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Thread that Destroys all Critics of Modi

It's not that the police didn't stop the mobs. In some cases, the police (and councilmen) guided the mobs to Muslim houses using voter records to identify them first.

Watch @15:00 minutes

:rofl: Any tom dick and harry Congressi stooge can shoot like that from his a&&.

I asked for Modi's statement ?? Not any of the implants'.
That what is called Tehelka and its like minded news magic.Seem you dont know nothing about it.
All this news is rumour.If you want to know about clean ethnic cleansing then read 1984 riots.That is what happen when Indian President become helpless .Supreme commander of chief.Even all powerful congress at that time at centre leave proof of their
involvement .Then how the hell a common CM can eliminate proof.
We respect our court system even if there is some draw backs.That court including Supreme Court dont find proof against Narendra Modi.For Indian like us that is enough.No more no less.
You find your proof through you tube.There is more weird videos is also in this you tube like aliens in this world.Can we trust that?
An Indian live in India can see more fact than present in you tube.

That video was on youtube, but it's not some guy in a garage.
It was on a mainstream Australian news program and the investigation is done by Indians (Tehelka).
You can dismiss Tehelka as a Congress agency, but the footage remains.

Again, this footage may not be admissible in a court of law, but it doesn't change what those people said.

It is actually pretty simple. There can be one out of 3 reasons.

1. Indians are stupid and have been hypnotized by Modi. He waves a wand, and we dance to his tune.

2. Indians love killing Muslims(doesn't matter that many Hindus were killed) and hence idolize Modi.

3. 1 and 2 is incorrect. Blaming Modi is the easiest way to deflect the blame for everything - a very convenient punching bag.

Choose what you wish to believe. :coffee:

The other option is that Modi is a bigot, not an idiot.

:rofl: Any tom dick and harry Congressi stooge can shoot like that from his a&&.

I asked for Modi's statement ?? Not any of the implants'.

Modi is not stupid enough to leave evidence lying around. I agree it means he gets to walk, but the statements by those people are also worth listening to (unless you claim they are fakes or actors).
That video was on youtube, but it's not some guy in a garage.
It was on a mainstream Australian news program and the investigation is done by Indians (Tehelka).
You can dismiss Tehelka as a Congress agency, but the footage remains.

Again, this footage may not be admissible in a court of law, but it doesn't change what those people said.

The other option is that Modi is a bigot, not an idiot.

Modi is not stupid enough to leave evidence lying around. I agree it means he gets to walk, but the statements by those people are also worth listening to (unless you claim they are fakes or actors).

Ignore the thread....and it will go away.....
The most clinching thread I have seen in a while ....Now only if this was to be printed in some major newspaper ...preferably one NOT toeing the Kangaroo Government's line or trying to spoon feed interview questions to Pappu .

I dont care what paper it is ---Even "Saamna" Shiv Sena 's editorial mouthpiece will do, But the word needs to get out and the message conveyed in a big way. I 've a feeling the Congress has a couple of more dirty tricks up its sleeve .

Just today I read Kejriwal retweeting a post ---India between a Moron ( Rahul Gandhi) and a Murderer ( Modi). These folks will spare no means to dish dirt and filth and by the looks of it they are getting VERY DESPERATE.
The other option is that Modi is a bigot, not an idiot.
May be. May be he is a secret closet gay. :D That does not make him guilty. Failure to act and participating in a mass murder does. He is exonerated on both counts. He did more than what was expected of him. We Indians who support him have made our choice. You can brand us bigots collectively, or accept out judgement and move on. Choice is yours.
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Go put your hand in the bee-hive that is India, you'll understand it much better. :lol:
and then get an Italian sting? :azn: :devil:
That video was on youtube, but it's not some guy in a garage.
It was on a mainstream Australian news program and the investigation is done by Indians (Tehelka).
You can dismiss Tehelka as a Congress agency, but the footage remains.

Again, this footage may not be admissible in a court of law, but it doesn't change what those people said.

The other option is that Modi is a bigot, not an idiot.

Modi is not stupid enough to leave evidence lying around. I agree it means he gets to walk, but the statements by those people are also worth listening to (unless you claim they are fakes or actors).

Yes , I obviously meant that that guy was implant . There is no evidence against him , it's all propaganda.
Good thread. Debunks a lot of lies. Anyways he has been given a clean chit by the courts. That's what counts.
That video was on youtube, but it's not some guy in a garage.
It was on a mainstream Australian news program and the investigation is done by Indians (Tehelka).
You can dismiss Tehelka as a Congress agency, but the footage remains.

Again, this footage may not be admissible in a court of law, but it doesn't change what those people said.

The other option is that Modi is a bigot, not an idiot.

Modi is not stupid enough to leave evidence lying around. I agree it means he gets to walk, but the statements by those people are also worth listening to (unless you claim they are fakes or actors).

I will surely dismiss Tehelka.I know you will end here in Tehelka.All the false propoganda of 2002 riots is spread by
Tehelka .Some of it is busted later by neutral agencies.Tehelka unethical operation is start soon after NDA government formed.
All other news agencies even admired where did get these kind of information.Tehelka lifeline was Tarun Tejapal.A guy that cant behave their subordinate with honour.But after these case arise whole people in India realize Congress lion share is in tehelka,including present cabinet minister Kapil Sibal
And Congress weds Tehelka after NDA government formed .And husband Congress ordered wife Tehelka to spread false report about BJP.
Congress used media explosion in 2002 very well.Same media now peel the skin of congress.You know that is miracle of time.When one guy keep telling same lie others will think it is the truth.That happened in 2002 riots.
When tehelka become disgraced you footage credibility is gone.Now get back to the topic.
Some idiots in India and in foreign countries may still hang in this footage.We Indians only care about Court Rule,we always respect our Supreme Court .And that court found out Narendra Modi is innocent .That is enough for us ,we only value that court ruling.Not some vigilante media nutjobs .No more, No less.
But as an Indian that suffered by misrule of Congress.I know very well than you.
Great News ....... Anti Sikh Riots have become big news now
Very Depressing riots there is total media blackout of the time of genocide if there were of modern media that time it might hAve been Labled the biggest genocide in the history of india
That video was on youtube, but it's not some guy in a garage.
It was on a mainstream Australian news program and the investigation is done by Indians (Tehelka).
You can dismiss Tehelka as a Congress agency, but the footage remains.

Again, this footage may not be admissible in a court of law, but it doesn't change what those people said.

The other option is that Modi is a bigot, not an idiot.

Modi is not stupid enough to leave evidence lying around. I agree it means he gets to walk, but the statements by those people are also worth listening to (unless you claim they are fakes or actors).

it is very depressing........
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