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This is so SAD !!! Sorry Turkiye and Malaysia. We were FORCED

I know but SCREW Saudis on this one....

To be honest, Pakistan is the only Muslim country that has an Pan Islamic objective to unite Islamic
Bloc because of your anti Indian objective which is uniting all Muslim blocks together. Otherwise, rest of the Muslim nation has conflicting objective that will not allow each other to get united
We are in no position to pick sides. Hes striking the balance and that serves us best

You had a golden chance to choose a side...But due to lack of diplomatic vision, you failed...

If a Hindu nationalistic party like BJP can be a partner with UAE then Pakistan has definitely more chance to partner with them than any other one.

Pakistan’s challenge is timing...Apart from your Afganistan foreign policy move, rest of your descisons are not planned in keeping your long term future secure. Malaysia and Turkey may provide some news bytes for domestic consumption but on real term they are dependent on US or China for business.

Rather than making a smart move aligning with Arabs when they are politically Isolated, you are siding with those countries who can not address your problem in next 10 year...

Personally, i am not a big fan of Arabs...But when nation decide their statergic plan for future, decision are not made with emotions..
Ik needs to be brave and forget the arrogant Arabs, who are too busy licking Gangadeshi balls and honouring RSS mass murder with medals.
Don't worry bro, the coalition is going to be made , Pakistani FM will be there representing Pakistan, its in the History of us Muslims that our envoy's are treated with respect and with authority . Some of the members here are getting overly emotional over nothing , like it was something Pakistan can never recover from ,we need allies and investments , so we are doing a balancing approach to keep everyone happy, we can not break ties with either KSA , or China or this new block of Countries .

The coalition is quite serious since according to Mahathir there will be headquarter office of this group. Indonesia has been hinted by Mahathir as the potential place where headquarter will be based on. I think it is a good initiative to get Indonesia government have some enthusiasm in bringing the agenda forward. Malaysia is not a good place for the headquarter as it only have 60 % Muslim and the population is rather small but it will be remembered as the country who initiated the effort during Mahathir leadership. Mahathir will be replace soon by Anwar Ibrahim in 2020 so he want to make this coalition as fast as it can before he stepping down as Malaysian PM.

The coalition IMO then will start to initiate Muslim FTA where Muslim goods and services will have preference on each Muslim country and it will have to start from this 5 countries. In political front, IMO this 5 countries will strenghten the agenda to democratize Muslim nation further.

The biggest dream of this coalition IMO is to bring Saudi and Iran together. If Saudi and Iran conflict can be solved so many conflict in Muslim world will likely be disappear and the coalition then can initiate peace process in Yemen, Afghanistan, and Syria.

Indonesia foreign policy so far is concentrated in Muslim issue like Palestine, Rohingya, and Afghanistan. By joining the club Indonesia will have more foot on Islamic world and I think it will be supported inside the country and among the political elites.

On Pakistan side IMO the club can try to make more preference on Pakistan goods and agriculture product to be sold in Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Qatar market. Making more contact between businessmen among the coalition members so that investment and channel among the members will get stronger. Kashmir issue will have more voice as well and Pakistan influence on OIC over Kashmir can be more strenghten.

And beside all of that, the coalition IMO will please our Lord, Allah SWT and prophet Muhammad that we try to make unity among Muslim world and try to make solution on our current problem.
Arabs are not addressing your concern means, either your assessment or assumption that SA is dependent on Pakistan is not entirely true or they are using your Army’s service that may be replaced by any other Muslim country if you will back out...Who knows BD or may be Malaysia or some African Arab countries will replace Pakistan by getting money from Arabs?

It is a wrong perception that KSA is dependent in anyway of form for PA to defend them , we have seen their Oil and money power they literally Hire USA Army to protect them, So in front of the might US armed forces Pakistanis are nothing , this idea of Pakistani's are going to die and fight for KSA was old and dying out Fast,Pakistan is avoiding wars at every front , maybe the Generals and establishment has realized that without a stable Economy we cant fight a war .
As for BD or any other country taking Pakistan job, well KSA will never allow Foreign Muslims troops to protect its border, cause that will show them weak which they can not afford to, Iran is ready to pounce on them, the moment they are seen weak Iran will take the upper hand, As for Arabs there is so much infighting going on, there is no country that can spare soldiers to go and die in Saudi's Proxy wars .

And please do not tell me that you will provide nuclear umbrella.If any one even think of harming Gulf, they will have to fight with US and West

There was/is/will be no Nuclear Umbrella for KSA , they can get their own they are rich ..
So IK is not going but Shah mehmood qureshi will be representing Pakistan. Pakistan is part of that block or just because of IK not going, Pakistan is out of that block?

Also what after IK do these country have relationship on country to country basis or country to man basis?
well then goodluck.. maybe you will be lucky that the 99 before you would fail and you the 100th will return victorious.

being a numbers game i
This is purely anti Saudis and UAE.
Either you are with us or against us, Pakistan has to follow middle , very very bad situation, May Allah sail the Pakistan safely. Ameen.


It does not work like that. Before being in the middle to stay neutral—-you have to chose a side to become stronger.

once you become stronger then you chose what you want to do.

A weak person is like an Earthworm—-what difference does it make what side it choses—-it still stays an earthworm.
Be a lion be a tiger be a black mamba be a cobra—-be a hyena—-then you can chose any side and you will be respected
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are you saying Pakistan paid Turkey and Malaysia 5 billion dollars to put out these statements?
It is a wrong perception that KSA is dependent in anyway of form for PA to defend them , we have seen their Oil and money power they literally Hire USA Army to protect them, So in front of the might US armed forces Pakistanis are nothing , this idea of Pakistani's are going to die and fight for KSA was old and dying out Fast,Pakistan is avoiding wars at every front , maybe the Generals and establishment has realized that without a stable Economy we cant fight a war .
As for BD or any other country taking Pakistan job, well KSA will never allow Foreign Muslims troops to protect its border, cause that will show them weak which they can not afford to, Iran is ready to pounce on them, the moment they are seen weak Iran will take the upper hand, As for Arabs there is so much infighting going on, there is no country that can spare soldiers to go and die in Saudi's Proxy wars .

There was/is/will be no Nuclear Umbrella for KSA , they can get their own they are rich ..

Courtesy of my association with PDF since last 12 years, i feel very biased to Pakistan when other nation try to use your situation and take advantage of you.I hope you guys stick to IK and come out of this economic mess.
being a numbers game i


It does not work like that. Before being in the middle to stay neutral—-you have to chose a side to become stronger.

once you become stronger then you chose what you want to do.

A weak person is like an Earthworm—-what difference does it make what side it choses—-it still stays an earthworm.
Be a lion be a tiger be a black mba be a cobra—-be a hyena—-then you can chose anyside and you will be respected

The thing is that Pakistan is not just an "earthworm"; soon it's the biggest Muslim nation on earth and the only internationally recognized nuclear power. It has a certain reputation and a position among the Muslim world.
Apart from Qatar, this bloc is a made up of members who are Islamic, democratic - and non-Arabic. This is why SA is so furious.

And IK is boycotting this summit. Yes, it's a boycott. It tells a lot about the Pakistani establishment. In fact, it's a proof that IK is no different than his predecessors.
The coalition is quite serious since according to Mahathir there will be headquarter office of this group. Indonesia has been hinted by Mahathir as the potential place where headquarter will be based on. I think it is a good initiative to get Indonesia government have some enthusiasm in bringing the agenda forward. Malaysia is not a good place for the headquarter as it only have 60 % Muslim and the population is rather small but it will be remembered as the country who initiated the effort during Mahathir leadership. Mahathir will be replace soon by Anwar Ibrahim in 2020 so he want to make this coalition as fast as it can before he stepping down as Malaysian PM.

Don't mind me bro but if Mahatirs' vision for this block is his own than once he is gone either the work on it will be slowed , or die down completely , in order for Malaysia to take the lead its leadership needs to be consistent on what they want . Second If Malaysia elected a leader who later join the Saudi club that there will huge blow back to this block and it will die out . Now I am not saying it will happen I am just presenting it as a Possibility .

The coalition IMO then will start to initiate Muslim FTA where Muslim goods and services will have preference on each Muslim country and it will have to start from this 5 countries. In political front, IMO this 5 countries will strenghten the agenda to democratize Muslim nation further.

Thing is bro, that none of these Countries involved can ignore each other because all of these countries like Malaysia , Turkey , Qatar , Indonesia and Pakistan are rising economies and each one of them have a huge population so the potential for trade will always remain high, and if there is any country which miss the opportunity can always join later, we can not ignore a huge Muslim Population of west Africa .

The biggest dream of this coalition IMO is to bring Saudi and Iran together. If Saudi and Iran conflict can be solved so many conflict in Muslim world will likely be disappear and the coalition then can initiate peace process in Yemen, Afghanistan, and Syria.

Pakistan is already on to it, we share border with Iran hence we want to see a stable Iran, we already have a war torn Afghanistan and saw its effects on us , now what ever this new block can do will once again need Pakistan support in order to sit with KSA, cause we hold one of the largest Sunni Muslims, and KSA will eventually heed our advice on the matter .
Pakistan is stress over Kashmir issue, and the huge number of IA troops sitting there, it is natural for any country to be cautious when its enemies brings hundreds of thousands of its troops close to border, and constantly threatening to attack . We need world support over the issue, also we need world support to de-escalate things with India .

And beside all of that, the coalition IMO will please our Lord, Allah SWT and prophet Muhammad that we try to make unity among Muslim world and try to make solution on our current problem.

Allah will be Pleased when he see his people uniting under one Religion with no differences, the thing is we are just too divided along the racial lines ( including myself ) that we can not make a united front of Muslims and a Alliance like NATO, its just not possible in next couple of decades .
On Pakistan side IMO the club can try to make more preference on Pakistan goods and agriculture product to be sold in Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Qatar market. Making more contact between businessmen among the coalition members so that investment and channel among the members will get stronger. Kashmir issue will have more voice as well and Pakistan influence on OIC over Kashmir can be more strenghten.

Pakistan right now is stuck, no matter how much emotional Pakistani's curse its army or leadership the truth is that we are in a phase where we need to take every step with cautious , Pakistani economy is barely recovering, we have high tensions with India, Kashmir issue is boiling , Internal Politics is a mess, Hostile Afghanistan and Potential sleeper cells of Terrorists in Pakistan, Rising Tensions between Iran and KSA, Iran and USA . we have to look after our own as well, we don't want to be in any conflict until we have a stable economy and Indian War hysteria is down .
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