Those above made That very Nation a Marvel for the World.( Save perhaps 3 from above, who tried to return THEIR Nation to its former Glory,) You were talking about Justice. The above excelled in that. Ataturk wasnt that great either dear. He too made some great Mistakes which people doesnt readily accept or perhaps doesnt accept at all. Now here Many would disagree with but Abolishing the Khilafat was the greatest mistake he had ever made. With it he destroyed the only central Muslim leadership, creating a void , which to date has never been fullfilled. And all sorts of sadistic creatures are claiming That Spot. NOTE: KHILAFAT AND MONARCHY WERE TWO DIFFERENT SEATS. MONARCHY WAS ALREADY ABOLISHED AND KHALIFA HELD NO REAL POWER. BUT HE DID HELD CONSIDERABLE INFLUENCE OVER MUSLIM WORLD.
Personally i think even abolishing Monarchy wasnt neccesary as it also didnt help any power. It Was Just to consolidate his Power.