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This is so SAD !!! Sorry Turkiye and Malaysia. We were FORCED

If this is true then Imran Khan needs to grow a back bone and attend this summit. It is not anti Saudi summit so what is the problem?

Yes we need Saudi money but it tomorrow any nation attacks saudi then more Pakistanis will die than saudis because our army will be on saudi borders protecting them.
Penny is nothing compared to what is at stake here.

Saudis are basically girlie attitude in guise of men. I predict they will lose support among Sunnis with this very behavior of theirs.

Mate...We may shout hundred times in PDF or in other forum...But penny is very critical thing for a gov to run a country...Otherwise, your previous govt are not so stupid enough to come out of the influence of Gulfies..

Every one, including us, know about the risk associated with our relation with Gulf as every benifit comes up with a price...Unless any other Muslim group can replace Gulf with any surplus wealth more than Arab, we will not have any choice to upset them...
Pathetic how IK is pressurized by them. Lambi lambi chortay waqt khyal nahi aya. He talks as if he is not scared n bla bla, in reality he is weak and dumb.
He will destroy the kashmir cause beacuse it was only Turkey and Malaysia that openly supported Pakistan. No disrespect but the GCC arabs never uttered a single word for kashmiris.
Shame on u imran khan, ur a weak person.

Mate...We may shout hundred times in PDF or in other forum...But penny is very critical thing for a gov to run a country...Otherwise, your previous govt are not so stupid enough to come out of the influence of Gulfies..

Every one, including us, know about the risk associated with our relation with Gulf as every benifit comes up with a price...Unless any other Muslim group can replace Gulf with any surplus wealth more than Arab, we will not have any choice to upset them...

I know but SCREW Saudis on this one....
At this moment we need to figure out playing the GrandChessboard and the GrandGameOfGo at the same time... and given our FO has been dead for past 30 years... skills lack miles by miles.. and then there is Khottaism ruling the roost.
Never in history of PDF, such strong sentence has been posted,
You Sir, Defined the whole internal and external affairs of Pakistan in one Heavy Sentence !!!
Sad moment, Pakistan need the money.................................
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