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This is so SAD !!! Sorry Turkiye and Malaysia. We were FORCED

The thing is that Pakistan is not just an "earthworm"; soon it's the biggest Muslim nation on earth and the only internationally recognized nuclear power. It has a certain reputation and a position among the Muslim world.
Apart from Qatar, this bloc is a made up of members who are Islamic, democratic - and non-Arabic. This is why SA is so furious.

And IK is boycotting this summit. Yes, it's a boycott. It tells a lot about the Pakistani establishment. In fact, it's a proof that IK is no different than his predecessors.


young man you have the genes of a conquerer nation—-rulers for over 600 years.

we were conquered for over 200 years and our identity smashed into a pulp by the british.

we are unable to think from a position of power.
We are always looking for weak and meek solutions.

As for IK---he is different indeed---. But he made some serious blunders---he should have overthrown Nawaz Sharif years ago---but he played by gentlemen's rules---. He had no idea that Nawaz would rip and loot the country in 2 years---he did not want to believe his advisors who told him to over throw Nawaz---.

To be a ruler---you have to provide rule of law and justice to the people---and he is clueless to that---.

A ruler does not have prayer beads in his hands---that is a sign that he does not have courage to rule---. A ruler needs a sword in his hands and not prayer beads---.
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I have been saying this for a very long time. Arabs are not trustworthy and i know this coz i have spent 12 yrs of my life there. They give us money not because they love us but because they need us, specially for security. But this is a master slave relationship, not brotherhood. We are just foot soldiers or worse cannon fodder.
Courtesy of my association with PDF since last 12 years, i feel very biased to Pakistan when other nation try to use your situation and take advantage of you.I hope you guys stick to IK and come out of this economic mess.

Pakistan will always be exploited because of its founding Ideology, its a country build for Muslims to live in peace with their non Muslims Citizens but things turned 360 when we find out that forget about living in peace with Non Muslims , our two major sects of Islam can not even see each other eye to eye , and will attack one another with every chance they get, Iran KSA they just use this divide in Pakistan's population and exploit it .
We can not just look after our own, we want our country to take extreme measures for even the tiniest things, take this one particular example , Pakistan did not say we are withdrawing but sending FM rather than PM, and people are getting overly emotional like Pakistan nuked one of these countries , our cut of all diplomatic ties with them , Why do we in the end have to take sides ? why can't we remain neutral ? why can't we follow whats best for Pakistan, if you read some posts you will a strong sense of slavery in the minds of Pakistani's, and this slave mentality of Pakistanis will never let Pakistan Rise to get its full potential .
So IK is not going but Shah mehmood qureshi will be representing Pakistan. Pakistan is part of that block or just because of IK not going, Pakistan is out of that block?

Also what after IK do these country have relationship on country to country basis or country to man basis?
IK could go just for symbolic measures. Right now, his absence is showing -- if symbolically -- that he doesn't care.

young man you have the genes of a conquerer nation—-rulers for over 600 years.

we were conquered for over 200 years and our identity smashed into a pulp by the british.

we are unable to think from a position of power.
We are always looking for weak and meek solutions.
Thank you for clarifying this to the members who think with a box on their head.
The thing is that Pakistan is not just an "earthworm"; soon it's the biggest Muslim nation on earth and the only internationally recognized nuclear power. It has a certain reputation and a position among the Muslim world.
Apart from Qatar, this bloc is a made up of members who are Islamic, democratic - and non-Arabic. This is why SA is so furious.

And IK is boycotting this summit. Yes, it's a boycott. It tells a lot about the Pakistani establishment. In fact, it's a proof that IK is no different than his predecessors.


This coalition then look like to fasten prophecy that future Muslim army consist of non Arab people and it will likely to weaken ISIS and AlQaeda narrative who said that they are the savior of Muslim and Islam and the biggest force to unite Islam.

By making this coalition then Muslim start to trust on nation and believe that Muslim nations can get united so that less appeal on Chalipate movement that I think can endanger Muslim future since it act like a Hitler ideology to unite all Europe in single nation by force. Muslim IMO can only and must only unite in a level of coalition among Muslim nations.
Don't see the same "Arabs are arabs first" when Israel is pounding Palestinians left, right and center

Apparently Arab pride is only limited to acting like a teenage blond b!tch when it comes to other muslim nations
That's insulting to teenage blond b*itches


This coalition then look like to fasten prophecy that future Muslim army consist of non Arab people and it will likely to weaken ISIS and AlQaeda narrative who said that they are the savior of Muslim and Islam and the biggest force to unite Islam.

By making this coalition then Muslim start to trust on nation and believe that Muslim nations can get united so that less appeal on Chalipate movement that I think can endanger Muslim future since it act like a Hitler ideology to unite all Europe in single nation by force. Muslim IMO can only and must only unite in a level of coalition among Muslim nations.
I believe Pakistan isnt stupid. A prime minister going somewhere is merely symbolic and it's not like they get any work done. The FO is being sent and with him a team will be going too. Those are the real workers and things will get done.
IK is master of U Turns and as usual he kept his reputation .... i really wonder this guy and his minsters who got votes from Karachi they fooled everybody... not even one project they executed for city ...
IK is master of U Turns and as usual he kept his reputation .... i really wonder this guy and his minsters who got votes from Karachi they fooled everybody... not even one project they executed for city ...
From past 10 years Karachi had been developed to top most 5 developed cities in the world.
I believe Pakistan isnt stupid. A prime minister going somewhere is merely symbolic and it's not like they get any work done. The FO is being sent and with him a team will be going too. Those are the real workers and things will get done.

Yup, I also think similar, Pakistan still needs investment and Saudi loan currently, two things that is still difficult to be provided by the coalition members. So this lead to the cancellation of IK visit to attend the meeting. Quite reasonable.

But the fact that Pakistan still want to join the club needs to be appreciated despite Saudi resentment over this. It suggest that Pakistan doesnt let Saudi to dictate its foreign affair policy, however Pakistan turn down the level of its participation quite a bit by sending his FM rather than its PM to show that Saudi is still the most importance nation for Pakistan at the moment.

This kind of coalition still needs more effort to make it stronger and it is a marathon kind of struggle to unite Muslim word and solve its problem, so that participating its first meeting should not be viewed as something like live and death moment and the fact that other members still send their state leaders and Pakistan is still included in it shows that the meeting still have weight in international politics and has possibility to become a snow ball in Muslim world. InshaAllah.
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