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Thousands remember Tiananmen Square crackdown in Hong Kong


Jul 25, 2011
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PhotoBlog - Thousands remember Tiananmen Square crackdown in Hong Kong

Tens of thousands take part in a candlelight vigil at Hong Kong's Victoria Park June 4, 2012 to mark the 23rd anniversary of the military crackdown of the pro-democracy movement at Beijing's Tiananmen Square in 1989.





Soon these communist will soon start posting how this is all western propaganda

before that take a look at you country and see how your protesters were dealt with too.

you know there is a great saying

"when you point a finger of accusation at someone, remember there is 3 more fingers of accusation pointing back at you".
Persian Babu......... There are many thread running on this about India. You are free to go and comment there.

Remember........... those 3 fingers are with you too.

wtf are you on about? what does this have to do with India

You retarded lowlife are obsessed with China, which is shame cause they don't give a crap about your existence.
I Look at your signature..it's about China. I bet you dream of being Chinese everyday.
All the CIA's NGO need is to buy over a few loud mouths thugs to instigate and pollute our young minds of our city. Why not, they did it Cairo and Moscow. No problem in Hong Kong though, the next day they went back to schools and boost to their peers and went back to study for the finals like nothing happened.
All the CIA's NGO need is to buy over a few loud mouths thugs to instigate and pollute our young minds of our city.
They are large in number, the CCP agents like you, while far greater in number than the supposed CIA agents, are unheard and ignored in the Hong Kongese society.

No problem in Hong Kong though, the next day they went back to schools and boost to their peers and went back to study for the finals like nothing happened.
And that's how it is supposed to happen, people protesting peacefully without a fear of prosecution.That's what democracy guarantees as citizen's right.
Read you comments before talking you retard. let me copy paste for you to read.........

before that take a look at you country and see how your protesters were dealt with too.

Its not me but you brought India in between you coward.

"when you point a finger of accusation at someone, remember there is 3 more fingers of accusation pointing back at you".

And this is what is replied back to you, you M*ntal.

Stop pretending being Security Guard of Chinese u Mor*n.

LOL my comment was aimed at an AMERICAN guy, so you Indian are also Americans now?
retard learn to learn.
They are large in number, the CCP agents like you, while far greater in number than the supposed CIA agents, are unheard and ignored in the Hong Kongese society.

And that's how it is supposed to happen, people protesting peacefully without a fear of prosecution.That's what democracy guarantees as citizen's right.

I've seen larger rallies and in fact I was one of the participants in the anti-war rallies in your adopted country on the West Coast more than a decade ago. Those rallies across the US were huge, loud and sometimes violent however Bush just smirked and went back to his golf game.
All the CIA's NGO need is to buy over a few loud mouths thugs to instigate and pollute our young minds of our city. Why not, they did it Cairo and Moscow. No problem in Hong Kong though, the next day they went back to schools and boost to their peers and went back to study for the finals like nothing happened.

Its not a question that anything happened or not. But about courage.

this event shows that mainland chinese are damn scared of CCP. or there Tanks.

LOL my comment was aimed at an AMERICAN guy, so you Indian are also Americans now?
retard learn to learn.

Upps my bad. Sorry. Will delete now.

But next time try to use descent language, otherwise only Pesian will be left in you. God n King will vanish.
Persian Babu......... There are many thread running on this about India. You are free to go and comment there.

Remember........... those 3 fingers are with you too.

No doubt, Hong kong is a different country within china. Can we imagine such type of Candle light protest in mainland China.

Hails to the people of Hong Kong; Hails to China. This is exactly ONE COUNTRY TWO SYSTEMS.

Only a great country called China allows two systems within a country. No other country in this world has the guts to tolerate a different system within, including India and Korea and USA... and any other coutry.

Letting different systems compete peacefully, indeed it is wisdom of the highest level of human being so far. :tup:
Its not a question that anything happened or not. But about courage.

this event shows that mainland chinese are damn scared of CCP. or there Tanks.

''He watched the military enter the square and did not observe any mass firing of weapons into the crowds, although sporadic gunfire was heard. He said that most of the troops which entered the square were actually armed only with anti-riot gear – truncheons and wooden clubs; they were backed up by armed soldiers," a cable from July 1989 said of a Chilean diplomat.

In 2009, James Miles, who was the BBC correspondent in Beijing at the time, admitted that he had "conveyed the wrong impression" and that "there was no massacre on Tiananmen Square. Protesters who were still in the square when the army reached it were allowed to leave after negotiations with martial law troops

Wikileaks: no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square, cables claim - Telegraph

The western propaganda have never stop slandering of China since the day she was established in 1949. In the recent SCS disputes, I have yet read a single western paper questions the legitimacy of the other 5 claimants' claims besides China's.

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