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Thread that Destroys all Critics of Modi

You want to compare Rahulji, a Cambridge graduate with an illiterate chai waala. Sorry but I don't want India to be represented by a chai waala on the international stage.

Is that supposed to be Sarasm ?
anyone notice the blog that i linked earlier got removed...
What ???

Have you saved that page ??

No......am hoping the pics are somewhere in my computer since i clicked on them..
Not the first time...few months back i had made a thread on US involvement on Syrian chemical attack..the thread got merged and that opening post got removed as well....
No......am hoping the pics are somewhere in my computer since i clicked on them..
Not the first time...few months back i had made a thread on US involvement on Syrian chemical attack..the thread got merged and that opening post got removed as well....

Anything that destroys congressi propaganda will be brought down by them or their paid media .

It has happened in the past . You should have saved the page .
1) Mass-murderer, 2002 riots, calling army.


To summarise:
-Train was burnt on Feb 27th, 2002.
-Riots started on Feb 28th.
-Army was called on Feb 28th itself within hours.
-Army began flag marches on the next day i.e March 1st (Feb in 2002 had 28 days)
-By March 3rd, riots were under control.

Congress Denied help to Modi

Also, it was surprising to find that Modi had called for help from neighboring states (Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & Maharashtra) requesting for police forces but none offered any help (Maharashtra sent some police teams but it was not of much use). This is mentioned in SIT report, page 448.


2) Gujarat was already a developed state. He has done nothing significant.

Water & Agriculture:

Electricity & Alternate energy:


In 2005, Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh (of the Congress party which is a rival of Modi’s BJP) appointed a committee to prepare a report on the latest social, economic and educational condition of the Muslim community (minority) of India. After thorough survey and investigations, a 400 page report was presented in 2006-07 and to the surprise of many, it said that muslims in Gujarat were much better-off when compared to muslims of other states. i.e in terms of education, per capita income, percentage of muslims in govt jobs, police force and more.
3) Careless attitude towards minorities. It is a living hell for minorities in his state.


Full Sanchar committee report

http://zakatindia.org/Files/Sachar Report (Full).pdf


U r wasting your time buddy, dont blow horns in front of DEAF congress tards!
Congressis are really stuffed now. Their own allies are not interested in 2002 case... & everyone is raking up 1984 now. There is a sudden outbreak of public anger... & all of a sudden new revelations are coming out! Oh well.. karma has it's own way of taking revenge!

I would like to see some action over the 1984 Mass Murder.
Anything that destroys congressi propaganda will be brought down by them or their paid media .

It has happened in the past . You should have saved the page .

I have the images with me though
It's not that the police didn't stop the mobs. In some cases, the police (and councilmen) guided the mobs to Muslim houses using voter records to identify them first
Watch @15:00 minutes
If you don't know how riots spread and what really happened in Gujarat, then rather don't say anything about it.

Ignorance is not a bliss every time.
If you don't know how riots spread and what really happened in Gujarat, then rather don't say anything about it.

Ignorance is not a bliss every time.

Oh, it's no mystery how riots and other lawlessness spreads.

When criminals feel assured that they have a window of opportunity -- teen din ki mohlat (three days' window) -- they will make the most of it.
The official number of Muslims killed in Godhra Riots

Oh, it's no mystery how riots and other lawlessness spreads.

When criminals feel assured that they have a window of opportunity -- teen din ki mohlat (three days' window) -- they will make the most of it.

The official number of Muslims killed in Godhra Riots

Fact: As per figures given by the Union Minister of State for Home Shriprakash Jaiswal, who belongs to the Congress Party, in Parliament on 11 May 2005, 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were killed in the riots, 2548 people were injured and 223 people were missing. This was in a WRITTEN REPLY to a question asked by a Congress member on the religion wise casualties in Gujarat after Godhra. The report placed the number of riot-affected widows at 919 and the number of children orphaned at 606. The UPA government gives these figures, and hence they themselves may be inflated.

790 Muslims, 254 Hindus perished in post-Godhra, The Milli Gazette, Vol.6 No.11, MG129 (1-15 June 05)

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Gujarat riot death toll revealed


P.S: I am not BJP follower but still I think this truth needs to be known.

It was this article that made me start supporting a BJP government in the first place :)

@Congress Supporters: This is not for you, its for the swing voter, the ones who are still figuring out who to vote for.

The official number of Muslims killed in Godhra Riots
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