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Three female teachers of a religious madrassa have stabbed to death their female teacher on blasphemy dream charges

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These should be punished harshly as possible so these scums dont make a joke of our Prophet.

Fault lies with society and parents themselves who send these children to so called Mullahs who are the worst of society.

Why didnt our beloved Prophet punish the people who did harm to him, and set example after example to forgive and spread love instead of hate
I don't even recall mentioning Maududi at all but yeah this is the best two faced liars like you can come up with

Furthermore as I previously mentioned these extremists are as bad as you murtad proggies who want to change Allah's words and reject Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)'s hadiths

Murtids are dumb in general

But this @jamahir is the dumbest of all. His intellect is so low that I don't even feel like answering his posts

We give him Quranic verses and Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on some issue and he comes back with giving examples of wives of various dictators of Syria and Lybia. Like how dumb is this sh!t???

Ab banda aisai dumb bandai sai kia baat karai

It's things like this which have made me disillusioned with religion.

Then the joke is on you if you are disillusioned with religion because of some random idiots

These are literally just excuses made to commit murder and not catch any flack...


They killed her for some reason and then came up with this story to save themselves

They killed her for some reason and then came up with this story to save themselves
Blasphemy accusations seem to be the go-to excuse in Pakistan

Similar to how mental health, etc, is in other countries

A full investigation needs to be launched into this to find the motive, and imprison these girls
Blasphemy accusations seem to be the go-to excuse in Pakistan

Similar to how mental health, etc, is in other countries

A full investigation needs to be launched into this to find the motive, and imprison these girls

I am pretty sure that is going to happen. Don't see anyone supporting these girls on this issue
Sectarian post by a follower of a known hate monger

Please look into this

@The Eagle @waz

LOL, you have no shame. You and your comrade call others as murtads and then you claim others of doing sectarianism.

It's things like this which have made me disillusioned with religion.

Islam is 99 percent correct but its the Areeshs who give a bad name to Islam.

Murtids are dumb in general

But this @jamahir is the dumbest of all. His intellect is so low that I don't even feel like answering his posts

We give him Quranic verses and Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on some issue and he comes back with giving examples of wives of various dictators of Syria and Lybia. Like how dumb is this sh!t???

Ab banda aisai dumb bandai sai kia baat karai

When did you give me Quranic verses ? As for your comrade I have replied to his quotations of the Quran in another thread. And yes, you were the intellectual, philosopher and revolutionary that South Asia was looking for.
LOL, you have no shame. You and your comrade call others as murtads and then you claim others of doing sectarianism.

A pervert and a murtad calling out others not having shame

Islam is 99 percent correct but its people like the Areeshes who give a bad name to Islam.

So 1% Islam is not correct

And then this piece of sh!t has problem when we call him murtad

When did you give me Quranic verses ? As for your comrade I have replied to his quotations of the Quran in another thread. And yes, you were the intellectual, philosopher and revolutionary that South Asia was looking for.

I don't call myself intellectual

But I am also not an idiot delusional by a historically failed ideology like you

I also don't hate women if they want to cover themselves

I also don't hate people because of their appearance

And most importantly I am not a pervert like you
Need to get rid of death sentence for blasphemy law or these incidents will keep on happening as these people use the death sentence as an excuse to take care of people they want to get rid of. Pakistan is heading towards destruction with these religious zealots on rise, JUI-F is on top at the moment. This religious mafia is even getting stronger than the most strongest mafia i.e. retired army officers in the country and that is something very worrying.
In the other thread you were speaking favorably of crooks like Maududi and here you are speaking in favor of his modern students.

@Areesh @Bravo6ix, your comrades strike again.

Dear, you are so obsessed that it affects your way of thinking.
Kindly read my post thoroughly, I just explained how people plan and commit the crime, so advised you to wait until an official investigation. I didn't discuss any religious affiliation of the victim or murderer OR do I?

If you feel that Maududi was a crook, it is your opinion and you are not bound. Just get a hold of someone who you consider is best and educate yourself thru him, actually what I wrote here is your own responsibility, not mine.

As you explained, it seems that you are a well-educated person in the field of IT. Definitely, you strived hard in your life to get to some level.
For Muslims, it is also prime to grasp the concept of Islam as you will be the only one answerable to ALLAH SWT from your grave and none else, I will be responsible for myself, though preaching Islam's message is the responsibility of every Muslim.
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