businessmen, the media and the thinkers.

Tibet is distant memory....soon the financial dividends of Tibet will start to sway the poor in Bhutan. The hope of a better life is a far more seductive than the lure of religion. That too is a lesson of history.

If it was not the Bus Deal it would have been something else ....the Chinese is going to be relentless, all it takes is one PM, one time to open the door and let the Chinese in. He has already done that. It will again happen in the future. That you can take it in writing.
I can assure you that Chinese influence will have seeped into far more than the Bhutanese PM. It is foolish to think that the chinese with all their Financial & Military muscle will stop to influence only the PM who is anyway destined to be changed after any elections. They would be targeting the bureaucrats, the businessmen, the media and the thinkers.

Tibet is distant memory....soon the financial dividends of Tibet will start to sway the poor in Bhutan. The hope of a better life is a far more seductive than the lure of religion. That too is a lesson of history.

If it was not the Bus Deal it would have been something else ....the Chinese is going to be relentless, all it takes is one PM, one time to open the door and let the Chinese in. He has already done that. It will again happen in the future. That you can take it in writing.

Of course they have been targeting big business men, MPs, media personals and etc to influence the parliament. GOI knows it. And India also counters it. But we also have to maintain a good gesture among the people of Bhutan, China lacks that. They can get the buses, cars, every thing but from where would they get the oil? China will also sell them at higher price, plus Bhutanese know that Chinese oil supply is via Indian Ocean.

And for this reason only we revoked subsidy on oil to Bhutan. It will be soon that King will intervene. His father the earlier King is a great person and gentlemen. And I personally admire him. Once he intervenes, who is the PM? Constitution still obeys the king.
Of course they have been targeting big business men, MPs, media personals and etc to influence the parliament. GOI knows it. And India also counters it. But we also have to maintain a good gesture among the people of Bhutan, China lacks that. They can get the buses, cars, every thing but from where would they get the oil? China will also sell them at higher price, plus Bhutanese know that Chinese oil supply is via Indian Ocean.

And for this reason only we revoked subsidy on oil to Bhutan. It will be soon that King will intervene. His father the earlier King is a great person and gentlemen. And I personally admire him. Once he intervenes, who is the PM? Constitution still obeys the king.

This Head ache for India is only going to increase. Unless there is some sort of treaty that will put our minds at ease. I seriously think the congress govt. lacks the foresight or political will to implement that.

That should have been our strategy from day one......rather than bully Bhutan on Oil.
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