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This is so SAD !!! Sorry Turkiye and Malaysia. We were FORCED

Put everything on previous leaders. What has the present leader done different than the previous?

When Malaysia suffered economic problem Mahatir did not went running to IMF but instead relied on Malaysians to support him.

Our visionary leaders went running to IMF as if he was waiting for the opportunity. IF he is as visionary as he claims he should have made really hard choices. The people would have supported him if he really had the support he claims.

Is our mindset/nationalism same as the one of Malaysians ?
Stop telling me of what i experienced, I was freakin 12 when we moved back so competence or lack of it doesn't even come in play. My advise keep your replies to people that think highly of you........i am not one of them.

When you post on an open forum---you will get an answer---.
You were sleeping when IK ask public to support and pay taxes for almost 8 months before going to IMF. Pakistani are greedy people not like malaysian.

I have paid double the tax I am supposed to pay legally. Don't ask me what to do. Have you paid double the tax to the government.

Has even IK done that. Leaders lead by example not by speeches.

Is our mindset/nationalism same as the one of Malaysians ?

We are opportunist not nationalist.
I have paid double the tax I am supposed to pay legally. Don't ask me what to do. Have you paid double the tax to the government.

Has even IK done that. Leaders lead by example not by speeches.

We are opportunist not nationalist.

See start crying? Because your fellow pakistani didnt pay tax so you have to pay double. Pakistani are greedy people indeed. Crying and blaming is their best game after 1947
See start crying? Because your fellow pakistani didnt pay tax so you have to pay double. Pakistani are greedy people indeed. Crying and blaming is their best game after 1947

I don't cry.

My question is very simple. There are a lot of PTI supporters on the forum. The question is to all.

How many of them have actually paid tax. The change does not come by lecturing the others or branding them traitors or nooras.

Change comes when you fulfill your legal obligations and pay tax.
When you post on an open forum---you will get an answer---.

An answer from a person that went through the same situation and came out with a different experience, not from a person that has never put a foot in Arabia but thinks that his assumptions trumps what others went through.
I don't cry.

My question is very simple. There are a lot of PTI supporters on the forum. The question is to all.

How many of them have actually paid tax. The change does not come by lecturing the others or branding them traitors or nooras.

Change comes when you fulfill your legal obligations and pay tax.

You were really sleeping and full of hate and cant see or read even u come on pdf.
43% tax filer already increased in one year now next govt trying to reach 5million tax filer. Stop crying you pay this and that. You were saying mahatir ask mlaysian to support. So you paying tax and crying rather than thinking u support like malaysian.

Greedy Pakistani
You were really sleeping and full of hate and cant see or read even u come on pdf.
43% tax filer already increased in one year now next govt trying to reach 5million tax filer. Stop crying you pay this and that. You were saying mahatir ask mlaysian to support. So you paying tax and crying rather than thinking u support like malaysian.

Greedy Pakistani

Yes it is sad indeed that I have to pay extra because someone else was busy on the net and did not pay his tax.
what made u think i m not filer?

When have I said you are not filer. I know a number of people who pay tax but are not filer.

The question is whether you paid tax or not.
This is indeed sad, we should stand by those who stood by us when no one else did. We are risking too much here.
Sad and its utterly sad and a true face of saudis is coming out .... Pakistanis should know who is who and how arrogant saudis r .... and now pakistan must work to b independent of its muslimly brother ... and stop worrying about muslim ummah and worry about its own worries ....
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