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“This war against our republic is also a war against Iran’

Don't worry dadash, I completely understand your frustration. Good things are just a matter of time. We must admire Iran's restrain and wisdom given how it is clearly putting this "think long term" into practise. There is a reason why we have survived so long as a people and nation.

Janaman baryayeh zemineh Iran....

Off-topic lol, but as time goes on I feel like I'm becoming more and more torn between my American identity and Iranian roots... Destroys me sometimes to tell you the truth. I feel so mad about how horribly Zionist controlled America treats Iran yet I'm also an American. Idk where I stand sometimes, its like a war of identity and the two-halfs of me are fighting one another over who's right and who's wrong...

The majority of my frustrations do come from Soleimani's cowardly murder though...Still sends me into a fervor when I'm reminded of it. Such a noteworthy exceptional man, killed by a bunch of Zionist obsessed Israeli-firsters who can't think past 5 years of planning. One can only hope the same Israelis and Americans who plotted his murder will receive the same fate and not die of old-age.

Anyways....I feel patriotic about America when the situation calls for it and I feel equally as patriotic for Iran when the situation calls for it as well. Such a turbulent storm of conflicting emotions, lol bothers me but I think I will be fine in the long run. Just sucks emotionally really :yu:
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Janam baryayeh zemineh Iran....

Off-topic lol, but as time goes on I feel like I'm becoming more and more torn between my American identity and Iranian roots... Destroys me sometimes to tell you the truth. I feel so mad about how horribly Zionist controlled America treats Iran yet I'm also an American. Idk where I stand sometimes, its like a war of identity and the two-halfs of me are fighting one another over who's right and who's wrong...

The majority of my frustrations do come from Soleimani's cowardly murder though...Still sends me into a fervor when I'm reminded of it. Such a noteworthy exceptional man, killed by a bunch of Zionist obsessed Israeli-firsters who can't think past 5 years of planning. One can only hope the same Israelis and Americans who plotted his murder will receive the same fate and not die of old-age.

Anyways....I feel patriotic about America when the situation calls for it and I feel equally as patriotic for Iran when the situation calls for it as well. Such a turbulent storm of conflicting emotions, lol bothers me but I think I will be fine in the long run. Just sucks emotionally really :yu:

Your blood is Iranian, being born in some place else will not change this. Almost all Iranians have an unbreakable bond to their motherland. You don't have to pick a side but I guarantee as time goes by, you will feel the gravity of Iran more and more. These western societies are mostly superficial and empty.
@Sineva : may I suggest to directly jump to the final quote contained in this post - somehow I have the feeling you will be reasonably amused by it.

but you always scream about muslim unity when it comes to other countries where was your mulsim unity when isis beheaded sunni and shia muslims in iraq and syria.

I stopped taking the user all too seriously.

It would seem that to him, a Shia-majority country whose regime is implementing a severe form of secularism (complete with hijab ban for university students), whose president lays flowers at the feet of a masonic-type obelisk, whose courts hand jail sentences to Islamic activists and to ulema, and which officially engages in a strategic partnership with the zionist entity, is a worthy partner for Islamic "unity"...

Whereas a Shia-majority country that stands up to the US and zionist regimes, that dares to supply arms to anti-zionist Resistance groups, that has played a key role in eliminating ISIS and that is applying sharia law, must be considered a "rogue state".

When it comes to the Azarbaijani regime, its staunch secularism (as well as zionism) will be excused in a heartbeat. A different standard shall of course apply to the Syrian government. About the latter, he claimed that the pan-Arab Baathists had been teaching generations of Syrian children that they are "not Arabs" but somehow linked to Europeans...! He also made the claim that the SSNP (Syrian Social Nationalist Party), another secular nationalist and anti-zionist movement allied to the Syrian government (but formerly outlawed by Damascus because their ideology somewhat conflicts with Arabism), aims to eliminate "all religion" (sic)...

When you are allied to the west, to Turkey and to Isra"el", secularism isn't an issue. When you are circumstantially cooperating with a government that is allied to Iran, then apparently secularism becomes synonymous with wanting to "end all religion".

He appears to seriously believe Iran was on the Serbian side during the Bosnian civil war... something any person with even rudimentary knowledge of the topic will of course laugh off (in fact he's the only person I ever encountered anywhere to make that claim).

When confronted about some of the peculiar assertions he has made and when asked to substantiate these with evidence, he will dodge the request, shoot the messenger and resort to more of the same (i. e. more blanket statements).

He doesn't seem to be interested in discussing facts, documents and sources presented to him, no matter how valid, and will dismiss them out of hand as "propaganda". You provide him with Azari, Serbian, American, British sources, he will label them "Iranian propaganda" (probably without having taken the time to read them at all).

The more people debate his assessments, the more categorical and self-contradicting his comments would seem to become, as they increasingly devolve into sloganeering with little regard for coherence.

Some of the latest, taken from the dedicated Karabakh war thread:

Azerbaycan is a front line state fighting the forces of evil and villany of heinous Kuffar, much like Pakistan is a vanguard of Islam in relation to Indian fascism, and India's nefarious dreams to finish Islam.

Pay attention to the stark vocabulary used here in relation to the "kuffar"... Reminiscent of certain groups and their flawed binary interpretation of every political issue as reflective of a clash between Muslims and kuffar.

Yet right after that, he will post the following, in response to a Turkish user claiming to be non-Muslim:

Regardless of your faith, you are our brother. Türk, Azerbaycan, and Pakistan have a strong alliance which has stood the test of time.

Anytime it is needed, we will defend each other from our enemies as one united front.

Glad to have you on this forum.

When they are Turkish, non-Muslims are no longer "villain" nor "heinous", apparently.

But my absolute favorite has to be the following:

Armenia saw the defeat and subjugation of Azerbaycan as its first step to recover an ancient empire and to rid the world of Turks and Muslims for all.

So tiny Armenia (population: 3 million, global influence: well, I'll let you guess) has had a secret plan to genocide over 1.8 billion Muslims to the last one (question is if the effort will include those "rogue Iranian deep state officials who side with non-Muslims")... With every one of the user's posts, one really makes an amazing new discovery. How else would we have come to learn about Erevan's realistic project to wipe every Muslim off the face of the planet? That's certainly a major and acute threat we must all be extremely wary of, afterall Armenia is a rising global superpower endowed with the necessary means to carry out its sinister designs.
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first of all we got attackt from iraq and we didn't start the war.
second we don't deny this fact that things like that happen thats a historical fact.
you people in this forum talking about muslim unity all the time an pointing finger on others. i never said Iran didn't make any mistakes you act like you are the peferct muslim country and so on.
you close your eyes on your own history. claiming Iran is fighting against muslim countries while you closed your eyes when you master saudi arabia and usa along side with israel destroyed syria iraq and yemen. there aren't muslims in syria yemen or iraq or is it just the fact that "the right countries" attacking them.

didn't the taliban fought against the northern alliance? weren't they sunni muslims? didn't the pakistani intelligence agencies helped the taliban or at least let them do so and also hide in pakastin. taliban had more pakistani members then afghans.

didn't you helped the jundullah terrorist hiding in pakistan after they made terrorit attacks in Iran. killing Iranian children and women.

there is a long list that can go on and on

so before you point your finger on others look in the mirror.
we supported the righful people of Taliban and we shall always do, even USA is recognizing as govt so your nonsense of them being terrorist is bullshity, youi wanted to support NA the thug's warlords and failed terribly at that hahah.

Bullshit Jundullah, you guys openly spy on Pakistan kill our border guards regularly on border and even your shitty irani tech drone was brought down by our airforces, you are renowned country in world for supporting and spreading terrorism and sectarianism that's is why you're sanctioned
coming rich for someone who support tyrant and terrorism in another countries and is shunned globally for that

Iran never attackt innocent people. if u look at history we attackt either military or intelligence personal. yes globaly cause we stay against the imperialism.
we supported the righful people of Taliban and we shall always do, even USA is recognizing as govt so your nonsense of them being terrorist is bullshity, youi wanted to support NA the thug's warlords and failed terribly at that hahah.

Bullshit Jundullah, you guys openly spy on Pakistan kill our border guards regularly on border and even your shitty irani tech drone was brought down by our airforces, you are renowned country in world for supporting and spreading terrorism and sectarianism that's is why you're sanctioned

of course u say rightful most of them are pakistanis. u said we kill muslims don't come with rightful people now ok. was the northern alliance sunni muslims or no? why u try to avoid my question caus u know i am right.

we are fighting at the border the terrorist crossing from pakistan to Iran. show me proof that we killed pakistani soldiers. but the media is full of terrorist who come from pakistan u need to educate urself before believing blind.
Mind your filthy tongue before you call obamam our master you will be reported next time for insulting entire pakistan !

Bulshhit ISIS was created by US thank to Iran supporting US on iraqi invasion, waiting to get opurtnity by removing Saddam and then take that vaccum.

Al Saud is tyrant ? LOL i dont see AL saud Country burning but I see Syria burining with IRGC brigades ruuning all over syria with Hazrat Ali pic flag and then asking pakistani shiates to foght dirty war in syria, all those fatmid brigdes, we are well ware of your poison of sectranism,

where isyour support for Kahmsir are they Sunni or shia ?

Our support for Palestinian is in UN unlike you we don't arm them which then Israel bombs the shit out of them and none of alloes went to Syria,

Pakistan can dream of economy says the one, who has shit econiomy black money and smuggles iranin goods to pakistan only in american kafir dollars LOL the hyprocrisy

whats wrong u don't know how to proof opposite and u want to report me cause u can't arguement against what i said. thats weak!

i didn't said isis wasn't by usa i am asking where was ur help for muslim when isis raped and beheaded them sunni and shia not only shia. where was ur support for ur sunni brothers in iraq the kurdish people and where is ur support for ur sunni brothers in pakistan. it's funny u see pakistani fighters in syria joining isis but not one fighting alongside with the palestinian.

no al saud should be the rolemodel for all of us. opressing people funding terrorists killing a poor guy who wanted to get married in their embassy and not only killing him butu cutting all parts of his body. thats democraty u right i am sorry.

kashmir has a sunni mijority. what u want to tell me with that? pakistan is claiming kashmir so go and get it why should Iran do something. and believe u me if kashmir askes for help we will be there.

we have to do that we r sanctioned since 40 years the hardest sanctions mankind ever faced.
what is ur excuse?

anyway since i see that u r not familiar with politics and geograpical startegies i won't reply aynmore cause u just pick things up and put them out of context and write random things.
you are funny assad is a tyrant but al saud is the light on earth and isis is the army whos members are the angels from heaven.

Strawman never works. Just because the Saudis are dishonest does not mean you get to be as well. His argument and Pakistan have nothing to do with the Saudis or ISIS.

thats not true it has nothing to do with the sectarian we help all people who are opressed.

Don't fool yourself. You "help" only when it is in your national interest to "help". Nothing wrong with that. In fact, rightly so. However, keep your Iran is the Messiah propaganda to yourself. We haven't seen you jumping around for the Kashmiris. We have seen you stoking and facilitating sectarian and Indian terrorism in Pakistan.

barzani asked america for help but you master obama had to think about it.

Had Obama been our master, Iran would have been Iraq years ago. Ungrateful and dishonest as you are, I'd recommend keeping your pot shots at Pakistan within circles devoid of sense or honor. This yelling and frothing at the mouth every time Iran is questioned will not be entertained here.
how can i reply on quotes and not on the whole text like krash did?
@Sineva : may I suggest to directly jump to the final quote contained in this post - somehow I have the feeling you will be reasonably amused by it.

I stopped taking the user all too seriously.

It would seem that to him, a Shia-majority country whose regime is implementing a severe form of secularism (complete with hijab ban for university students), whose president lays flowers at the feet of a masonic-type obelisk, whose courts hand jail sentences to Islamic activists and to ulema, and which officially engages in a strategic partnership with the zionist entity, is a worthy partner for Islamic "unity"...

Whereas a Shia-majority country that stands up to the US and zionist regimes, that dares to supply arms to anti-zionist Resistance groups, that has played a key role in eliminating ISIS and that is applying sharia law, must be considered a "rogue state".

When it comes to the Azarbaijani regime, its staunch secularism (as well as zionism) will be excused in a heartbeat. A different standard shall of course apply to the Syrian government. About the latter, he claimed that the pan-Arab Baathists had been teaching generations of Syrian children that they are "not Arabs" but somehow linked to Europeans...! He also made the claim that the SSNP (Syrian Social Nationalist Party), another secular nationalist and anti-zionist movement allied to the Syrian government (but formerly outlawed by Damascus because their ideology somewhat conflicts with Arabism), aims to eliminate "all religion" (sic)...

When you are allied to the west, to Turkey and to Isra"el", secularism isn't an issue. When you are circumstantially cooperating with a government that is allied to Iran, then apparently secularism becomes synonymous with wanting to "end all religion".

He appears to seriously believe Iran was on the Serbian side during the Bosnian civil war... something any person with even rudimentary knowledge of the topic will of course laugh off (in fact he's the only person I ever encountered anywhere to make that claim).

When confronted about some of the peculiar assertions he has made and when asked to substantiate these with evidence, he will dodge the request, shoot the messenger and resort to more of the same (i. e. more blanket statements).

He doesn't seem to be interested in discussing facts, documents and sources presented to him, no matter how valid, and will dismiss them out of hand as "propaganda". You provide him with Azari, Serbian, American, British sources, he will label them "Iranian propaganda" (probably without having taken the time to read them at all).

The more people debate his assessments, the more categorical and self-contradicting his comments would seem to become, as they increasingly devolve into sloganeering with little regard for coherence.

Some of the latest, taken from the dedicated Karabakh war thread:

Pay attention to the stark vocabulary used here in relation to the "kuffar"... Reminiscent of certain groups and their flawed binary interpretation of every political issue as reflective of a clash between Muslims and kuffar.

Yet right after that, he will post the following, in response to a Turkish user claiming to be non-Muslim:

When they are Turkish, non-Muslims are no longer "villain" nor "heinous", apparently.

But my absolute favorite has to be the following:

So tiny Armenia (population: 3 million, global influence: well, I'll let you guess) has had a secret plan to genocide over 1.8 billion Muslims to the last one (question is if the effort will include those "rogue Iranian deep state officials who side with non-Muslims")... With every one of the user's posts, one really makes an amazing new discovery. How else would we have come to learn about Erevan's realistic project to wipe every Muslim off the face of the planet? That's certainly a major and acute threat we must all be extremely wary of, afterall Armenia is a rising global superpower endowed with the necessary means to carry out its sinister designs.

You are pretty pathetic chasing my posts from another thread and posting them here in your safe place in the Iranian Defence Forum.

Why don't you reply to my posts in the threads in which I posted them?

You need to build an iranian mob against me. You failed last time, because few members venture out of this subforum.

Misreprersenting any Sunni Muslim who disagrees with you as Daesh is typical and from the iranian state propaganda playbook. It however has no basis in reality.


I am ok with clarifying my views if asked to, but you do not have a right to spin my posts and offer your own commentary.
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it's funny u see pakistani fighters in syria joining isis but not one fighting alongside with the palestinian.
Its funny that I see iran poison our shiate population and using them as fodder o further their sick agenda in ssyria.

as mentioned Palestinians didn't ask for our help, where the FK were you when Kashmir was being and is being slaughtered by Indians, and you were signing chabahar till China came throw unimagainable amount of money on you that Iran can barely imagine and you swtiched sides to higest bidder
we are fighting at the border the terrorist crossing from pakistan to Iran. show me proof that we killed pakistani soldiers. but the media is full of terrorist who come from pakistan u need to educate urself before believing blind.
if you look and read propaganda news of Khomenui channel then you would know jack shit but here is your proof which ofc as an Persian uyou will deny

Also when we shot terrorist drone coming from Iran to Pakistan

Iran never attackt innocent people. if u look at history we attackt either military or intelligence personal. yes globaly cause we stay against the imperialism.
you have your own sick agenda, you have taken over iraqi afairs

Thats why the terror spreading terroist suleiman was bombed to hell by USA in Iraq, he was controlling Iraqi affarirs and Iraqi shia popluation before he got bombed by USA
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You are pretty pathetic chasing my posts from another thread and posting them here in your safe place in the Iranian Defence Forum.

Why don't you reply to my posts in the threads in which I posted them?

You need to build an iranian mob against me. You failed last time, because few members venture out of this subforum.

Misreprersenting any Sunni Muslim who disagrees with you as Daesh is typical and from the iranian state propaganda playbook. It however has no basis in reality.


I am ok with clarifying my views if asked to, but you do not have a right to spin my posts and offer your own commentary.

The intention behind tagging the users was not to "build a mob", but to have them read the content of my reply, since it's a detailed response that addresses certain points Iranians are recurrently confronted with, so they might benefit from reading it, and I deemed it better to tag them than to repost the same here.

I didn't mention Daesh, and the groups I am referring to beyond Daesh. Daesh merely took over that particular view, but didn't have a monopoly on it (and Daesh is defined by more than just that). It's got nothing to do with anyone's confession (Sunni/Shia). I have had discussions with various Sunni Muslims (presumably) that I disagree with, but not everyone of them is applying a strict 'kuffar vs Muslims' reading grid to practically every conflict that involves Muslims, even to some which primarily tend to obey a different logic, as is the case here (this here is essentially a political conflict like every other war, but in the realm of the public representations of those involved, the so-called "ethnic" factor prevails over the religious one).

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