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This decision will haunt the court in times to come: Asma Jahangir

Indeed. I am sure we will be here to discuss the outcomes. Let us keep in mind who inflicted 62/63 on the hapless Constitution in the first place.

We can discuss it now.
With the precedent now set. The law is forever etched in our history.
Consider this as a political masterstroke and a parting shot by traditional right wing Pakistan Muslim league on people's party.

Its very ironic that this law instills discipline in the nation at times of economic terrorism. The very terrorism you and i oppose.
Areesh sb,

You are a wise and seasoned poster. Such anger esp against SAH sb does not behove well at all. Does it not strike you at all strange that the verdicts of courts fall against elected leaders only? That there are no court judgements against generals who overthrew elected govts, who broke up the country into two, who ensured that terrorists were running all over the place and involved Pakistan in international adventures which were not in its own interests? As an outsider, it sounds strange, that's all.

Just because EVERYONE that needs to be investigated and punished does not come to pass does not mean that NO ONE faces accountability.

Accountability has to start somewhere - if it was a General who was found guilty by the courts you would have people upset that the political leadership always goes free.

But the process after that was carefully orchestrated to its conclusion.
How so?
Selective justice is worse than no justice at all. The key failure, as before, will be in the follow through, until things come back to exactly where they were before, by design. Rinse. Repeat.
It's too early to argue selective justice. We'll have to wait and see if the SC's decision to remove a sitting Prime Minister will result in expanded investigations and trials against other politicians and bureaucrats and military.
Indians are feeling so down and behave as if Supreme Court of Pakistan has disqualified MODI there are no ifs and buts here the court heard the case and did not take decision earlier rather decided to carry on the investigation that too through a team which was formed as per wishes of Nawaz and company.
According to the article which you have mentioned he could have been kicked out already however since nobody filed any case against him so court did not take it up Once the case was opened and all the evidence led to money trail many things exposed

Indians have reasons to be disappointed because we need to know who we will deal with
- Zardari- man that guy was just something. When they were in power it was like dealing with a vaccum thermos. They didn't seem to have any interest in governing at all. It was like having a group of morons on the other side.

-Imran Khan- he's probably not bad for india but he really is a fully grown up man baby

-NS- from the time he came in there was some focus, some thiking (whther it favored us or not people were thinking), some kind of effort to create policy.
Indians have reasons to be disappointed because we need to know who we will deal with
- Zardari- man that guy was just something. When they were in power it was like dealing with a vaccum thermos. They didn't seem to have any interest in governing at all. It was like having a group of morons on the other side.

-Imran Khan- he's probably not bad for india but he really is a fully grown up man baby

-NS- from the time he came in there was some focus, some thiking (whther it favored us or not people were thinking), some kind of effort to create policy.

You will deal with Pakistan and a Pakistani

That's reason enough
But the process after that was carefully orchestrated to its conclusion.

Do you have any proof of that .......... or its simply because it happened in the past so it is happening again?

NS seriously failed to realise that a child born in 1990 in Pakistan is 27 years old today ....... a lot changed in between ........... Pakistan shifted from type writers to smart cell phones in hands of common people. But somehow NS the third timer failed to understand this.
It's too early to argue selective justice. We'll have to wait and see if the SC's decision to remove a sitting Prime Minister will result in expanded investigations and trials against other politicians and bureaucrats and military.

Quoted for the record. We will surely return to this once more time has passed.
Past history does not bode well for such a belief, Sir.
Unlike the past when the courts acted to legitimize coups or the President arbitrarily dismissed the PM, this is an 'independent' court, whose justices were appointed under a constitutional formula that the PPP and PMLN came to an agreement on. The accused argued their case (horribly), made glaring errors and lost. The courts have not dismissed the elected parliament, just the individuals accused.

To Nawaz Sharif's credit (for now), he's choosing to respect the court decision and step down while possibly continuing to appeal it in the proper forum.

- Zardari- man that guy was just something. When they were in power it was like dealing with a vaccum thermos. They didn't seem to have any interest in governing at all. It was like having a group of morons on the other side.
Unfortunately Sindh is still governed like that. The problem is not just Zardari, but everyone he has surrounded himself with.

The PPP is a political party that doesn't care about building support outside of their constituencies in Sindh. They have no motivation to demonstrate good governance or ideas. They will continue to hand out sops such as bus services where buses go missing after a few months and schools staffed by ghost employees and a bloated bureaucracy staffed by hundreds of thousands of unqualified loyalists who will vote (and get their families to vote) for the PPP to continue being given handouts. The remainder of the vote will be brought in by the Feudal class suppressing their locals.

Governance in Sindh at the hands of the PPP is a tragedy.

As per those articles the ruler of Pakistan should be truthful, honest and clean. Now if requiring your rulers to be truthful, honest and clean is shara law then be it.

But oh wait. Even those western media want their rulers and politicians to be truthful, honest and clean. This bogey of Sharia law isn't going to work with them either.

Most of western media is supporting this decision and these hypocrites of Karachi post should know that scaring western media with sharia law thing won't work.
Indians have reasons to be disappointed because we need to know who we will deal with
- Zardari- man that guy was just something. When they were in power it was like dealing with a vaccum thermos. They didn't seem to have any interest in governing at all. It was like having a group of morons on the other side.

-Imran Khan- he's probably not bad for india but he really is a fully grown up man baby

-NS- from the time he came in there was some focus, some thiking (whther it favored us or not people were thinking), some kind of effort to create policy.
when we show disappointment with same reasons with regard to Modi you indians go bonkers and call us obsessed.
anyway for your information NS decides that his brother Shahbaz Sharif will replace him as PM till next election.
for the rest of your post NS government has no foreign policy so far focus or no focusedm
As per those articles the ruler of Pakistan should be truthful, honest and clean. Now if requiring your rulers to be truthful, honest and clean is shara law then be it.

But oh wait. Even those western media want their rulers and politicians to be truthful, honest and clean. This bogey of Sharia law isn't going to work with them either.

Most of western media is supporting this decision and these hypocrites of Karachi post should know that scaring western media with sharia law thing won't work.

I think an intern got an American president impeached under American Sharia. What were the accusations again?
I think an intern got an American president impeached under American Sharia. What were the accusations again?

Exactly. In America and the west rulers get kicked out for smallest of the reasons. Article 62/63 requires you to bee sadiq and amin which is also a requirement for all rulers in America and the West.

I know these guys of Karachi post. They are scums and hypocrites of the highest order.
Indians are feeling so down and behave as if Supreme Court of Pakistan has disqualified MODI there are no ifs and buts here the court heard the case and did not take decision earlier rather decided to carry on the investigation that too through a team which was formed as per wishes of Nawaz and company.
According to the article which you have mentioned he could have been kicked out already however since nobody filed any case against him so court did not take it up Once the case was opened and all the evidence led to money trail many things exposed
Our asset is removed. No wonder we are perturbed.
- Zardari- man that guy was just something. When they were in power it was like dealing with a vaccum thermos. They didn't seem to have any interest in governing at all. It was like having a group of morons on the other side.

-Imran Khan- he's probably not bad for india but he really is a fully grown up man baby

-NS- from the time he came in there was some focus, some thiking (whther it favored us or not people were thinking), some kind of effort to create policy.

Very interesting observations and I agree with all of them.
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