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These French-Made Pakistani Missiles Could Sink an Aircraft Carrier

Specifically, India's aircraft carrier.

by Caleb Larson
In the event of a naval war between Pakistan and India, the Pakistan Navy could use these missiles to strike India’s only aircraft carrier.


The original Exocet missile and its variants are Pakistan’s primary anti-ship missile—and it is difficult for ships to defend against. The Exocet was developed in France in the late 1960s as a short-range anti-ship missile capable of being fired from air, land, and sea.

The Exocet was designed to be difficult both to intercept and to detect—the missile has a very low trajectory. After launch, it stays low near the surface of the ocean, both to avoid detection by enemy radar, avoid visual contact, and prevent interception by close-in weapon systems.


Though the production of the original Exocet variant ended in 2002, Pakistan is believed to still have a number of the anti-ship missiles stocked. Its range was somewhat limited, just forty kilometers, or about twenty-five miles and was intended to be ship launched.


The SM39 is the only submarine-launched variant of the Exocet family and can be launched from Pakistan’s Agosta-class submarines, also purchased from France and built with French assistance.

The SM39 is ideal for submarines with an insufficient height to launch missiles vertically. The SM39 is launched from torpedo tubes in a watertight container that then ejects the missile into the air upon contact with the surface. The Pakistan Navy test-fired the SM39 in 2001 in the Arabian Sea.


The AM39 update included navigational improvements and is air-launched, giving helicopters and aircraft at sea an anti-ship capability. An evasive maneuvering capability was also added to the system, decreasing the effectiveness of an opponent’s anti-missile systems.


By increasing the length of the MM40, Pakistan was able to add more propellant to the missile, thereby increasing its range. In addition to terminal-phase evasive maneuvers, the MM40 is capable of skimming the surface of the ocean—only two to three meters above the surface, or about six to ten feet, helping the missile to avoid radar detection and interception.

INS Vikramaditya

In the event of a war with India, it could be assumed that Pakistan would target India’s INS Vikramaditya, India’s only aircraft carrier.

The Vikramaditya was originally christened in the Soviet Navy as the Baku in 1987. Though purchased from Russia in 2004, a nine-year delay was caused by unanticipated refurbishments which caused the purchase price to double to over $2 billion.

However, the Vikramaditya’s does have a close-in defense system. The Vikramaditya is equipped with both Israeli-developed Barak surface-to-air missiles that can defend incoming anti-ship missiles, as well as the AK-360 close-in defense system, which is a 6-barreled 30-millimeter gun. The Barak system is in use on a number of Indian Navy ships and is theoretically an effective system. The AK-360 has been in use since the mid-1970s and is presumed to be reliable.

Still, losing the Vikramaditya would be a significant blow to the Indian Navy in both material and capability terms, as well as a significant psychological blow.

Caleb Larson holds a Master of Public Policy degree from the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy. He lives in Berlin and writes on U.S. and Russian foreign and defense policy, German politics, and culture

Image: Reuters


The writer has to gather some sort of a solid proposition to be able to address the audience. These video game scenarios where xyz missile has such and such capability - doesn't portray much. To top it all, he mentions the target as Indian Navy Aircraft carrier, an icing for his article. There is no planning, no strategy, no specific medium mentioned for deliverance of missile and the constraints faced by that medium, no mention of geographical deployment of Aircraft carrier whether defensive or offensive (in fact a total of 7 lines for description of aircraft carrier) and the list of missiles used by PN is incomplete.

I think he wrote this article just to stir up some comedy.
who owns this nationalinterest?
Basically the US deep state. It is owned by a policy think tank 'Center for the National Interest' founded by the former US president Ricahrd Nixon. Current president is a Russian born Dimitri Simes. Its viewpoint is higly right leaning and towards neoconservatism.
We dint need to sedn the Su 30mkis to your country, the old Mig 21 with Indian pilots was more than match for the 2 seater F16 that got hit by the R73.(Doosra pilot, Asif Ghafoor, , CMH Hospitaaal, Pakadagaya, Forgot?)

Are you seriously that delusional?
We dint need to sedn the Su 30mkis to your country, the old Mig 21 with Indian pilots was more than match for the 2 seater F16 that got hit by the R73.(Doosra pilot, Asif Ghafoor, , CMH Hospitaaal, Pakadagaya, Forgot?)
good, by believing in your bulls#it it can help release stress. but it remains bulls#it nonetheless.
Either I am or It was Asif Ghafoor who is. You decide.

I guess abhinandan must have shot it down with his mind, since yanno, we have all of the missiles. Lets think about this logically. Why would we use an AMRAAM in a WVR fight? Might i remind you, we have your missiles here :)
YJ83-200Km max

Both subsonic,

Standoff range of Mig 29k, when including launch and return, 1000km. i.e

not to mention the CIWS, and Barak point defense. The whole Pak navy will dissapear with one sorty from the Mig29Ks. Not to to mention Naval LCA would mean cheap fighters in large numbers.
We have sub launched version of exocet with a range of 180 km
Ahh you're not playing video game kid and with weapons Mig-29 have much less range (combat radius) 500-600 km and its all about tactics/strategies to how to defeat bigger enemy get out of your falsehood kid

We dint need to sedn the Su 30mkis to your country, the old Mig 21 with Indian pilots was more than match for the 2 seater F16 that got hit by the R73.(Doosra pilot, Asif Ghafoor, , CMH Hospitaaal, Pakadagaya, Forgot?)
Why obsessed with doosra pilots this false conspiracy were already debunk here and old junk mig21 was better than f16 block 52 than next time you say your piston engine primary trainer is better than F-22/F35 what retarded person you're

Either I am or It was Asif Ghafoor who is. You decide.
Reported for your crap go drink some cow urine than your brain should work but unfortunately your mental illness has no cure
Take a look, you decide for yourself.
Man,,.. u guys r good with movies and videos.. i'll give u that.. In ur clips, u r the sole hope for humanity against any invasion, from any enemy, be it frm this world or outside.. SHAKKKKTTTTTTIIIIIIIIMAAAANNNNN..


We dint need to sedn the Su 30mkis to your country, the old Mig 21 with Indian pilots was more than match for the 2 seater F16 that got hit by the R73.(Doosra pilot, Asif Ghafoor, , CMH Hospitaaal, Pakadagaya, Forgot?)
Btw why u don't tell these secrets to ur MODI G, who is crying infront of the world and making excuse that they got their azz handed to them because they were not having rafale..
And ur air chief marshal bhadauria should be taught that u guys(the bollywood effected indians) are spreading a different story so he should not say anything other then ur version of the story..
YJ83-200Km max

Both subsonic,

Standoff range of Mig 29k, when including launch and return, 1000km. i.e

not to mention the CIWS, and Barak point defense. The whole Pak navy will dissapear with one sorty from the Mig29Ks. Not to to mention Naval LCA would mean cheap fighters in large numbers.

Oye bollywood behind the screen hero give it a rest and stop day dreaming so much !!
We too have Harpoons and Exocets in service.... Exocets are deadly always.... if these Exocets can sink air craft carrier then imagine what our Exocets will do to enemy comparatively small warships....

Sink . What else?
well it depends, a single missile hit by Exocet small payload will not do much to an aircraft carrier.

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