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These French-Made Pakistani Missiles Could Sink an Aircraft Carrier

still not enough. Indonesian Navy tested C705 (130kg warhead) against a small supply ship and it still floats, until a torpedo sends it breaking in two.

Indonesia also tested MM40 exocet and chinese C802 against an LST (ex-KRI TELUK SEMANGKA), it still floats. you'll need bigger warheads against an aircraft carrier

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Not to mention PN just fired at least 3 missiles to sink an old frigate. An AC wont sink easily, but crippling or damaging it should be enough to have it exit the war.
Pakistan has a carrier killer missile in it's inventory the CM-400AKG. Its hypersonic @4+ MACH so better than exocet.

In my opinion if there ever will be a engagement PN will use torpedoes to attack via subs since highly unlikely the aircraft carrier will be brought near Pakistani seas and submarines are the only asset that can venture into Indian seas for offensive role.

Nevertheless hope it never comes to this because if such targets being engaged means the conflict would be at a such a escalation that both sides will be suffering huge losses.
Not exactly sink Aircraft carrier ... although some precision hits might disable the operations
The AShM missiles being designed and developed now no longer cater to the WWII like goal of sinking the entire warship. The modern AShMs are designed to hit the ships in the areas that are used for C4I. By disabling these assets on the ships, you render the platform ineffective. It would require additional ships to come to the disabled asset's aid thus depleting more resources.

Imagine the Indian aircraft carrier disabled and marooned on the high seas and the ensuing effort to recover it.

The attack on USS Stark is a perfect example of what can be done to render a capability ineffective.
The AShM missiles being designed and developed now no longer cater to the WWII like goal of sinking the entire warship. The modern AShMs are designed to hit the ships in the areas that are used for C4I. By disabling these assets on the ships, you render the platform ineffective. It would require additional ships to come to the disabled asset's aid thus depleting more resources.

Imagine the Indian aircraft carrier disabled and marooned on the high seas and the ensuing effort to recover it.

The attack on USS Stark is a perfect example of what can be done to render a capability ineffective.

What u have written abt the modern Ashm might be true but
One cant in even dreams imagine Pakistan military capable of disabling or marooning Indian AC...
Whole PN will be at bottom of sea if ever comes out of hiding during war times.
What u have written abt the modern Ashm might be true but
One cant in even dreams imagine Pakistan military capable of disabling or marooning Indian AC...
Whole PN will be at bottom of sea if ever comes out of hiding during war times.
And your all Navy also sink by our all anti ship missiles from land sea air subsurface as a result
still not enough. Indonesian Navy tested C705 (130kg warhead) against a small supply ship and it still floats, until a torpedo sends it breaking in two.

Indonesia also tested MM40 exocet and chinese C802 against an LST (ex-KRI TELUK SEMANGKA), it still floats. you'll need bigger warheads against an aircraft carrier


To sink
It you will fire multiple and any way you need multiple shots to defeat ship defenses in the first place

A million dollar missile like Exocet Abd 3/5 per Ship to take out 50-200 million Ship is a bargain

lastly a direct hit on ship magazine may just need a single round of missile
To sink
It you will fire multiple and any way you need multiple shots to defeat ship defenses in the first place

A million dollar missile like Exocet Abd 3/5 per Ship to take out 50-200 million Ship is a bargain

lastly a direct hit on ship magazine may just need a single round of missile

I believe even if you dont sink it, and sinking shouldnt be the aim, an AShM does inflict serious damage to an extent that, that particular ship cannot atleast take part in further operations.

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