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This is the language most Pakistanis want to learn

Yes Pakistani punjabis can be called dour. Its retarded here really. Even the slightest man has reservations. General atmosphere is of an unjustified arrogance. My friend's cousin was here last year from England. He has a degree in classics from oxford. Now we all know no one has got a greater claim to snobishness than someone with a classics education but the humility of that guy stood out against all the obnoxious pricks here with their vocational professional education. I mean that isnt even proper education but its enough to make a snob out of a punjabi.
I would say in Pakistan Sindis are the most fun loving.

And Kashmiris (AJK) the most boring..

Personally I've not had a lot of contact with Sindhis minus a few classmates & now colleagues ...

Yes Pakistani punjabis can be called dour. Its retarded here really. Even the slightest man has reservations. General atmosphere is of an unjustified arrogance. My friend's cousin was here last year from England. He has a degree in classics from oxford. Now we all know no one has got a greater claim to snobishness than someone with a classics education but the humility of that guy stood out against all the obnoxious pricks here with their vocational professional education. I mean that isnt even proper education but its enough to make a snob out of a punjabi.
I would say in Pakistan Sindis are the most fun loving.

Multanis dour? Dude .. Come on .. Strictly speaking Serikis are pretty cool.. I lived in Multab for 3+ years .. And love my multani friends..
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