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Thread that Destroys all Critics of Modi

Great News ....... Anti Sikh Riots have become big news now

Congressis are really stuffed now. Their own allies are not interested in 2002 case... & everyone is raking up 1984 now. There is a sudden outbreak of public anger... & all of a sudden new revelations are coming out! Oh well.. karma has it's own way of taking revenge!
it is very depressing........
it is mate But that not justify that modi directly involved Maybe these people are Justifying there crimes and using Cm Name As there shield to Escape you Know how these sting are made criminals always take shield behind some one great. congressi like tytalor take shield Behind Rajiv gandhis remarks "If Big tree fall Earth Will shake"
Randeep Surjewala getting grilled by arnab on 1984...watch it now !!
Why this necessity on your part?

Yeah, that's good point.

Anyway why doesn't any Pakistani questions Muslims , who started the riot in Godhra.What do they expect after that ?Hindus never instigated riots but yes they finished it always.
it is mate But that not justify that modi directly involved Maybe these people are Justifying there crimes and using Cm Name As there shield to Escape you Know how these sting are made criminals always take shield behind some one great. congressi like tytalor take shield Behind Rajiv gandhis remarks "If Big tree fall Earth Will shake"

but the fact is innocent people get killed ,Hindu or Muslim hardly matter ........and still we don't have any strong mechanism to prevent it......neither demanding nor discussing........
You are right about the economic improvements since 2002.

However, some police were actually helping the Hindu mobs in 2002, so it's not just a question of illiteracy. It goes to the culture of hate that Modi had encouraged within his administration at that time.

There were instances of police inaction in couple of other riots too. Namely, 1984 and the one in Mumbai. Having stayed in Mumbai during the riots I have had friends shelter their neighbours till things cleared. Funnily, the government in power was the Congress. In 1984, it was less to do with police inaction and more to do with political conspiracy.

This is not to say 2002 did not have politicians inciting crowds. But, I am glad politicians are getting sent to jail. 1984, I am still to see even one conviction even after the first report was 'severely damaging' to the government of the time.

Neither the Congress nor BJP are what we call 'doodh mein dhula'. Indians need to forget this whole cr@p about religion. Earlier it was caste, now it is religion. Vote for progress. Vote for candidates you think will bring development and lift people out of poverty by providing education and economic growth. This complete thing of subsidy is nothing but a sham. Sorry...just went off on a rant.
@Bhai Zakir Your kind view's on this? :whistle:

Its already about 11.00 pm and i have to call it a day.

But, as u have asked.

The whole argument put forward by over exited and over worked Modi fan with crazy thread title. Revolve around 3 things.

a.) Gujarat Riots

b.) Water

c.) Power

As u know i have not much time to spare at this moment, lets talk about them one by one.

1) Who as the head of state responsible for the safety and security of his people. Its Modi as CM. Who failed the Job its Modi.

2.) Who is responsible for the death of innocent Hindus in Godhara....its Modi as in a pre planned manner large crowd of thousands of people rush to the Godhara station but police were nowhere seen.

3.) As its preplanned and the preparation were going on for last 3 days why Modi, his local intelligence unit and police didn't act??

4.) Why VHP have initiated the Ram shila-pujan just before the election period??

5.) Is it on the instruction of Modi they have uselessly mobilized innocent people when there was govt. of BJP at the Center doing nothing for Ram Temple. And they know that a shila-pujan is just a useless gimmick.

6.) Is it the Modi's plan to get Hindus killed and then Muslim get killed and people get polarized.

7.) Was he scared after getting his planned situation out of control and the danger of President rule on Gujarat?

8.) Why it have taken More then a month to end the Gujarat riots? Even after getting the required forces and the army at his disposal??

There are so many other questions which are there but as i have to rush.

Modi fans are kindly requested to shed some light on above.
You are right about the economic improvements since 2002.

However, some police were actually helping the Hindu mobs in 2002, so it's not just a question of illiteracy. It goes to the culture of hate that Modi had encouraged within his administration at that time.

Indians have two options.
1 - a party that was in power in many major riots, with at least one instance where its leaders were inciting/participating in the riots. People waiting for justice, after decades hardly any one got punished. Corrupt and inept.
2 - a party that was involved in atleast one major riot, with its leaders inciting/participating in the riots. People waiting for justice, and some leaders got punished within a decade. Less corrupt and less inept.

Who do we choose?
But he will always remain a chai waala. Vote for Rahulji, vote for Congress.

I think you're a uneducated rich Racist bloody Idiot .

Indeed. Modi knows that as well.

Which is why he told his goons they had three days to do their deeds.

A proper leader's responsibility would be to instruct his subordinates to maintain law and order -- not tell them how long of a window they have to misbehave.

It's like a bank manager telling the crooks they have 30 minutes before the police get there after the alarm.

Really what proof you got for your claim... Stop wring Shit if you've no clue about it.
I think you're a uneducated rich Racist bloody Idiot .

Really what proof you got for your claim... Stop wring Shit if you've no clue about it.

You want to compare Rahulji, a Cambridge graduate with an illiterate chai waala. Sorry but I don't want India to be represented by a chai waala on the international stage.
You want to compare Rahulji, a Cambridge graduate with an illiterate chai waala. Sorry but I don't want India to be represented by a chai waala on the international stage.

Rahul Gandhi did not graduate from Cambridge.

Narendra Modi is a college graduate.
1) Who as the head of state responsible for the safety and security of his people. Its Modi as CM. Who failed the Job its Modi
Well same goes too rajiv gandhi he was Pm at the time of 1984 riots same goes to akhilesh in mujjafar Nagar

2.) Who is responsible for the death of innocent Hindus in Godhara....its Modi as in a pre planned manner large crowd of thousands of people rush to the Godhara station but police were nowhere seen.
The burning of a train, for which 31 Muslims were convicted, in Godhra on 27 February 2002 which caused the deaths of 58 people, which included Hindu activists returning from Ayodhya, is believed to have triggered the violence. Some commentators, however, hold the view that the attacks had been pre-planned, were well orchestrated, and that the attack on the train was in fact a "staged trigger" for what was actually premeditated violence.

31 persons are convicted for burning train shows it was not planned accident

3.) As its preplanned and the preparation were going on for last 3 days why Modi, his local intelligence unit and police didn't act??

3.) As its preplanned and the preparation were going on for last 3 days why Modi, his local intelligence unit and police didn't act??

As its preplanned and the preparation were going on for last 3 days why Modi, his local intelligence unit and police didn't act??
Army was called next day 1st of march notification issued to madhya pradesh govt for police help not one comes too help there 231 people killed in police fire mainly hindus

4.) Why VHP have initiated the Ram shila-pujan just before the election period??
Dont take raise this issue its different from gujrat riots

8.) Why it have taken More then a month to end the Gujarat riots? Even after getting the required forces and the army at his disposal??
There are so many other questions which are there but as i have to rush.
riots were over in just two weeks state wise it was not gone for months if it will gone for months the casualties will far more that you will ever imagine

Dont give just conspiracy theories if you Dont Have Strong Evidence favouring it will only increase gaps btw two communities

You want to compare Rahulji, a Cambridge graduate with an illiterate chai waala. Sorry but I don't want India to be represented by a chai waala on the international stage.
Well we Have the Akbaar wala (APJ ABDUL KALAM) As are president Activist Teacher Lal Bahudur Shastri are pm Many More
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You want to compare Rahulji, a Cambridge graduate with an illiterate chai waala. Sorry but I don't want India to be represented by a chai waala on the international stage.

Ya we're all seeing the Desperate attempt and Speech by that Cambridge Graduate , Aren't we. Just Pathetic man.... remember that Chai waala developed his state to fast in a short period...

India will never be represented in a international stage if there are Narrow minded, Racist guy like you.... When you yourself insult a fellow indian how would your leaders would be.?? How do you even dream about having a Secular India..
ove killing Muslims(doesn't matter that many Hindus were killed) and hence idolize Modi.
3. 1 and 2 is incorrect. Blaming Modi is the easiest way to deflect the blame for everything - a very convenient punching bag.
Choose what you
Its already about 11.00 pm and i have to call it a day.

But, as u have asked.

The whole argument put forward by over exited and over worked Modi fan with crazy thread title. Revolve around 3 things.

a.) Gujarat Riots

b.) Water

c.) Power

As u know i have not much time to spare at this moment, lets talk about them one by one.

1) Who as the head of state responsible for the safety and security of his people. Its Modi as CM. Who failed the Job its Modi.

2.) Who is responsible for the death of innocent Hindus in Godhara....its Modi as in a pre planned manner large crowd of thousands of people rush to the Godhara station but police were nowhere seen.

3.) As its preplanned and the preparation were going on for last 3 days why Modi, his local intelligence unit and police didn't act??

4.) Why VHP have initiated the Ram shila-pujan just before the election period??

5.) Is it on the instruction of Modi they have uselessly mobilized innocent people when there was govt. of BJP at the Center doing nothing for Ram Temple. And they know that a shila-pujan is just a useless gimmick.

6.) Is it the Modi's plan to get Hindus killed and then Muslim get killed and people get polarized.

7.) Was he scared after getting his planned situation out of control and the danger of President rule on Gujarat?

8.) Why it have taken More then a month to end the Gujarat riots? Even after getting the required forces and the army at his disposal??

There are so many other questions which are there but as i have to rush.

Modi fans are kindly requested to shed some light on above.

Actually the hindu clips are photochopped. I just couldn't get myself to discuss that so decided to troll instead.
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