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This is how "REZONANS-NE" Radar (Egypt) nullifies the effect of stealth fighter aircrafts

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Check the second pic!
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Check the second pic!

That's terrific, bro. Just FYI, I never got your tag here. I think the tag system is not working on this new forum format so if you tag me somewhere else and I don't reply, don't think I'm blowing you off or anything like that. Just not getting them. Same with other members who've tagged me. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.

Anyway, back to topic - the only thing that worries me with that radar is it's own defensive status. What is the Egyptian army employing to defend that tremendous radar setup which frankly is not miniscule by any standard. It's quite a massive setup that isn't mobile either for that matter and could be a target itself. As a matter of fact, let's just say that hypothetically the enemy realizes that it needs to take it out before sending its fighters in or launching the attack, then they either send cruise missiles or even F-35s to target it from 150 km away. What is its defense? I'm sure it's some form of SAM but how are they setting it up? It would be nice to know but that's obvioulsy asking a lot.

What I would hope is the way they do have it set up is in different layers of SAMs starting from ones that are set up on the borders and coast. Then another line of SAMs halfway inland between the border and coast and the radar system. Then another series of batteries (preferably the S-300VM) set up at the radar site itself as the last line of defense. Use the heaviest and largest and most powerful SAM in the inventory as the last line of defense itself.

And I think that the German-built IRIS-T-SL SAM system that Egypt bought 7 systems of would be the one that would be used to target the stealth aircraft themselves that the Resonance would pick up. So that one we've recently found out is used specifically for stealth aircraft and it made total sense why they bought it to go with this radar system.

Then we have the Su-35S' function also. That aircraft will be designed to be scrambled immediately and launched to hunt down F-35s coming in or even if they're just loitering at the periphery of its standoff range.

So 4 layers to defend the Resonance stealth detection radar:
1) Coastal & border SAM batteries
2) Midway inland SAM batteries
3) Final SAMs at the radar base in the S-300VM
4) Su-35S' scrambled at some point to be determined because you don't want SAMs flying all over the place where they could bring down one of your own fighters. So maybe after the coastal SAMs should they fail to knock down the F-35s, and before they reach the midway batteries' range, would probably the time the Su-35S' are scrambled and launched to take down the F-35s. But it would be tricky for sure.
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That's terrific, bro. Just FYI, I never got your tag here. I think the tag system is not working on this new forum format so if you tag me somewhere else and I don't reply, don't think I'm blowing you off or anything like that. Just not getting them. Same with other members who've tagged me. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.

Anyway, back to topic - the only thing that worries me with that radar is it's own defensive status. What is the Egyptian army employing to defend that tremendous radar setup which frankly is not miniscule by any standard. It's quite a massive setup that isn't mobile either for that matter and could be a target itself. As a matter of fact, let's just say that hypothetically the enemy realizes that it needs to take it out before sending its fighters in or launching the attack, then they either send cruise missiles or even F-35s to target it from 150 km away. What is its defense? I'm sure it's some form of SAM but how are they setting it up? It would be nice to know but that's obvioulsy asking a lot.

What I would hope is the way they do have it set up is in different layers of SAMs starting from ones that are set up on the borders and coast. Then another line of SAMs halfway inland between the border and coast and the radar system. Then another series of batteries (preferably the S-300VM) set up at the radar site itself as the last line of defense. Use the heaviest and largest and most powerful SAM in the inventory as the last line of defense itself.

And I think that the German-built IRIS-T-SL SAM system that Egypt bought 7 systems of would be the one that would be used to target the stealth aircraft themselves that the Resonance would pick up. So that one we've recently found out is used specifically for stealth aircraft and it made total sense why they bought it to go with this radar system.

Then we have the Su-35S' function also. That aircraft will be designed to be scrambled immediately and launched to hunt down F-35s coming in or even if they're just loitering at the periphery of its standoff range.

So 4 layers to defend the Resonance stealth detection radar:
1) Coastal & border SAM batteries
2) Midway inland SAM batteries
3) Final SAMs at the radar base in the S-300VM
4) Su-35S' scrambled at some point to be determined because you don't want SAMs flying all over the place where they could bring down one of your own fighters. So maybe after the coastal SAMs should they fail to knock down the F-35s, and before they reach the midway batteries' range, would probably the time the Su-35S' are scrambled and launched to take down the F-35s. But it would be tricky for sure.
Bro.. the Resonance.NE is the one who protects all those systems you have mentioned!

It detects anything down to a 0.001 m2 RCS from hundreds of km and warns other radars, and HQs to intercept the target..and obviously it has some potent SAM systems to protect it.. just in case..

It detects a target of 1 m2 from a distance of 600 km..

Check the RCS of all those birds on the left.. that's how the Resonance sees them.. compare to the usual RSC seen by other radars..


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@The SC witch Arab countries have this system?
Witch Arab countries have kolchuga radar?
Algeria 1 and Egypr2..

As for the Kolchuga EW=ESM system (not radar):


On 20th of January 2019, Ukrainian news Sources confirmed a Sale of Systems to Israel and Saudi Arabia.
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Too much hype, and RCS Figures are not realistic.

B-2 Spirit is VLO across all bands (minor hint from those in the knowhow). The upcoming B-21 Raider - don't ask.

RCS reduction is absolutely possible in 'resonance reflection effect' spectrum. These experiments are in Public domain let alone in private/classified capacity.

Just one example: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-64362-0

Do people really think that Stealth Sciences are stuck or something?
Too much hype, and RCS Figures are not realistic.

B-2 Spirit is VLO across all bands (minor hint from those in the knowhow). The upcoming B-21 Raider - don't ask.

RCS reduction is absolutely possible in 'resonance reflection effect' spectrum. These experiments are in Public domain let alone in private/classified capacity.

Just one example: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-64362-0

Do people really think that Stealth Sciences are stuck or something?
The system is new generation cognitive radar and is designed for efficient early detection of a broad range of modern and prospective airborne targets, including low-signature cruise and ballistic missiles, hypersonic aircraft, including those based on the “Stealth” technology, in terms of the electronic countermeasures and natural interference.

IRS “Rezonans-NE” has been developed on the basis of the latest achievements in the field of radars, computers, and digital signal processing. It uses the physical principle of the resonant reflection of radio waves from airborne objects, which leads to a sharp increase of the effective reflecting surface. This effect allows negating the techniques to reduce the signature of aircraft and spacecraft.

The system is new generation cognitive radar and is designed for efficient early detection of a broad range of modern and prospective airborne targets, including low-signature cruise and ballistic missiles, hypersonic aircraft, including those based on the “Stealth” technology, in terms of the electronic countermeasures and natural interference.

IRS “Rezonans-NE” has been developed on the basis of the latest achievements in the field of radars, computers, and digital signal processing. It uses the physical principle of the resonant reflection of radio waves from airborne objects, which leads to a sharp increase of the effective reflecting surface. This effect allows negating the techniques to reduce the signature of aircraft and spacecraft.

You are providing "marketing information." I understand what this theme is about. This class of radar system is not new - Russia; China; Iran - each have developed and fielded similar class of radar systems. In fact, Yugoslavia had invested in similar concepts in the 1990s.

It is however naive to assume that American stealthy platforms are busted.

You completely missed the intended message in my previous post. I even shared a publication of a scientific work in which RCS reduction was achieved in the Resonance Reflection Effect domain. Now this was an independent research effort but it is foolish to assume that this is something new in classified domain.
You are providing "marketing information." I understand what this theme is about. This class of radar system is not new - Russia; China; Iran - each have developed and fielded similar class of radar systems. In fact, Yugoslavia had invested in similar concepts in the 1990s.

It is however naive to assume that American stealthy platforms are busted.

You completely missed the intended message in my previous post. I even shared a publication of a scientific work in which RCS reduction was achieved in the Resonance Reflection Effect domain. Now this was an independent research effort but it is foolish to assume that this is something new in classified domain.
"It uses the physical principle of the resonant reflection of radio waves from airborne objects"
This is a scientific principles and has nothing to do with Marketing.. it is just the truth based on science..

The paper in the article you have provided talk about proposes a system of new tiles that might be practical for the 6th generation Stealth fighters! .. Since the US is not going to change all the stealth tiles on its F-22 or F-35 now.. so the Rezonans-N is still a very potent radar .. at least against the current 5th generation stealth fighter..
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Too much hype, and RCS Figures are not realistic.

B-2 Spirit is VLO across all bands (minor hint from those in the knowhow). The upcoming B-21 Raider - don't ask.

RCS reduction is absolutely possible in 'resonance reflection effect' spectrum. These experiments are in Public domain let alone in private/classified capacity.

Just one example: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-64362-0

Do people really think that Stealth Sciences are stuck or something?

So what are you saying exactly, that the RCS numbers it's showing after detection are too high? That's possible. I think that L-bands and VHF have already shown capabilities of detecting stealthy objects to a certain degree and now with resonance reflection, it's added a whole new dynamic to the ability to not only detect it, but alter it and even negate it to a certain degree. So those numbers could be exaggerated, sure, but whatever the real numbers are, they're still going to be very effective as far as the resonance radar's capability is.

Remember, as much as people like to diss the Egyptian military at any opportunity that they can, even Russian technology takes a beating, still, they wouldn't go to that extent to invest something of that magnitude if it was just a dud.
"It uses the physical principle of the resonant reflection of radio waves from airborne objects"
This is a scientific principles and has nothing to do with Marketing.. it is just the truth based on science..

The paper in the article you have provided talk about proposes a system of new tiles that might be practical for the 6th generation Stealth fighters! .. Since the US is not going to change all the stealth tiles on its F-22 or F-35 now.. so the Rezonans-N is still a very potent radar .. at least against the current 5th generation stealth fighter..
You sound too assured...

Make no mistake - Chinese YJ-27 class of radar systems are among the most advanced in the world.

An official Syrian report disclosed they find Chinese radar systems more impressive than Russian offerings to them. They find YJ-27 technology impressive and satisfactory for desired uses. They admit/acknowledge that YJ-27 technology offer enhanced target engagement possibilities with defensive applications at their disposal including Russian S-300PMU-2 system.

F-22A Raptor and F-35 Lightning II models - each have superior VLO characteristics than F-117A Nighthawk which is VLO only in the frontal aspect, and each are equipped with considerable EW capabilities while F-117A have none. Understand the difference.

In simple terms - the aforementioned jet fighters will not only notice a massive radar system(s) from afar but begin to subject them to jamming/spoofing attacks as they close in and release payload at the right moment. The subject radar system(s) will be too much stressed under these circumstances to provide a target acquisition breakthrough which was to be expected in THEORY.

It would be a mistake to assume that Americans do not upgrade/improve their stealthy strike platforms from time-to-time. They absolutely do this.

Information approved for Public consumption offer a rudimentary understanding of these strike platforms at maximum, and some of the content is pure disinformation (intentional). Why would Americans want you to learn and understand the absolute truth?

A party which have a limited understanding of stealthy technologies to begin with, can offer limited countermeasures for them by extension. Americans are better qualified for both considerations anyways.
You sound too assured...

Make no mistake - Chinese YJ-27 class of radar systems are among the most advanced in the world.

An official Syrian report disclosed they find Chinese radar systems more impressive than Russian offerings to them. They find YJ-27 technology impressive and satisfactory for desired uses. They admit/acknowledge that YJ-27 technology offer enhanced target engagement possibilities with defensive applications at their disposal including Russian S-300PMU-2 system.

F-22A Raptor and F-35 Lightning II models - each have superior VLO characteristics than F-117A Nighthawk which is VLO only in the frontal aspect, and each are equipped with considerable EW capabilities while F-117A have none. Understand the difference.

In simple terms - the aforementioned jet fighters will not only notice a massive radar system(s) from afar but begin to subject them to jamming/spoofing attacks as they close in and release payload at the right moment. The subject radar system(s) will be too much stressed under these circumstances to provide a target acquisition breakthrough which was to be expected in THEORY.

It would be a mistake to assume that Americans do not upgrade/improve their stealthy strike platforms from time-to-time. They absolutely do this.

Information approved for Public consumption offer a rudimentary understanding of these strike platforms at maximum, and some of the content is pure disinformation (intentional). Why would Americans want you to learn and understand the absolute truth?

A party which have a limited understanding of stealthy technologies to begin with, can offer limited countermeasures for them by extension. Americans are better qualified for both considerations anyways.
Bro.. you are talking like if the Rezonans-N Radar is a stand alone system.. mind you Egypt has a forest of Radars all interlinked through the Egyptian C5iSR..

And Syria is a mess anyway..

Second the YJ-27 3D radar is not based on The resonant reflection of radio waves from airborne objects..
It is a VHF too but uses different technologies for detection and tracking..
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I understand what this theme is about. This class of radar system is not new - Russia; China; Iran - each have developed and fielded similar class of radar systems.

This is a Russian system! Did you think it was Egyptian-built? Egypt is well invested in radar technology, believe me. Since the war of attrition, radar technology has had a huge foothold of importance in the Egyptian military and its security as well as its association with one of the 3 main defense branches. There's the EAF of course with A LOT of associations to radar communications and early warning command centers as well as AWACs and then there is the Egyptian navy and all its maritime surveillance and then, just as equal as those two is the Air Defense branch. This is a HUGE element in the EGY military since its success from yep, you guessed it, the war of attrition and particularly the hundreds of Israeli aircraft it brought down in the 3 weeks of 1973. So yes, radar technology has a huge place in Egyptian military as well as its indigenous market. All sorts of amazing stuff coming out and so it's not out of the real of possibilities that Egypt is well ahead in its defensive planning and implementation using the latest and greatest of radars out there. And soon it well also have a very vast and potent space program with spy satellites that will be doing some pretty crazy surveillance that no one can escape from. Many countries are doing this so it's nothing new, really.

Bro.. you are talking like if the Rezonans-N Radar is a stand alone system.. mind you Egypt has a forest of Radars all interlinked through the Egyptian C5iSR..

You can bet that part of the layering of these radar systems is obviously the Protivnik-GE. When we first saw this radar in a quick clip of one of the army videos, everyone was running to the Internet to see what it was and once they found out is was a monster surveillance radar, we all realized they're taking this whole line of defense augmentation very seriously. Then shortly thereafter, the news of the Rezonance-E came out that Egypt had acquired it and then it made sense later why they also bought the German IRIS-T-SL.

The incredible part of all this is the crazy range. While the Resonance's range is up to 1100 km, it can track at 600 km which when you look at it if say they set up the radar somewhere near Suez City or Ain Sokhna, it would not only cover all of Israel lol, it goes way into Syria and then radii into most of Turkey and all the way around from there. This is truly impressive. Heck they'll be watching the F-35s parking into their hangers and when they leave and everything they do lol.


Couple that with the Protivnik surveillance radar, they're watching every single aircraft taking off, landing, taxiing and parking lol. Then the headquarters where command center is is beyond impressive. The capabilities of tracking and executing commands to other systems and aircraft is really the best thing to have to essentially avoid any kind of silly and ambitious surprise attack of any kind.

To boot, when they were showing all the attacks from drones and F-16s on the influx of terrorros coming across the western border, it's mind-boggling how they were able to see them and then nail them right at the border before they were able to get in too far. Then it all made sense as to how they were spotting all these intrusions.

When you look at all these powerful radars set up and layered with SAM systems as well as the EAF, there's also going to be the Bastion Coastal Defense Missile System and then it will be pretty tough coming anywhere close to Egypt's borders before being busted badly.

And as far as the F-35 spoofing and jamming and causing all kinds of havoc, don't forget that they're being watched the entire time, too and Egypt has its slew of EW networks that create a ton of problems. Heck the Rafales alone can alter the F-35s missions. Yeah, things aren't as they once were, that's for sure.
Also brother, we may see a radar in the future like Provitinik GE as members of other forums have said but we may have to wait a bit longer as EDEX was postponed.

And yeah, Egypt will most likely have space satellites able to have very high precision in the near future considering the developments that are there already. With that comes the ultimate intelligence gathering system, and the possibility of exporting very high precision satellites to close allies and making a profitable space industry.
Also brother, we may see a radar in the future like Provitinik GE as members of other forums have said but we may have to wait a bit longer as EDEX was postponed.

I heard, bro. It was the right and responsible decision 100% to postpone it under the circumstances. Wait until a successful vaccine is out and every one feels and is safe from this awful virus that has screwed up all our lives and then have it. By then, all the companies and potential buyers will be so hungry for something like that, that its success might even double up!

But what do you mean about "we may see a radar in the future like the Protivnik-GE? Did you mean an Egyptian-made one? Because the Protivnik GE is already in Egypt, ma man. It's part of this entire system with the Resonance-NE.



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