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This Is What Happens When The Public Sees A Woman Abusing A Man

This is because of the filthy western feminist cult pervading into our society.

You want peace and a loving wife? Never marry a western woman.

Source? Told by western males themselves.

LOL I don't remember you being a member of Bajrang Dal/VHP, what the hell kinda response is that?
LOL I don't remember you being a member of Bajrang Dal/VHP, what the hell kinda response is that?

Prove me wrong.

There are goods and bads in every culture. If you are willing to have an open mind, you can understand what I am saying.

Unfortunately for you, your hatred of Hindus is clouding your mind which is why you don't pick up any other examples to compare.

As to what made me reply like this:

- Divorce data rates in the US for last 15 years,

- the lawsuits that have come up in favour of men versus women,

- number of reported cases against men falsely put but men losing even after doing nothing.

- About a dozen male American/Canadian male friends with equally unjust experiences by the feminist laws.

- blogs, writers' experiences, people interaction.

- Law stating that if say for example, you take care of a kid without accepting payment for one year, the mom of that kid (not your wife) can claim child compensation perennially from you by putting a lawsuit.


If you are interested in knowing more, I humbly suggest you to increase your travel, stay, and interaction abroad, expand your social circle and do more research before living in a Hollywood created world.

Feminism is equally hated by good western men too. So get down from your high horse and look for answers.
Why should anybody compromise in marriage. That day and age should be past.
If husband or wife things marriage is beyond repair or they made a mistake, they should be able to rectify it and if the solution is divoce, so be it.
Its so much better than clinging to each other just for sake of kids.
In India, women remain dependent financially/emotionally so they wont leave the husband. Another issue is second marriage is very difficult (among hindus at least) for both men and women. So people are scared of divorce.

And this is exactly why children don't run astray and confused about who is their daddy and who is their mom in India unlike other places where Father's day and Mother's day are actually days of confusion.

First of all, this whole dependence narrative is a typical feminist nonsense that is narrated throughout. There are so many working women in India nowadays and their marriages are stable equally as that of housewives is.

I think you will need to realize that most of the myths about financial dependency are now collapsing.

The question maybe in 70s was of financial dependency and thus living together, but not in the last 20 years. Also it is about emotional dependency that makes a family. Not money.

Things have really changed mate. Even in small tier-2 towns and cities.

This narrative is now too cliche for feminists to come up with.
Ah well, as they say:

Heaven is an American salary, a Chinese cook, an English house and a Japanese wife.
Hell is a Chinese salary, an English cook, a Japanese house and an American wife.

Ah well, as they say:

Heaven is an American salary, a Chinese cook, an English house and a Japanese wife.
Hell is a Chinese salary, an English cook, a Japanese house and an American wife.


This must be written by a Chinese :lol: They have a fetish for Japanese women
I dont think people leave marriage just because somebody is more attractive.. issue is after a few years the spark goes out, and relation starts to get boring. That issue remains everywhere.

It differs from case to case but the reason of high divorce rate(relatively speaking) is because people want second and third chance and they get it here. There is no taboo in marrying somebody who has divoced here.
The same issues affect couples back home but they have to work together as there is not much alternative. Even in UK people wont divorce at drop of hat because it still is messy and costs money.
In west people keep marrying for second third even fifth times cos they didn't find perfect match while failing to realize the problem was with them.Thankfully we don't have this disease in India yet.Our family values play a bigger role in keeping family united and caring for them all our lives.:D
This must be written by a Chinese :lol: They have a fetish for Japanese women
Actually,Japanese wife is considered better in Asian countries like China,Koreas maybe because they are not that feminist and will stick in a marriage when compared to others :D:p
Actually,Japanese wife is considered better in Asian countries like China,Koreas maybe because they are not that feminist and will stick in a marriage when compared to others :D:p

Same is with our own Indian women as well. Because traditionally, both men and women in Indian culture are considered equals. The atrocities against women is done by cheap-*** losers who have no respect for their mothers or sisters or aunts or any women at all.

They are not called men.

But Feminism is not the answer.

And looking at the collapse of family in US, Canada and Western Europe, I am glad that I am an Indian with our values of family and maturity ingrained.
In west people keep marrying for second third even fifth times cos they didn't find perfect match while failing to realize the problem was with them.Thankfully we don't have this disease in India yet.Our family values play a bigger role in keeping family united and caring for them all our lives.:D
In India its the other extreme, marry a random girl/boy you have no idea about just based on few parameter you set. No love or chemistry involved. Stay with her no matter what happens because you are scared you will never get a second chance.
End result, a less than satisfying life. Husband and wife dont feel the closeness they are entitled to.

And there is never a perfect match, the perfection is more sought after in India because its based on xyz parameter (looks, can she cook, how much he earns etc) rather than the whole man/woman. Here a less than perfect man/woman has multiple chances to rectify his/her mistake.

Same is with our own Indian women as well. Because traditionally, both men and women in Indian culture are considered equals. The atrocities against women is done by cheap-*** losers who have no respect for their mothers or sisters or aunts or any women at all.

They are not called men.

But Feminism is not the answer.

And looking at the collapse of family in US, Canada and Western Europe, I am glad that I am an Indian with our values of family and maturity ingrained.
lolz, there is no collapse of family in these countries. The concept of family is different. You fall in love and marry the person you like, decide whether to have kids, raise your kids and give them decent start in life, and then lead a fulfilling retirement life. Not cluching to your wife/children/husband no matter what happens.
Dude life of western men is more easy and carefree...enjoy women as long as you want and get new one if get bore with them..replacement is easy and girls gave you everything without asking for money or long term commitment ..our man work hard day and night for women, kids and parent that they hardly find time for personal enjoyment because of their workaholic lifestyle
well then I dont see why I should be complaining about feminism.
In east, man chases woman, here both chase each other. Equality is what I want.
BTW woman enjoys man as much, and can change when they want, its not like they are some frajile good.
You still think in terms of girls 'giving' sex and men getting it.

The fact that men have shitty life in east is hardly a matter of comfort, its more of a reason to change. Let both have good life.
In east, marriage is a gamble. You lose (probability is stacked against you, no matter how perfect your partner is, compatibility is what is important) but never get second chance.. or third.
This is because of the filthy western feminist cult pervading into our society.

You want peace and a loving wife? Never marry a western woman.

Source? Told by western males themselves.

As if Western men are the epitome of honesty, loyalty, fealty and fidelity. :whistle:
When a man slap a women , people think how cruel he is .............
when a women slap man , peoples think must be guys fault .....

sometimes women's are also wrong but typical mentality of our society :(
This is because of the filthy western feminist cult pervading into our society.
You want peace and a loving wife? Never marry a western woman.
Source? Told by western males themselves.

FYI there was an incident in Shanghai that a girl kept her boyfriend in captivity for months and beaten him regularly, threatened with knife/ swords and stabbed (superficially) few times.

Bad apples found every where no country, region and sex is spared!!
I am so glad they are not.
There is too much focus on woman sacrifising everything and getting not much in return in east. Women should chase their dreams like men do.
In east men want to earn money and women want to be like infants. Women serve the man and be pampered with a few goodies.

The problem is that in the East most women are breaking away from traditional roles only as long as it benefits them, whenever modernising equates to more burdens and responsibilities they want to fall back to traditional roles, such as women are still marrying men who earn more than them in most cases. They shouldn't be allowed to pick and choose.
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