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“This war against our republic is also a war against Iran’

what u jealous about Iran is so powerful. pakistan would die for a gerenal like sulaimani. all over the world people went on the streets for the matyrdom of this great men but u know better. he fought ur masters puppet in the region and thats what makes u mad i mean u as a person not pakistan as a country
all arounfd world, lol tuypucal persian propaganda
we wouldn't need to send drones if wouldn't support terrorists. no need to say more.

as i said on my previous post we can discuss this in another thread cause it's off topic here.
lol, so t his shit attitude of urs deserves this, hypocrites at its best. says a country tgat supports terrosim globally
If Armenia is gone, then the strategic options for Iran imo gone bad. It then would look like a vice. The northern jaw with Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan under command of the freakishly Erdogan, and the southern jaw with the other persian gulf states and Israel. And Iran, Irak, Syria, Lebanon between the jaws. This does not look good.

this won't happend neither armenia nor azerbaijan have infinite resources to continue that long.
turkey bringing terrorist from syria to fight, that show me that they don't have enough manpower in azerbaijan. and erdogan won't send many regular turkish troops to end the war in his favour. he is under pressure at home the last thing he need are turkish soldiers comming back in coffins.
today i was reading that greek volunteers want to go to fight alongside armenian army, if armenia allow them that will show me that they also need boots on the groud.
when this war is over nothing actually will change the balance of power will be in favour of Iran cause turkey is spending money and hardware which will have an effect in this economic situation in which turkey is right now.

Iran didn't got involed till now and i think that won't change. Iran will only get involed if there is a direct threat or a the war will shift the balance.

we also don't know what russia is doing they will keep for sure an eye on this conflict. they will never alow a nato member to get influence in the caspian sea area. cause russia knows after azerbaijan and armenia turkey will go for turmenistan (he will also use the azeris in Iran too make some unrest there and get influence). since russia don't have any military bases there anymore (i think they pulled out in 1999) it's a very likely that turkey would build a base there which will give turkey a big strategic boost. so to avoid that russia will do everything cause if not than russia have to attack turkish military directly in the future to save her intrests.
shit it was coming out of ur mouth. do u think u can talk like that cause we r in a pakistani forum?
The reality is that you will deny it, you wanted me to prove you when Iran backstabbed Pakistan, i showed you that, when you killed our border guards and how you sent drones, and you were arguing on ot, it was expected of this as its typical to find such hypocritical behavior from Tehran, Instead of acknowledging you started blaming as terrorists, whereas your country is renowned for supporting and funding terrorism globally why do you think you were sanctioned for past 40 years, EXACTLy for supporting terrorism and funding it globally
The reality is that you will deny it, you wanted me to prove you when Iran backstabbed Pakistan, i showed you that, when you killed our border guards and how you sent drones, and you were arguing on ot, it was expected of this as its typical to find such hypocritical behavior from Tehran, Instead of acknowledging you started blaming as terrorists, whereas your country is renowned for supporting and funding terrorism globally why do you think you were sanctioned for past 40 years, EXACTLy for supporting terrorism and funding it globally

as i said if u like we can talk about in another thread.
Azerbaijan has a Secular/anti-Islam government (That's why wahhabis are so eager to defend them) with a history of helping Israel against Iran, while Armenia doesn't care about Muslims and seeks its own interests between east and west powers (and if necessary even Israel).

None of them are Iranian allies, and never care about Iran's interests, so Iran shouldn't intervene in this conflict.
Azerbaijan has a Secular/anti-Islam government (That's why wahhabis are so eager to defend them) with a history of helping Israel against Iran, while Armenia doesn't care about Muslims and seeks its own interests between east and west powers (and if necessary even Israel).

None of them are Iranian allies, and never care about Iran's interests, so Iran shouldn't intervene in this conflict.

What is wrong with being secular? tell 1 theocracy on the face of this earth that has provided their people the level of development/jobs that secular govts have?

When you seperate church/mosque from state rationality increases :)
this won't happend neither armenia nor azerbaijan have infinite resources to continue that long.
turkey bringing terrorist from syria to fight, that show me that they don't have enough manpower in azerbaijan. and erdogan won't send many regular turkish troops to end the war in his favour. he is under pressure at home the last thing he need are turkish soldiers comming back in coffins.
today i was reading that greek volunteers want to go to fight alongside armenian army, if armenia allow them that will show me that they also need boots on the groud.
when this war is over nothing actually will change the balance of power will be in favour of Iran cause turkey is spending money and hardware which will have an effect in this economic situation in which turkey is right now.

Iran didn't got involed till now and i think that won't change. Iran will only get involed if there is a direct threat or a the war will shift the balance.

we also don't know what russia is doing they will keep for sure an eye on this conflict. they will never alow a nato member to get influence in the caspian sea area. cause russia knows after azerbaijan and armenia turkey will go for turmenistan (he will also use the azeris in Iran too make some unrest there and get influence). since russia don't have any military bases there anymore (i think they pulled out in 1999) it's a very likely that turkey would build a base there which will give turkey a big strategic boost. so to avoid that russia will do everything cause if not than russia have to attack turkish military directly in the future to save her intrests.

Iran poured 10B+ dollars into Syria and thousands of advisors. Turkey can do the same in Azeribaijan. Saudi Arabia has been wasting billions in Yemen. Turkey is not close to a quagmire just yet.
What is wrong with being secular? tell 1 theocracy on the face of this earth that has provided their people the level of development/jobs that secular govts have?

When you seperate church/mosque from state rationality increases :)

There is no problem with being secular as long as those who are religious can have their rights preserved. Instead you see things like Hijab ban in universities.

One of the reasons the Shah fell in ‘79 was his Islam phobia and his attempt to force secularization on the people.

Forcing people to be religious or forcing people to secular creates resentment in both cases.
This statement doesn’t even make sense (oxymoron). Like most of things you say....
It's just a matter of your brain's capacity!

Azerbaijanis are Shiah, so if it's government was the same, there was no way Zionist/Wahhabis would support it.

And considering the level of enmity of Zionist/Wahhabis against Islam, a Secular and anti-Islam government in Azerbaijan is their ideal situation.
Iran poured 10B+ dollars into Syria and thousands of advisors. Turkey can do the same in Azeribaijan. Saudi Arabia has been wasting billions in Yemen. Turkey is not close to a quagmire just yet.

but do you really think erdogan will do this ? cause he is really under pressure at home. yes he has his supporters but he is losing the peoples trust and vote in the big cities. i was there last year (istanbul) and really everyone and without any exception hated him. before my visit there i thought that he have alot of supporters.
the other thing is if the war goes for the favore of azerbaijan then armenia will bring russia in the game and russia is willing to come directly if armenia feel threaten.

time will tell...
There is no point in talking with people who just look at everything from Persian sectarian perspective

can you please stop writing posts here. u don't have even a chance to debate with me. and i mean debate by logic and history. i already got a warning cause of u so please don't write me anymore

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