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This is so SAD !!! Sorry Turkiye and Malaysia. We were FORCED

PMIK has gone silent of IoJK ... he said he was PakKashmiris' Lawyer....

PMIK made so many statements together with Turkiye and Malaysia... both nations voted to save us in FATF... and on Kashmir both Nation took Economic hit for supporting PakKashmiris ...

And Pakistan hasn't closed Pak airspace for Ganguz....

Noora is in Londonistan ... Showbaaz in Londonistan... Zardari back to his den and soon to fly, fly....

China is not happy because of slow down in CPEC....

PMIK needs to come clean... there can be only so much benefit of doubt...

If Pakistan lets down these two nations... then price will be high!!!

Time to show your worth PMIK!!!

to whom you are asking ? Ik ? didn't he said U turn is oa qualityf Big leader,for what he said this ? so you people still living in dreams? kursi he hy janaza tu ye nahi tumhara ,
kuch kr nahi sakaty tu utar qion nahi jatay,,
Munafiq e Azam ,
Our injuries are self inflicted...

150 K troops in the gcc and we would ruling the roost.

But geographically the pakistanis have always bowed down to the invaders.

other than Ranjit Singh no notable conquerer from punjab

so when the genetics of the whole geography of pakistan being a subjugated and conquered land, it is next to impossible to think and act like a conquerer.

that is why when these pakistani boys on this forum talk about not being a mercenary army indeed they are finding excuses to run away from conflict.

these pakistani kids will have to shuck their cowardly perspective and change it to look like a dominant people to change their fortunes.

**** THAT.....This is bloody shame for us.

Sir, all I know is Khan MUST go in that Summit.

I really hope that new bloc materializes soon and become powerful , very very powerful


the new block has no power to systain itself.

you have keep that in the back of your mind and become stronger by ither manners and later you can join the like minded.

you want to make decisions without understanding the consequences.

we are where we are because we made bad decisions years ago. Now we pay the price
I am so angry right now....

I was the one who sided with Saudis all the time, bashed Iran a lot (for quite right reasons) but hey, Saudis have got quite bigger problems and looks like Pakistanis have to look after those as well - meaning eventually screwing our religious and national interests.

Pathetic. Khan has decided to not visit Malaysia and heard on TV that FM Mehmood Qureshi, instead, will be attending it. Postponed mean CANCELLED. We know that, right?

PM Khan’s Malaysia visit likely to be postponed: sources

A new Islamic bloc, is being sabotaged by Saudis....Looks like West/Israel is not happy with this new development/Islamic bloc....


Riyadh is believed to have been upset with the event being hosted by Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and likely to be attended by leaders from Turkey, Iran, Qatar, Pakistan, and Indonesia.

The absence of Saudi Arabia and its Arab allies at the meeting, to be convened from Dec 18 to 21, and the presence of Turkey, Qatar and Iran – with whom Riyadh doesn’t have good relations – have raised eyebrows with observers seeing it as a move to create a new Islamic bloc.




Pakistan is backing an initiative of Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohammad to bring group of five Muslim nations (Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey, Qatar and, Malaysia) together to achieve socio-economic development, counter growing Islamophobia and to compete with non-Islamic countries in the world.



The summit is also being attended by leaders of Turkey, Qatar and Iran in addition to hosts Malaysia. Around 450 leaders, scholars, clerics, and thinkers from 52 countries are expected to attend the event.

This development has upset the Saudis, who are taking it as a challenge to their dominance in the politics of the Muslim world, the report added.



So, Saudis dropped us in FATF when American pressure came and we ended up in FATF grey list due to Saudis dancing to US tunes...... while our real allies; Turkiye and Malaysia continued supporting us in FATF without giving a damn to US.....And this is how we return the favor? We are not a thankful nation and we'll lose our real allies/friends. We will never achieve our full potential.

Americans, have tremendous influence over Saudis and this can be a big possibility that It is the Americans who are not happy with this summit and potential new bloc. Saudi rulers are just being typical losers/pawns over here...Sorry to say, I respect Arabs a lot but HATE their chicken/pawn rulers.

Saudis should have also participated in this new summit but hey, Turkiye, Iran and Qatar are there so we hate it and and only OIC is good as we are the king/boss over there.

Such childishness...

OIC is not worth of toilet paper, to be honest. Done absolutely nothing for Muslims...Heck not long ago, even invited Indians as well just to rub salt on Pakistan's wounds, obviously after Saudis consent.

A big SORRY to All Turks and Malaysians over here. Pakistani public FULLY supports this new initiative and our KHAN will give you support one way or other. I am sure about that.

You all are forgetting one thing.....Iran can be included in this new bloc, if majority of Muslim countries ended up joining this bloc that means DISUNITY and Sectarian Warfare within Muslim World can come to an end. Sunnis and Shias can be united, ending up in creating great economic and defense market/bloc, guarding our dignity and interests all together....Kind of EU....and it won't be dysfunctional as no saboteurs will be there.....Totally free from WESTERN influence meaning we can actually start taking free and bold steps...Imagine guys, imagine.

Sadly, only 4 brave major Muslim countries left: Turkiye, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran.

Sadly, my Pakistan is not in the list :( We are brave but but poor as well.

Say whatever about Iran, but man, they are independent and take their decisions fiercely. I hate Iran policies but this thing should be appreciated while Saudis are OCCUPIED.

What should Pakistan do now? Pakistan MUST tell Saudis that we can't take this anymore. Indians are also watching this closely.

We must tell Saudis that WE ARE NOT EGYPT. We will support this bloc as it has potential to unite Muslims...We are with Turks, Malaysians and Indonesians.

@Ali_Baba @RIWWIR @Riz @Path-Finder @ARMalik And others....

Turn again,..,,,,,lols
I am so angry right now....

I was the one who sided with Saudis all the time, bashed Iran a lot (for quite right reasons) but hey, Saudis have got quite bigger problems and looks like Pakistanis have to look after those as well - meaning eventually screwing our religious and national interests.

Pathetic. Khan has decided to not visit Malaysia and heard on TV that FM Mehmood Qureshi, instead, will be attending it. Postponed mean CANCELLED. We know that, right?

PM Khan’s Malaysia visit likely to be postponed: sources

A new Islamic bloc, is being sabotaged by Saudis....Looks like West/Israel is not happy with this new development/Islamic bloc....


Riyadh is believed to have been upset with the event being hosted by Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and likely to be attended by leaders from Turkey, Iran, Qatar, Pakistan, and Indonesia.

The absence of Saudi Arabia and its Arab allies at the meeting, to be convened from Dec 18 to 21, and the presence of Turkey, Qatar and Iran – with whom Riyadh doesn’t have good relations – have raised eyebrows with observers seeing it as a move to create a new Islamic bloc.




Pakistan is backing an initiative of Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohammad to bring group of five Muslim nations (Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey, Qatar and, Malaysia) together to achieve socio-economic development, counter growing Islamophobia and to compete with non-Islamic countries in the world.



The summit is also being attended by leaders of Turkey, Qatar and Iran in addition to hosts Malaysia. Around 450 leaders, scholars, clerics, and thinkers from 52 countries are expected to attend the event.

This development has upset the Saudis, who are taking it as a challenge to their dominance in the politics of the Muslim world, the report added.



So, Saudis dropped us in FATF when American pressure came and we ended up in FATF grey list due to Saudis dancing to US tunes...... while our real allies; Turkiye and Malaysia continued supporting us in FATF without giving a damn to US.....And this is how we return the favor? We are not a thankful nation and we'll lose our real allies/friends. We will never achieve our full potential.

Americans, have tremendous influence over Saudis and this can be a big possibility that It is the Americans who are not happy with this summit and potential new bloc. Saudi rulers are just being typical losers/pawns over here...Sorry to say, I respect Arabs a lot but HATE their chicken/pawn rulers.

Saudis should have also participated in this new summit but hey, Turkiye, Iran and Qatar are there so we hate it and and only OIC is good as we are the king/boss over there.

Such childishness...

OIC is not worth of toilet paper, to be honest. Done absolutely nothing for Muslims...Heck not long ago, even invited Indians as well just to rub salt on Pakistan's wounds, obviously after Saudis consent.

A big SORRY to All Turks and Malaysians over here. Pakistani public FULLY supports this new initiative and our KHAN will give you support one way or other. I am sure about that.

You all are forgetting one thing.....Iran can be included in this new bloc, if majority of Muslim countries ended up joining this bloc that means DISUNITY and Sectarian Warfare within Muslim World can come to an end. Sunnis and Shias can be united, ending up in creating great economic and defense market/bloc, guarding our dignity and interests all together....Kind of EU....and it won't be dysfunctional as no saboteurs will be there.....Totally free from WESTERN influence meaning we can actually start taking free and bold steps...Imagine guys, imagine.

Sadly, only 4 brave major Muslim countries left: Turkiye, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran.

Sadly, my Pakistan is not in the list :( We are brave but but poor as well.

Say whatever about Iran, but man, they are independent and take their decisions fiercely. I hate Iran policies but this thing should be appreciated while Saudis are OCCUPIED.

What should Pakistan do now? Pakistan MUST tell Saudis that we can't take this anymore. Indians are also watching this closely.

We must tell Saudis that WE ARE NOT EGYPT. We will support this bloc as it has potential to unite Muslims...We are with Turks, Malaysians and Indonesians.

@Ali_Baba @RIWWIR @Riz @Path-Finder @ARMalik And others....

There is absolutely no doubt that IK should have gone. And IF he is not going due to pressures of the Jewish rulers of Saudi Arabia, then I can only say that it is beyond PATHETIC! But we need to make sure this is not fake news being spread. And as I have always maintained, the biggest failure of the Intelligence Agencies of Pakistan is their FAILURE to control media being funded by overseas powers to create constant anarchy in the country.
Malaysia is serious of making this block and it has been shown on its first and new release of its defense white paper who said Malaysia want to improve cooperation in economic, science, technology, and defense with Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar, and Indonesia. It then become the first initiative before widening the club with more Muslim countries joining in.
Malaysia is serious of making this block and it has been shown on its first and new release of its defense white paper who said Malaysia want to improve cooperation in economic, science, technology, and defense with Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar, and Indonesia. It then become the first initiative before widening the club with more Muslim countries joining in.

Don't worry bro, the coalition is going to be made , Pakistani FM will be there representing Pakistan, its in the History of us Muslims that our envoy's are treated with respect and with authority . Some of the members here are getting overly emotional over nothing , like it was something Pakistan can never recover from ,we need allies and investments , so we are doing a balancing approach to keep everyone happy, we can not break ties with either KSA , or China or this new block of Countries .

it is all a stairstep progression you just cannot get to the top without climbing the slope of the mountain that is why I keep saying Yemen war was a test case for flagstones future it would have decided the fate of Pakistan and the other Muslim nations in the region it was a God given gift to Pakistan.

do you kids really really think that the powers to be the superpowers will allow you to make a separate Muslim block without any consequences I am surprised how stupid your kids are there is no thought process behind your comments

you kids speak because you want toBut you have not put any thought process there’s not thinking bit behind what you want to say yours is just a knee-jerk reaction, we have not been sold yet, we don’t want to be mercenaries, at the end of the day they need to do it themselves, this is dumb and stupid this is being ignorant to the needs of your nation and the needs of the surrounding countries other than iran.

You will have to look beyond that shia / sunni divide—-you have to look beyond Iran you’ll have to think about yourself first-About Pakistan first you will also have to understand the dangers set around and you unless you don’t fear the danger you will never succeed.
If this is true then Imran Khan needs to grow a back bone and attend this summit. It is not anti Saudi summit so what is the problem?

Yes we need Saudi money but it tomorrow any nation attacks saudi then more Pakistanis will die than saudis because our army will be on saudi borders protecting them.

Why do you think that your Gov or Army has not brought up this topic with Arabs earlier? Pause for a moment and think about it...

Pakistan generals are smarter than your civilan gov.Still then, Arabs are not addressing your concern means, either your assessment or assumption that SA is dependent on Pakistan is not entirely true or they are using your Army’s service that may be replaced by any other Muslim country if you will back out...Who knows BD or may be Malaysia or some African Arab countries will replace Pakistan by getting money from Arabs?

And please do not tell me that you will provide nuclear umbrella.If any one even think of harming Gulf, they will have to fight with US and West
Off course why not. That is how the muslims conquered so much land

well then goodluck.. maybe you will be lucky that the 99 before you would fail and you the 100th will return victorious.
before daydreaming work on your country. isn't your literacy rate like 60%?
What do you think we're doing. We are working on our country. Financial deals, cultural links, diplomacy - all of these things are needed to build the country. It is presumptuous of you to pontificate.
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