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“This war against our republic is also a war against Iran’

First they will take Nagorno-Karabakh, then they will take southern Armenia and link Turkey with Azerbaijan.

Then Turkey and Azerbaijan will unite and Turkey will become a dominant power in the Caucasus, using Azerbaijani territory to destabilize Azeri parts of Iran and influence Muslims regions of southern Russia (Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia).

Also direct access to Azerbaijani energy will make Turkey more powerful and independent

Today Turkey sends Syrian fighters to Nagorno-Karabakh, tomorrow they will send them to Chechnya and Dagestan and Azeri parts of Iran

Also after establishing a land bridge with Azerbaijan and getting access to the Caspian---Turkey will establish deep ties with Turkic states of Central Asia--Turkmenistan/Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan/Kyrgyzstan

So a huge Turanian confederation/military union with population of 160mln people will be established on the northern borders of Iran and southern borders of Russia.

So it is in Iranian and Russian interest to make sure Armenia survives as a country
View attachment 675970

I agree with you.

But you forgot CHINA: this Pan-Turkistan union-alliance would be a menace also to China, which shares frontiers with these countries and also has a notorious turkic-origin population.

In the end, this Turkey expansionism impacts not only the poor Armenia, also the big three: Russia, China and Iran.

I think Iran is covertly aiding Armenia in this struggle, but I dont know with what elements.
azerbaijan is not the enemy it's turkey. the problem with azerbaijan is that it rather has good ties with isreal and turkey then with Iran
Azerbayjan an independent soveriegn country. With whom they make relations or not should not be a concern for any irrelevant country. Its their internal matter.
Azerbayjan an independent soveriegn country. With whom they make relations or not should not be a concern for any irrelevant country. Its their internal matter.

by your logic if for example afghanistan makes good realations to india and military coorperation and let indian militray using drones from afghan soil to fly to pakistan and spy on pakistani military sites it shouldn't be pakistans concerns cause afghanistan is independent and thats above national and security intrests of palistan. how old are you 12?
Israeli support is not that much with Azerbaycan as Iranians keep screaming.

Armenian far-right groups have ties to Zionists too. Actually many people in Israel would like to see ties with Armenia instead of Muslim Azerbaycan.

Far-right groups in one case vs the government itself in the other... Enough said.

The decisive factor is whether these connections have had any impact on Iran's security. From this perspective, it is clear which side's connections to Tel Aviv have so far been objectively more dangerous to Iran. Iran has shot down Isra"el"i drones, including at least once over its central province of Esfahan. Looking at a map, this does not leave many plausible options as to where these UAV could realistically have taken off, considering their range. Likewise, at least one of the assassins of Iran's nuclear scientists is said to have been recruited in Ārān (the original name of the region covered by the Republic of Azarbaijan, before 19th century tsarist Russia grabbed these lands from Iran). There may even be a confession by the suspect, if I'm not mistaken. Reportedly, these Iranian Mossad-recruits were flown via Baku to Isra"el", where they received training in sabotage, assassination etc.

Last but not least, Iran is being acutely threatened by the zio-American project to balkanize her along so-called "ethnic" lines - a project that is also threatening Iran's neighbours, including Turkey and Pakistan (lookup the Bernard Lewis plan and the infamous Ralph Peters map). High level bilateral relations between Baku and Tel Aviv, including in the military (60% of Azarbaijan's arms imports originate from Isra"el") and intelligence realms (proven and considerable Mossad presence there), plus a number of separatist followers of pan-Turkism inside Iran is far from being a favorable combination from Tehran's perspective.

Zionist support for all kinds of "ethnic" separatism in Iran is a fact. A look at the naming of locations on the maps put online by the zionist-controlled Google already illustrates this point (since Google uses Latin script and Turkified names for locations in Azari-speaking areas of Iran). Likewise, the zionist CEO of Google Ideas is on the record for reporting about his trips to the border areas between Ārān and Āzarbādegān (Iran), with a view to promote "ethnic" identitarianism among Azari Iranians. This is in addition to Baku's links with D. C. lobbyists engaged in support for pan-Turkist separatism against Iran, as well as Baku's acceptance of such elements on its soil.

There has been no equivalent zionist-linked threat against Iran emanating from the Armenian government over the last couple of decades.

By the way, you might be interested to know that traditionally many Armenian nationalists, as well as Armenian revolutionary leftists, have had a rather marked dislike for the zionist regime and have shown sympathy for the Palestinian cause. Not least because of the zionist lobbies' efforts to monopolize the discourse on genocide, which included actions to prevent recognition by western governments of the early 20th century massacres of Anatolian Armenians as a genocide.
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using Azerbaijani territory to destabilize Azeri parts of Iran and influence Muslims regions of southern Russia (Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia).

Also direct access to Azerbaijani energy will make Turkey more powerful and independent

Today Turkey sends Syrian fighters to Nagorno-Karabakh, tomorrow they will send them to Chechnya and Dagestan and Azeri parts of Iran

Would be in line with recent papers from the US suggesting that neocons around Trump are contemplating the option of enrolling Turkey for their plans to destabilize Iran. They'd make some concession to Turkey and in exchange would have Ankara pursue a more anti-Iranian line. Syria was the main theater envisaged for the implementation of such a policy, now it seems the southern Caucasus might be another potential candidate.

My point exactly....irans support for armenia against muslim Azerbaijan predates any Israeli involvement

Iran started out by supporting its former province of Ārān (nowadays known as the Republic of Azarbaijan) in the 1990's Karabakh war. It supplied Baku with volunteers, advisers, military training, arms. However, US pressure on Baku caused the latter to put an end to this cooperaton. The Republic of Azarbaijan never enjoyed the backing Washington had promised them in return.

Also, the Republic of Azarbaijan's then-president Elchibey, an outspoken follower of pan-Turkist idelogy, backed Azari separatism against Iran.

Both these elements led to an interruption of Iranian support for the Republic of Azarbaijan.

The following sources are quite telling:

In his memoirs, Hashemi Rafsanjani mentions some of Iran's aid to the Republic of Azerbaijan:

"I told the Foreign Minister by phone that [Mr. Velayati] could apply for the passage of Afghan fighters to Azerbaijan. The two sides demanded that they provide weapons and ammunition and take action to protect the site of the Khodaafarin Dam in Azerbaijan against the Armenians. "Mr. Forouzandeh [the Minister of Defense] announced that a $ 30 million arms and ammunition deal had been made with the Azeris. [7]"


"In the evening we talked on the phone with Mr. Heydar Aliyev, the acting President of Azerbaijan. He thanked us for our help and said that they have elections on October 2nd. [9]

A former high-ranking Iranian official was quoted by the Mashreq Defense and Security Group as saying: "The commanders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps were sent to the Republic of Azerbaijan during the Karabakh war and trained its fighters and soldiers. "But when Heydar Aliyev, the former president of the Republic of Azerbaijan, saw that the IRGC commanders were praying and praying, he returned them from the Republic of Azerbaijan." [10]

Mansour Haghighatpour, one of the commanders of the Revolutionary Guards Corps, wrote in his official website about his introduction: The most defense and training cooperation will take place between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan. "[11] + Video of military training of Azeri fighters by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps [12]

In an interview with the Inter Press website of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Noureddine Khoja, one of the commanders of the Republic of Azerbaijan, said in response to a reporter's question whether any of his neighbors helped us: "We asked Iran for help in the Zangilan incidents; "If it were not for the Iranian artillery fire at that time, the people of Zangilan would have been killed." [13]

"Gholam Asgar Karimian," one of the commanders of the Revolutionary Guards, said in a press conference on the occasion of the 2nd of Ordibehesht (the anniversary of the founding of the Revolutionary Guards): "He called the Karabakh war one of the oppressions of Iran. "At the highest level, we helped the government of Azerbaijan, but some with special intentions tried not to express it." [14]

In March 2010, Mohsen Rezaei, a former commander of the Revolutionary Guards, told reporters in Tabriz that a large number of Iranians had been killed in support of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh war, and that Iran had provided military assistance and training to the Republic of Azerbaijan during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. "He has not hesitated."

Sardar Kabiri, Iran's military adviser during the Nagorno-Karabakh war, also said at the "Islam Topraqi" summit: "The Islamic Republic of Iran did not withhold logistical, support, educational and political assistance from the Muslim government and people of the Republic of Azerbaijan during the Karabakh war. One of the direct contributions to Azerbaijan is the sale of weapons worth $ 25 million in the same year; Also, according to the memorandum between the Iranian government and the government of Azerbaijan, 8,000 Azeri forces received military training under the supervision of Iranian trainers, and the late Heydar Aliyev attended the training maneuver of these forces several times.

The High Adviser to the Governor of East Azerbaijan, noting that unfortunately the Islamic Republic of Iran was later accused in the mass media of the Republic of Azerbaijan of supporting the Armenian forces in this moharebeh, said that the reason for this atmosphere was behind-the-scenes groups seeking to distance Iran from Azerbaijan and vice versa. . [15]

کمک‌های ایران به جمهوری آذربایجان - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

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Far-right groups in one case vs the government itself in the other... Enough said.

The decisive factor is whether these connections have had any impact on Iran's security. From this perspective, it is clear which side's connections to Tel Aviv have so far been objectively more dangerous to Iran. Iran has shot down Isra"el"i drones, including at least once over its central province of Esfahan. Looking at a map, this does not leave many plausible options as to where these UAV could realistically have taken off, considering their range. Likewise, at least one of the assassins of Iran's nuclear scientists is said to have been recruited in Ārān (the original name of the region covered by the Republic of Azarbaijan, before 19th century tsarist Russia grabbed these lands from Iran). There may even be a confession by the suspect, if I'm not mistaken.

Last but not least, Iran is being acutely threatened by the zio-American project to balkanize her along so-called "ethnic" lines - a project that is also threatening Iran's neighbours, including Turkey and Pakistan (lookup the Bernard Lewis plan and the infamous Ralph Peters map). High level bilateral relations between Baku and Tel Aviv, including in the military (60% of Azarbaijan's arms imports originate from Isra"el") and intelligence realms (proven and considerable Mossad presence there), plus a number of separatist followers of pan-Turkism inside Iran is far from being a favorable combination from Tehran's perspective.

Zionist support for all kinds of "ethnic" separatism in Iran is a fact. A look at the naming of locations on the maps put online by the zionist-controlled Google already illustrates this point (since Google uses Latin script and Turkified names for locations in Azari-speaking areas of Iran). Likewise, the zionist CEO of Google Ideas is on the record for reporting about his trips to the border areas between Ārān and Āzarbādegān (Iran), with a view to promote "ethnic" identitarianism among Azari Iranians. This is in addition to Baku's links with D. C. lobbyists engaged in support for pan-Turkist separatism against Iran, as well as Baku's acceptance of such elements on its soil.

There has been no equivalent zionist-linked threat against Iran emanating from the Armenian government over the last couple of decades.

By the way, you might be interested to know that traditionally many Armenian nationalists, as well as Armenian revolutionary leftists, have had a rather marked dislike for the zionist regime as well as sympathies for the Palestinian cause. Not least because of the zionist lobbies' efforts to monopolize the discourse on genocide, which included actions to prevent recognition by western governments of the early 20th century massacres of Anatolian Armenians as a genocide.

I have not seen you condemn the Indian alliance with Iran (and subsequent cooperation in terrorism against us)as much as I have seen you condemn Azerbaycan and Israel commercial ties.

The propaganda is clear, you are magnifying Azerbaycan's economic ties with Israel (it being about selling petrol to Israel,) however completely ignoring the fact that Nagorno-Karabakh is illegally occupied territory by Armenia, which UN resolutions have been consistent about.

Nagorno-Karabakh is Azerbaijan's legitimate territory, and Iran here is going against further UN resolutions.

We have no other recourse but to see this as further proof that Iran is a rogue state, when we add to it its actions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.
Yes, Iran should not stay idle and let Armenia fall. If Armenia falls a joint Turco-Israeli-American operation will try to start a revolution in the Azeri population of Iran. It is naive to think Turkey is not apart of the grand American scheme in the middle east. Erdogan is the biggest two faced leader in the last 5 generations, and many here are like infants following him off a bridge.
The propaganda is clear, you are magnifying Azerbaycan's economic ties with Israel (it being about selling petrol to Israel,)

I'm not magnifying anything, and it's not about any oil sales (which Iran wouldn't care that much about), but about Baku and Tel Aviv's ties in the security and defence sector, which I have detailed above: 60% of the Republic of Azarbaijan's arms imports originate from Isra"el", the two officially qualify each other as "strategic partners", Mossad has an extensive presence in Baku. It is as well about the zionist-instigated threat of "ethnic" separatism Iran is facing. It is about the elements hinting at Tel Aviv's previous use of Azarbaijani's territory against Iran (Hermes-type drone shot down by Iran, assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists).

however completely ignoring the fact that Nagorno-Karabakh is illegally occupied territory by Armenia, which UN resolutions have been consistent about.

That's a different matter. I was responding to your assertion that Baku's relations with Tel Aviv aren't as pronounced as Iranian users say (Iran itself, as in the Iranian government, behaves rather diplomatically in this regard and isn't actually "screaming"), which implies that Iranians shouldn't feel concerned about them.

I showed why these ties are pretty much an objective concern for Iran. Unfortunately you don't take into account various verifiable fact I stated.

Nagorno-Karabakh is Azerbaijan's legitimate territory, and Iran here is going against further UN resolutions.

Iran isn't going against UN resolutions. Nobody has shown us evidence for purported Iranian backing of Armenian forces.

We have no other recourse but to see this as further proof that Iran is a rogue state, when we add to it its actions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.

Iran is an Islamic and revolutionary state with enough courage to confront the biggest wrongdoing power on earth (i. e. the zio-American axis, BJP India's key backer), which Pakistan would gain in enhancing all manner of cooperation with.
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the connection between armenia and iran must be cut foreever..
I am also for independance of turkish azeris in Iran its time for changes turkic people need to unite there are no friends of turks except turks

First of all, there is no such thing as "Turkish Azeris". Azeris themselves are a distinct Iranic group that have lived on the Iranian plateau for millenias before the arrival of the Turko-Mongol tribes. Genetics do not lie:


"The origin of the Turkic-speaking population of the north-western provinces of Iran, the so-called Azaris, is the subject of long-year debate. Here, we present preliminary results on testing of several hypotheses concerning their origin: 1) the Azaris are the descendants of the Turkic ethnic groups migrated from Central Asia; 2) they have an autochthonous origins; 3) they are of Iranian origin; and 4) they have mixed ethnic origin with unknown proportions of source populations' contribution. The results show that Azaris have much weaker genetic affinity with the populations from Central Asia and the Caucasus than with their immediate geographic neighbours. Relying on these outcomes one can suggest that language replacement (change) with regard to Azaris occurred through "elite dominance" mechanism rather than "demic diffusion" model"

In other words, any connection between Azeris and Turks are relatively superficial i.e linguistic based and recent. Culturally speaking, Azeris today are in reality connected to other Iranic groups. So please, do not muddy the discussion with mis/disinformation. Yes you find some confused individuals in Iran, but do not forget the Iranian leader himself is part Azeri and Azeris have historically fought and killed countless Turks/Ottomons. Pick up a history book and learn about Shah Ismail.

Now, regarding your comment of "cutting Iran from Armenia". Who has the capability to bring this fantasy to reality? if you mean Turkey, then you are too weak and vulnerable to try something like this. Do not forget your own substantial rising Kurdish population that are essentially a ticking bomb for Turkey if you're not careful. On top of that, in political times, it was nearly only yesterday where there was a coupe d'etat attempt in your country. You're in a glass tower and are starting to throw pebbles. How do you think this could end? I am frankly surprised at the ineptitude of the Turkish leadership in following these fanatical policies without seeing what's right in front of them. If Turkey is not careful, it will become another chaos state. You have put all your neighbours on bad terms with you. Instead of being worried, you've decided to become intoxicated by this same Erdogan fantasy.

I have said before in this forum that a few sanctions on Turkey is all it will take to cause your economy to collapse. You are no Iran. You are too weak and vulnerable due to your dependancies. Bunch of out of touch fanboys on the internet "hurraying" you along will not change reality.
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First of all, there is no such thing as "Turkish Azeris". Azeris themselves are a distinct Iranic group that have lived on the Iranian plateau for millenias before the arrival of the Turko-Mongol tribes. Genetics do not lie:

View attachment 676187

"The origin of the Turkic-speaking population of the north-western provinces of Iran, the so-called Azaris, is the subject of long-year debate. Here, we present preliminary results on testing of several hypotheses concerning their origin: 1) the Azaris are the descendants of the Turkic ethnic groups migrated from Central Asia; 2) they have an autochthonous origins; 3) they are of Iranian origin; and 4) they have mixed ethnic origin with unknown proportions of source populations' contribution. The results show that Azaris have much weaker genetic affinity with the populations from Central Asia and the Caucasus than with their immediate geographic neighbours. Relying on these outcomes one can suggest that language replacement (change) with regard to Azaris occurred through "elite dominance" mechanism rather than "demic diffusion" model"

In other words, any connection between Azeris and Turks are relatively superficial i.e linguistic based and recent. Culturally speaking, Azeris today are in reality connected to other Iranic groups. So please, do not muddy the discussion with mis/disinformation. Yes you find some confused individuals in Iran, but do not forget the Iranian leader himself is part Azeri and Azeris have historically fought and killed countless Turks/Ottomons. Pick up a history book and learn about Shah Ismail.

Now, regarding your comment of "cutting Iran from Armenia". Who has the capability to bring this fantasy to reality? if you mean Turkey, then you are too weak and vulnerable to try something like this. Do not forget your own substantial rising Kurdish population that are essentially a ticking bomb for Turkey if you're not careful. On top of that, in political times, it was nearly only yesterday where there was a coupe d'etat attempt in your country. You're in a glass tower and are starting to throw pebbles. How do you think this could end? I am frankly surprised at the ineptitude of the Turkish leadership in following these fanatical policies without seeing what's right in front of them. If Turkey is not careful, it will become another chaos state. You have put all your neighbours on bad terms with you. Instead of being worried, you've decided to become intoxicated in by this same Erdogan fantasy.

I have said before in this forum that a few sanctions on Turkey is all it will take to cause your economy to collapse. You are no Iran. You are too weak and vulnerable due to your dependancies. Bunch of out of touch fanboys on the internet "hurraying" you along will not change reality.

Dastetoon dard nakooneh Philosopher, commalan ah-lee bood dadash!

Very good read!
it is funny how people from pakistan forget that pakistan was the main supply line for nato to attack afghanistan and unsing pakistan as a logistic hub to send their troops weapons food
Yes, we did that proudly, we also did kunduz airlift proudly, it was this suppy line that was hijacked, looted and passed on to china with all equipments intact and the notified to Taliban commands of passing of trucks stargeticgally it helped us a lot and Taliban too, that today US is dismantling 400 of bases of in Afghanistan
but you always scream about muslim unity when it comes to other countries where was your mulsim unity when isis beheaded sunni and shia muslims in iraq and syria.
Stp meddling in Irqqai affairs and hijacking their national affair, stop supporting tyrant Al Assad the pig of syria, if it weren't for Irani shia brigaes that run around syria, Al assad the tyrant would be down, byt hey ho iran has to keep up the poison of sectarian influence
unny how people from pakistan forget that pakistan was the main supply line for nato to attack afghanistan and unsing pakistan as a logistic hub to send their troops weapons food etc.
Its funny how people of Iran forget how IRan proudly took weapons from ISrael in Iran_isarel contra affair to attack fellow brethren of Iraq, The country where Shiaism originated
First of all, there is no such thing as "Turkish Azeris". Azeris themselves are a distinct Iranic group that have lived on the Iranian plateau for millenias before the arrival of the Turko-Mongol tribes. Genetics do not lie:

View attachment 676187

"The origin of the Turkic-speaking population of the north-western provinces of Iran, the so-called Azaris, is the subject of long-year debate. Here, we present preliminary results on testing of several hypotheses concerning their origin: 1) the Azaris are the descendants of the Turkic ethnic groups migrated from Central Asia; 2) they have an autochthonous origins; 3) they are of Iranian origin; and 4) they have mixed ethnic origin with unknown proportions of source populations' contribution. The results show that Azaris have much weaker genetic affinity with the populations from Central Asia and the Caucasus than with their immediate geographic neighbours. Relying on these outcomes one can suggest that language replacement (change) with regard to Azaris occurred through "elite dominance" mechanism rather than "demic diffusion" model"

In other words, any connection between Azeris and Turks are relatively superficial i.e linguistic based and recent. Culturally speaking, Azeris today are in reality connected to other Iranic groups. So please, do not muddy the discussion with mis/disinformation. Yes you find some confused individuals in Iran, but do not forget the Iranian leader himself is part Azeri and Azeris have historically fought and killed countless Turks/Ottomons. Pick up a history book and learn about Shah Ismail.

Now, regarding your comment of "cutting Iran from Armenia". Who has the capability to bring this fantasy to reality? if you mean Turkey, then you are too weak and vulnerable to try something like this. Do not forget your own substantial rising Kurdish population that are essentially a ticking bomb for Turkey if you're not careful. On top of that, in political times, it was nearly only yesterday where there was a coupe d'etat attempt in your country. You're in a glass tower and are starting to throw pebbles. How do you think this could end? I am frankly surprised at the ineptitude of the Turkish leadership in following these fanatical policies without seeing what's right in front of them. If Turkey is not careful, it will become another chaos state. You have put all your neighbours on bad terms with you. Instead of being worried, you've decided to become intoxicated by this same Erdogan fantasy.

I have said before in this forum that a few sanctions on Turkey is all it will take to cause your economy to collapse. You are no Iran. You are too weak and vulnerable due to your dependancies. Bunch of out of touch fanboys on the internet "hurraying" you along will not change reality.

thats what i try to explain to people all the time. the azeris who identify themselfs as turkish (which is wrong cause they are Iranians) seem to forget that even 60-70 years the shia opressed in turkey and i don't want to talk about the ottoman empire hundret of thousands of shias got killed.
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