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This Is What Happens When The Public Sees A Woman Abusing A Man

Why should anybody compromise in marriage. That day and age should be past.
If husband or wife things marriage is beyond repair or they made a mistake, they should be able to rectify it and if the solution is divoce, so be it.
Its so much better than clinging to each other just for sake of kids.

You did not get the point. I did not mean to compromise on serious issue for example no point to be in relationship if someone don't respect you, constantly abuse you physically or emotionally etc but people should compromise on little things..there are always conflicts in ideas and goals because there are two different individual or personalities involve in marrige who might have many similarities but could also have differences. I should not go for divorce because my wife don't cook according to my taste or i got fed up looking at her face again and again or she got fat after marriage and don't feel attractive any more etc I have seen people changing gfs/bfs like clothes and never settel in life because their goal is to achieve perfection in relationship and they never satisfy because there will be always someone more attractive and appealing that what you have lol

Some people just aren't ready for compromise. And then it's better that each go their own separate way. Better then insisting in a fail marriage in my opinion.

You have this tricky balance to catch:
1.) finding someone who you like
2.) making them like you
3.) account for your changing personality over the years
4.) account for partner's changing personality over the years
5.) account for unforeseen stimuli from the environment- ie when you are arguing with your Ms and there's a silent period in your relationship a hot lady in the caffe is returning flirts

And there's more, i'm just to lazy to list, so it's no wonder the divorce rate is what it is, in a society where both parties can afford to be financially independant.

This tricky balance you talking about is lacking in most marriages in west..its either someone living with abusive or alcoholic partner or someone leaving their gfs/bfs because of cheating or because they dont feel any attraction for them after living few years with them

So you think all women in our country dont take divorce because they cannot afford to be financially independent? Its not true in all cases and there are different other reasons for not going for divorce even when this option is available
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You did not get the point. I did not mean to compromise on serious issue for example no point to be in relationship if someone don't respect you, constantly abuse you physically or emotionally etc but people should compromise on little things..there are always conflicts in ideas and goals because there are two different individual or personalities involve in marrige who might have many similarities but could also have differences. I should not go for divorce because my wife don't cook according to my taste or i got fed up looking at her face again and again or she got fat after marriage and don't feel attractive any more etc I have seen people changing gfs/bfs like clothes and never settel in life because their goal is to achieve perfection in relationship and they never satisfy because there will be always someone more attractive and appealing that what you have lol
I dont think people leave marriage just because somebody is more attractive.. issue is after a few years the spark goes out, and relation starts to get boring. That issue remains everywhere.

It differs from case to case but the reason of high divorce rate(relatively speaking) is because people want second and third chance and they get it here. There is no taboo in marrying somebody who has divoced here.
The same issues affect couples back home but they have to work together as there is not much alternative. Even in UK people wont divorce at drop of hat because it still is messy and costs money.
This is because of the filthy western feminist cult pervading into our society.

You want peace and a loving wife? Never marry a western woman.

Source? Told by western males themselves.

Eastern women are not very different anymore. Not anymore, especially the urban , educated ones.
Eastern women are not very different anymore. Not anymore, especially the urban , educated ones.
I am so glad they are not.
There is too much focus on woman sacrifising everything and getting not much in return in east. Women should chase their dreams like men do.
In east men want to earn money and women want to be like infants. Women serve the man and be pampered with a few goodies.
This Is What Happens When The Public Sees A Woman Abusing A Man

This shocking awareness campaign might make you think differently about domestic violence.
How would you react to these two incidents?
Reminds me about this poster which I have shared before for countless times

This tricky balance you talking about is lacking in most marriages in west..

Yes, because it is tricky.....difficult to achieve, even harder to maintain.

its either someone living with abusive or alcoholic partner or someone leaving their gfs/bfs because of cheating or because they dont feel any attraction for them after living few years with them

Epic generalizations....but the last bit is relevant. The loss of attraction after a few years. If it is like this in a society that allows multiple tries at dating /marriage, how must it be in a society that doesn't allow "experimentation", "finding your soul mate", call it whatever you will, and you mostly have only one or two chances of making it.

So you think all women in our country dont take divorce because they cannot afford to be financially independent? Its not true in all cases and there are different other reasons for not going for divorce even when this option is available

Well sure, but the whole society is so patriarchal the options are skewed against women.
Yes, because it is tricky.....difficult to achieve, even harder to maintain.

Epic generalizations....but the last bit is relevant. The loss of attraction after a few years. If it is like this in a society that allows multiple tries at dating /marriage, how must it be in a society that doesn't allow "experimentation", "finding your soul mate", call it whatever you will, and you mostly have only one or two chances of making it.

Well sure, but the whole society is so patriarchal the options are skewed against women.

well it was you who made epic generalization about women in our society that they dont go for divorce just because they dont have financial freedom lol and i was saying that it could be reason in few cases but not always. To have option of separation is one thing but to use it again and again on silly arguments another thing..well institution of marriage is failed in west because of this multiple tries or experimentation..people living together for 6 or 7 years to find out Mr/Mrs right for marriage but still they get divorce soon after few year of marriage so what went wrong in this experiment of knowing each others for 7 years before going for marriage..If relationship of people failed again and again even after spending many year under one roof to find the physical or emotional compatibility between couple then something is wrong with people and they should stay single lol

I am so glad they are not.
There is too much focus on woman sacrifising everything and getting not much in return in east. Women should chase their dreams like men do.
In east men want to earn money and women want to be like infants. Women serve the man and be pampered with a few goodies.

Dude life of western men is more easy and carefree...enjoy women as long as you want and get new one if get bore with them..replacement is easy and girls gave you everything without asking for money or long term commitment ..our man work hard day and night for women, kids and parent that they hardly find time for personal enjoyment because of their workaholic lifestyle
well it was you who made epic generalization about women in our society that they dont go for divorce just because they dont have financial freedom lol and i was saying that it could be reason in few cases but not always.

What other possible reason could there be for someone to stay in an unhappy marriage then?

To have option of separation is one thing but to use it again and again on silly arguments another thing..well institution of marriage is failed in west because of this multiple tries or experimentation..people living together for 6 or 7 years to find out Mr/Mrs right for marriage but still they get divorce soon after few year of marriage so what went wrong in this experiment of knowing each others for 7 years before going for marriage..If relationship of people failed again and again even after spending many year under one roof to find the physical or emotional compatibility between couple then something is wrong with people and they should stay single lol

This is just your opinion.
What other possible reason could there be for someone to stay in an unhappy marriage then?
This is just your opinion.
I don't know what you mean by unhappy marriage? Marriage or any relationship has ups and downs..sad or happy moments. People in eastern countries give more value and importance to institution of marriage or family unit as compare to people in west and they don't jump to get out of it because of silly arguments and fights. Marriage in our country is not just between two People but its between two family as everyone from girl or boy side involve in it so people here don't make relationship as some joke to make it or break it as often as you wish because you have freedom to do so and i am talking about guys as well...they dont have any finanicial issue and are independent but they don't go for divorce because sometime they don't feel happy or satisfied
sadly that is also reality in our society too, I have seen wives beating their husbands and getting away with it because men don't talk mostly about it with others.

Interesting! How many times have you been peeping inside other people's homes Mr. Peepeing Tom?

Research from United States shows roughly 50% of domestic violence is initiated by women. In Canada it's closer to 40%. The violent type of domestic violence that can result in serious injuries is started 33% of the time by women in US.

IMO it's both institutional and social problem. Institutional in the sense that the law enforcement will take woman's word over man's and that the law is not applied equally.

Social for obvious reasons such as that shown in the video. If that man were to defend himself and hit the woman back, probably a few hundred white knights would come to the rescue of the damsel in distress and dismember the guy. Obviously I exaggerate but you know what I mean.
To be honest, any guy that gets beaten up by women, frankly needs to grow a pair. Be a man - for fcks sake.
To be honest, any guy that gets beaten up by women, frankly needs to grow a pair. Be a man - for fcks sake.

What do you suggest is the option? Hit the woman back? That will result in a hoard of white knights going after the guy who will obviously assume that the guy is at fault.

what's so funny to you? So you're a female and feeling invincible I presume?
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