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This decision will haunt the court in times to come: Asma Jahangir

Ofcourse not.
The whole of Pakistan is like pumped with sugar like a kid.
People express happiness in quite peculiar ways
I am happy at PM's removal as well, however SAH made strong points. Agreeing and disagreeing is part of debate, abuses are not.
I am happy at PM's removal as well, however SAH made strong points. Agreeing and disagreeing is part of debate, abuses are not.

His voice is a sane voice.
Serves as a reminder we should go for corruption as a whole rather than just one dynasty.
But to malign a court's decision by saying its selective is highly disrespectful to me a a citizen of Pakistan.

High time we keep things casual rather than falling from one political coup to another.

And as far as the armed forces are concerned. As of now they have their own judicial system and far efficient compared to this year long drama.

But improvements are necessary for survival of any system
But to malign a court's decision by saying its selective is highly disrespectful to me a a citizen of Pakistan.
Only time can tell if it was selective or not. But i was referring to his first comment from where some posters started abusing him.
Indians have reasons to know and when they see the reasoning they might be worried, my guesstimate to your concern but I'm not feeling low, I'm just curious.

Another reason could be your justice system since one of our is trapped in your jail and we are fighting in ICJ for him, - OT ends.

So I'm curious.
So your post sounds Indians were banking on
NS for Kalbhushan. and Pakistanis were right about NS. so yes your concern is understandable.
Thoere uld be m/any more other more anti corruption laws to prevent a man forget PM from assuming high office. But you said no case was filed until IK tried so but it could be as simple as PIL to take down a government if anyone wants to and to my knowledge there are many great people in Pakistan who would do it for their country.

I am just curious why this was not taken up earlier? And any judgement should instill public trust in freedom then faith in the courts.

I am asking, will this encourage a common Pakistani to go against the leaders or this won't. I think that's the thing that needs to be discussed as a fallout.

But I leave to you and your countrymen.
in my opinion this verdict have pave way for others to take such cases to the court.
if this process stops here then there is no use of this struggle.

Sir, the courts have indeed been used many times in the past to deliver blows to those governments that have been deemed to have fallen out of favor with the true overlords, many times, under various pretexts of necessity and accountability. What has happened now is just another chapter from the same book.

I am fine with this temporary show of enthusiasm and idealism, for it is to be expected, but we will be talking about the same issues again with the next chosen circus act in the not too distant future.

The selectivity here is in letting some jaywalkers go, but not others, and catching some thieves, but not others.

Please see the above.
Those who have an issue with this verdict they should drag those others whom you think have been let go, to the courts.
past cannot be compared to this one.
Lets see what the future brings.

Indeed. I am sure we will be here to discuss the outcomes. Let us keep in mind who inflicted 62/63 on the hapless Constitution in the first place.
It's not Supreme Court's job to end Corruption in Pak. It's the duty of the Electable leaders. But we got ch...ya leaders.
The courts have to play a role - accusations of corruption have to be proven in a court of law.
Pakistan has a history of celebrating such steps in haste, only to repent the consequences in leisure, and is repeating this history, content in not learning from it.
So you would rather the courts ignore accusations of corruption and/or illegal activity brought before them for adjudication?
So you would rather the courts ignore accusations of corruption and/or illegal activity brought before them for adjudication?

I'd rather that the courts get cases to adjudicate by due and fair process, and not by those who select what accusations of illegal activity to be brought before them or not, and the timing thereof.
you think so? NZS is not a fraction of the corruption that Zardari and co showed. WHy did they target only him?
Zardari's coterie has been targeted in Sindh through the normal process (non-JIT). The Sharif's got unlucky because of the Panama Papers, the unrelenting push by Imran Khan and the appointment of a JIT.

Zardari is worried which is why the PPP passed a law attempting to remove NAB's jurisdiction over politicians in Sindh and has been actively working to undermine the authority of the widely respected IGP Sindh.

I'd rather that the courts get cases to adjudicate by due and fair process, and not by those who select what accusations of illegal activity to be brought before them or not, and the timing thereof.
The 'timing' was bad because of the Panama papers, whose release was not controlled by anyone in Pakistan.
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